Ch 57: The tug of unspoken feelings.

It was merely a hug, yet Haruki's heart was literally a blazing inferno within his chest.

Was this normal? Should he feel this jittery? Suddenly, uncertainty clouded his mind, leaving him bewildered.

Or perhaps he just felt too overjoyed. But why though? Ken was still, well, Ken. Even after a month apart, Ginger appeared unchanged. Maybe save the missing specs which almost never left his nose in the past... and potentially another 'tiny' growth spurt?

Never had Haruki imagined a day when he'd have to look 'up' at his friend.

"Sorry for ambushing you," Kentaro whispered near Haruki's ear, gently swaying them both. He had no intention of ending their embrace so soon. "I wanted to hug you when I saw you earlier, but held back since I didn't want to embarrass you in front of Auntie."

"And why would I be embarrassed?" Haruki's voice barely surpassed a mosquito's buzz, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson.

"If you had approached me instead, I would have gladly welcomed you with open arms," Ken smiled. "But you froze right up as soon as you saw me, remember?"

"Th-That's because I never expected to see you out of the blue! And you were holding a tray, so..." Haruki trailed off as Ginger chuckled, then pulled back a little to glare up at him. "You don't believe me, huh?"

"No, no," Kentaro innocently shook his head, struggling to conceal the upward curve of his lips. Clearing his throat, he added, "I'm very happy knowing you considered taking the first step, even if you didn't follow through."

"You make it sound like you're always the one coming to me."

"Am I not?" Ginger feigned surprise.

"You..." having pondered for an extended moment, Haruki finally conjured the perfect retort. "Don't forget it was me who pulled you out of the shadows once upon a time, brat."

It took a minute for Kentaro to grasp his friend's reference, and when he did, a hint of distress flickered across his expression. "That was... two years ago, dude."

"It still counts."

Observing how stubbornly Haruki clung to that unreasonable justification, Kentaro sighed helplessly. Did Haru really have to give him these kinds of cute expressions? At this rate, nothing would change.

The incessant tug in Ginger's heart intensified, refusing to subside. And why would it, when he now knew exactly the kind of feelings he had for his bestfriend?

You were right, Hiro. I really do have a crush on him; he thought.

Dropping his head onto Haruki's shoulder once more, Kentaro released an even heavier sigh. "It's really... no use."

"What's no use?" Haruki, oblivious to the other's current turmoil, chuckled.

"Hm, I'm not telling you."

Still smiling to himself, Haruki was about to coax Ginger into meeting his gaze when he suddenly became acutely aware of their lingering embrace. Why... were they still glued together like this?

It made sense when they first hugged, a reunion between friends who hadn't seen each other in a while. But how long had it been since then? Why was the 'hug' ongoing?

Kentaro even had them swaying, mirroring those couples on television. And that... Wait, COUPLE?!

Why was that the first thing he thought of???

However, Haruki's internal episode was abruptly interrupted by Kentaro's sudden remark. "I'm exhausted, Haru."

"Is that why you keep on leaning on me when there's a perfectly good bed right there? You're heavier than you realize, you know."

"Too far," Kentaro complained.

It's just two steps away; Haruki thought incredulously. Yet, despite his disbelief, he indulged his friend and responsibly guided him to lie down.

Ginger collapsed onto the bed, lifeless like a discarded fish, remaining motionless for a few initial seconds. Only when Haruki joined him on the bed, perching beside him, did Ken shift from his face-down position.

"What really happened back there?"

"Mr. Nakamura happened. Finally put the Haradas in their place," Ken replied with a snicker, adjusting his position to sleep on his side and gain a better view of his companion. "It was satisfying to watch them at a disadvantage for once."

Meanwhile, Haruki thought: I'm still surprised that Gramps managed to pull it off at all.

"Did you know?" Kentaro suddenly asked. "About your grandfather, I mean."

"If I did, I wouldn't have kept you waiting for so long," Haruki laughed weakly. "I only discovered it yesterday."

"You really are unconcerned about your background," came Ginger's comment.

"Well, everything turned out fine in the end, didn't it?" was Haruki's sullen retort before a more pressing matter crossed his mind. "By the way, what happened to your arm?"

He had been curious about the injury ever since he first noticed the cast.

"This little thing," Ginger responded, unconsciously lifting his injured arm to examine it. "I had a fight with my brother and his friends a while ago."

Haruki had initially assumed the injury was related to Satoshi Harada, so he was taken aback to learn it wasn't.

"You thought it was the chairman, didn't you?" Ginger easily discerned his reaction.

"Oh, no, I..." Haruki tactfully continued, clearing his throat. "Why did you suddenly end up fighting?"

Ken's lips curled into a sneer. "They irritated me, that's all. And even though they cheated, I still won."

"Cheated?" Haruki chuckled at first, unable to contain his amusement. However, as his friend recounted the full story, the humor faded away. A steel pipe? I oughtta go there and finish the job...

"Haruki, your bloodlust is showing," Ginger laughed, finally offering him an assuring smile. "I'm completely fine now. It was never anything serious, so you can spare the blazer."

It was only then that Haruki snapped out of his thoughts. He gazed down at the now crumpled piece of clothing he had held onto since earlier, sighing regretfully. He would have to iron it now. It had already been slightly wrinkled from their embrace, but now it was simply unwearable.

"And your glasses?"

"They broke during the fight."

"You really weren't messing around," Haruki applauded.

"If you were in my place, you wouldn't have gotten hurt at all," Ginger pitifully shook his head. "I guess I'm still not as strong as I hoped to be."

Tossing the blazer randomly somewhere, Haruki raised an eyebrow in displeasure and crossed his arms. "You're just trying to annoy me, aren't you?"

"Now that I'm back, it's only natural."

Right. Now that you're here... "I should return this," Haruki stated suddenly, rising from the bed.

Kentaro didn't understand what the other was referring to and silently watched as Haruki retrieved something from his table drawer. It was his cellphone.

"I'm not sure if it helped, but I forwarded 'those texts' to Gramps yesterday," Haruki explained as he handed over the device and retook his seat. "Figured... they could be used as evidence."

For a long while, the ginger-haired teen remained silent, simply staring at the device now back in his hands where it rightfully belonged. It lasted so long that Haruki started feeling a bit uneasy for some unknown reason.

"I-I completely understand if you're angry. It was an invasion of privacy and..."

He trailed off as Ginger let out a small chuckle, instantly dispelling any lingering tension.

"Thank you," Kentaro's eyes softened as he spoke, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "For everything, I truly mean it."

"Oh, uh..." Haruki discreetly averted his gaze and awkwardly scratched his temple, his heart inexplicably racing once again. "Well, it was nothing. I didn't really do anything important. Gramps did all the work, after all—"

"But you... seem to have gotten shorter again."


So that was it, then. There would never be a serious moment between them as long as they were together, huh?

Haruki's smile strained, and an indescribable gaze settled upon Ginger. "Excuse me?"

"You've lost muscle mass, too," Ken pointed out.

Haruki could no longer muster a smile. "Impossible."

"I'm serious," Ken's lips twitched as he struggled to contain his laughter.

"You..." Haruki shot up from his seat and quickly gave himself a once-over, incredulous. "That can't be. Do you have any idea how hard I work? I'm on the basketball team, for crying out loud. I'm pushed relentlessly every single day!"

"Ah, no more judo?" Ken genuinely appeared taken aback. Haruki had always been passionate about martial arts. Even when they were deciding which high school to attend, Haruki had mentioned his intention to join a martial arts club once he got in.

Witnessing the other's reaction, Haruki's confidence deflated significantly. "Should I not have joined another club?"

"No, no, it's just... it suits you," Ginger nodded with satisfaction, though it was evident he was teasing once again. Even his response sounded oddly familiar.

"I see what you're doing."

"What? I think it's great that you've finally decided to try new things," Ken remarked. "Tell me about it. How's the new school?"

Haruki regarded him with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, unsure if Ginger was serious. However, seeing the genuine interest in Ginger's eyes, accompanied by his subtle shift closer, as if preparing to hear an interesting tale, Haruki easily relented.

"It's really not all that," he replied while sitting back on the bed, searching his mind for just the right words. "For now, it's not so different from middle school. There are fewer breaks and a heavier workload, which adds unnecessary pressure, but that's about it."

"Have you made new friends?" inquired Ginger.

"En, and they're really nice people."

"Then... anyone you're into?"

Haruki was genuinely unprepared for a question like that, especially coming from this friend of his, yet he still managed to maintain his composed demeanor somehow. He was certain Kentaro had never asked him something like this so directly before, so it took a minute for Haru to formulate a response.

"It's still early in the term, so not yet. I haven't really found anyone who... interests me, you know."


Feeling heat start to creep up on his face again, Haruki's eyes shifted from Ginger's probing gaze. "I mean, if I'm being honest, the girls there are pretty. Way prettier than those from our middle school."

"Oh?" Ken smiled, propping his cheek on his hand. "In that case, finding yourself a girlfriend won't be difficult at all."

Hearing that, a twinge of discomfort tugged at the other's chest, casting a shadow over his mood. Of course, if anyone else had said these words, Haruki wouldn't have been bothered in the least. But coming directly from Ginger's lips, the words hit differently and the older teen couldn't help mumbling; "It's not always about someone's looks."

"Really? I always assumed you were into the 'cute' type," Ginger remarked, his gaze drifting down to the bed cover, while he doodled imaginary shapes with his free hand.

"When did I ever mention that?"

"I guessed, considering how you used to say it was a waste whenever I turned down confessions from 'cute' girls back then," came Ken's cool response.

But it doesn't necessarily mean I was into them; Haruki thought. Feeling the annoyance within himself begin to slowly escalate, he decided to steer the conversation away from that topic. His friend had just returned; it was too damn early for them to start aggravating each other.

"Then I guess only time will tell."

Fortunately, Kentaro didn't press further on the matter. Instead, he was rather curious to know how his friend had chosen basketball as his sport of choice, and Haruki recounted his initial curiosity in finding the game interesting to watch. Haruki also shared details about the new friends he'd made, hoping that when Ginger eventually met them, he would grow to enjoy their company. The irritation from their previous discussion gradually dissipated since Haruki felt happier reconnecting with his friend this way.

In exchange, Kentaro gave a detailed account of his experiences at the Harada mansion, particularly how he's failed to keep his promise of 'staying out of trouble' and acquired the reputation of a "menace". Engaging in fights wasn't the only form of retaliation he resorted to. Ginger had also managed to embarrass the Haradas thoroughly on numerous occasions during some of the expeditions he was reluctantly dragged into due to his "intellectual prowess." The situation had deteriorated to the point where even Satoshi believed it was best if the stubborn teenager didn't speak at all.

Kentaro sounded far from apologetic as he recounted these incidents, relishing in the freedom he felt by being a thorn in the Haradas' side during his time at the dreadful estate.

The acts of defiance were oddly satisfying.

Haruki found himself torn between admiration and guilt for wholeheartedly supporting Kentaro's actions. Then again, these were the same people who had inflicted suffering upon Kentaro and his mother, so he couldn't help but also feel a sense of indifference.

If Ryuji Nakamura hadn't succeeded, who knew when they would have the opportunity to have conversations like these—free from worries and anxiety.

"How much longer does it have to be in there?" Haruki suddenly asked, referring to the bandage-clad arm. He noticed the way Ginger consistently stroked it, a habit he likely developed during his recovery. Did it still hurt badly?

"Two more weeks... if not three," Kentaro replied with a regretful sigh. "It would have been removed sooner if I had managed to avoid trouble. How annoying."

An expression of fondness and care formed on Haruki's face, causing the involuntary upward-curve of his lips. He reached out to lightly touch the smooth yet rigid surface of the cast, speaking softly, "Must be uncomfortable."

And it really was. Ginger missed having to move his arm as he pleased, without wincing every few seconds. Though much of the pain had subsided since the initial injury, it remained persistently aggravating.

Currently, however, Kentaro was too distracted to feel anything other than the intense pounding of his own heart while the other person felt up his bandaged arm.

Haruki was doing it again. The guy seemed blissfully unaware of the kinds of expressions that crossed his face at times. If he had been conscious of them, he wouldn't have subjected Kentaro to such torment. If anyone else had been in Ginger's position, they would have also folded, right?

... But was there really going to be someone else?

"Then I guess only time will tell."

Yes it would, but Ginger didn't want that to happen.

"Did it hurt just now?"

Ken snapped to as the other person's voice suddenly pierced through, their gaze filled with concern. Haruki must have said something, but Ginger hadn't heard a word while battling his own demons. "What?"

"I asked because you were quiet all of a sudden."

"No," Kentaro replied, his gaze shifting slightly. "I did mention earlier that I was tired, so maybe sleep is finally catching up to me. I am a little thirsty though..."

Haruki hummed in understanding and remained seated, quietly waiting for the other person to rise and go help himself to a glass of water or something. Yet Ginger also just sat there, staring at him with a sparkling set of eyes.

The implication couldn't be more obvious.

"I don't remember you mentioning any issues with your legs, bud," Haruki finally deadpanned.

"I've been on the road the entire day today," Ken whined pathetically. "Please?"

"Geez," the other didn't argue anymore and stood up to go fetch him something to drink from the kitchen. "Be back in a sec."

With a nod, Ginger obediently watched Haruki leave the room with a smile. Once the door closed firmly behind the other person, Kentaro plopped back onto his back, hands covering his ripened cherry face as he grumbled internally: Akihiro, you bastard. This is all your fault!

He could have blissfully lived in ignorance of his feelings for Haruki, but now it was too late. If Haru truly found himself a girlfriend in the future, then what?


The moment the door clicked shut, Haruki exhaled deeply.

This was a problem. He was about sixty to seventy percent certain that his feelings for Ginger probably went beyond platonic, which would explain a lot, honestly.

But when had things suddenly changed? After Ginger's departure? Perhaps even before that?

Forcing his legs to move and continuing towards the staircase, Haruki pondered over it. Was it during Satoshi Harada's unexpected visit? No, wait, Haru had already been a bundle of nerves by then. So, before that?

Or maybe that time I was sick and Ginger took care of me? he wondered.

That was also the day Kentaro mentioned his father coming to town and suggested 'maintaining distance'. Haruki remembered not being a fan of the idea, so maybe it was around that time...

Regardless, this newfound realization couldn't be taken lightly and Haruki really didn't know how to proceed from there.
