Ch 64: Not his.

"You holding up okay over there?"

Haruki's voice broke through Kentaro's thoughts, drawing his attention to the older teen approaching him. Kentaro suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, having gotten used to Haruki's playful jabs that sometimes bordered on treating him like a weak, sickly patient. Still, he occasionally conjured up witty responses to humor his friend.

"I'm afraid your concerns are long overdue, sir," Kentaro quipped, a hint of amusement lacing his voice.

His cast had been removed some time before their mid-terms, providing him with a welcome relief. He didn't miss the restrictive and stifling experience of spending over a month with that cumbersome thing. Even so, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for the sweet and somewhat strange "get well soon" messages he had received from his newfound friends during that time, messages that had shown a level of comfort and familiarity that caught him off guard.

The discomfort he felt when he first laid eyes on his exposed limb, once the off-white casing had been removed, was unforgettable. Despite having researched enough about what to expect after cast removal, he hadn't been mentally prepared for the sight of his arm—pale, flaky, weak, and somewhat repulsive. The middle-aged doctor had reassured him that it was within the ordinary, and with exercise and proper care, his arm would return to its former strength within a few weeks.

Looking his arm now, he could see that it really was mostly back to normal. By the time mid-terms had arrived, Kentaro had sufficiently caught up with his peers in terms of knowledge, if his impressive scores were anything to go by. He'd had enough time to readjust to using his right hand, flexing his fingers, and regaining tolerable dexterity.

"You wound me, Ginger. When have I ever not been concerned about your well-being?" Haruki feigned hurt, playfully tossing a head of lettuce towards Kentaro, who caught it with ease. As Haruki placed the rest of the produce he had retrieved into the cart, he scanned the surroundings and asked for what seemed like the thirteenth time, "Where did those two run off to again?"

Kentaro was equally clueless.

Today was designated as family dinner night, an occasion that apparently necessitated a grocery shopping trip, according to Maki Fukuda's decree. However, with Akashi currently out of town on a business trip to Nagoya, representing both himself and his wife, the evening was supposed to be about "mother-son bonding"—whatever that meant.

"You'd think they'd stick around for the 'bonding' part, but we're the ones who've been doing all the work here," Haruki complained half-heartedly, lacking any real bite.

Having been practically threatened by his own mother to tag along for the shopping spree, Haru couldn't believe that both she and Miss Nomura had provided them with a list of items needed and promptly made themselves scarce. He wasn't even sure if they were still in the same supermarket.

Kentaro hummed noncommittally with a shrug. "They are bonding, though. Just not with us."

The connection between those two women had become inseparable in recent days, especially since Maki Fukuda had been taking advantage of her days off work. While most of her female acquaintances or friends worked in the same company, there was always a polite distance between them due to Maki's superior position as their boss.

Getting along with the men was easier for her, mostly thanks to her husband. Somehow, it felt more natural for Maki to connect with the guys, perhaps because she had grown up surrounded by brothers.

Yumiko, on the other hand, was a free spirit. Her open curiosity belonged to a person who was genuinely discovering the outside world for the first time in years. Naturally, Maki was eager to show her new places. She felt like she had found a little sister and was determined to keep her by her side. Yumiko also proved to be a great gossip partner.

Even Haruki had gotten over the initial awkwardness of not quite knowing how to interact with his best friend's mother. Yumiko had also been uncertain of how to regard the person whose opinions and determination had mostly contributed to her freedom and all. It was one thing for her to speak fondly of Haruki while he wasn't around, and completely another to actually be in the same room with him and interact, without Ken's interference or encouragement.

Yumiko knew she owed a lot to the older teen, but Haruki never made her feel obliged. His kindness came naturally, as he had always wanted to meet and get to know her.

"Yeah, well, we're almost done here, so if they still want to run around, they could just leave us the car keys. I'm sure they wouldn't mind catching a cab," Haruki's gaze wandered over the different brands of rice on the closest shelf as he spoke.

The fiery-haired teen snorted in response. "You say that as if you know how to drive— the one on the left is more delicious."

Grabbing the package his friend had recommended, Haruki placed it in the cart and moved on. "I'm seriously considering learning."

He'd still had to wait until he turned eighteen to officially get his license, but starting his driving lessons early wouldn't hurt.

"Akihiro wanted to teach me, actually, but Mr. Harada said no," Kentaro stated casually, wheeling their cart alongside a preoccupied Haruki, who was leading them to another aisle, muttering something about 'sauce'.

"Huh, why refuse?" Haruki was baffled.

Kentaro shrugged his shoulders. "He's a strange man. Who knows what he was thinking."


"The Harada Estate's large, and there was more than enough space and roads for practice, but the man behaved as if Hiro and I planned on breaking the law or something. I mean, I know he's petty, but we hadn't expected him to flat refuse like that. It was a little unreasonable."

"Yeah, just a little," Haruki scoffed, then waved a hand carelessly. "Maybe he wanted to teach you himself."

"I can't even picture it," the fiery-haired teen openly cringed.

"It'd make sense though," slowing to a stop before a certain isle, Haruki reached for a specific brand of soy sauce which was on a high shelf. He hadn't expected the shelves to be a little higher than they looked and actually began to strain a bit, forcing him to stand on tiptoe to finally successfully grab it.

What the hell? Why are these shelves so freaking high? Which smartass decided it was a good idea to construct shelves like these anyway...

His train of thought interrupted when he noticed a faint amusement flicker across Ginger's face. The younger teen quickly averted his gaze, pretending to cough with a lightly clenched fist against his lips. It was clear he was stifling laughter.

"Very funny," Haruki deadpanned, tossing the bottle into the cart. "These shelves are too high, and you know it."

"I didn't say anything..." came Ginger's innocent reply.

"Anyway," Haruki continued, turning on his heel to resume their conversation, reluctantly letting go of the shelf height issue. "I was saying it would make sense in a way. It could be a great way to bond if the man wanted to personally teach you."

"Or he just thought it was an unnecessary skill at the moment, seeing as I'd have a chauffeur or body guard to drive me places," Ken said impassively as he scanned the contents of their trolley before glancing around. "The meat freezers are over there. What did Aunty say we needed?"

"I'm... not sure..." the older boy started, but at the incredulous look his friend gave him, he hurried to defend himself. "No really, she just said something we don't have at home."

"Okay then, what do you have at your place?"


"Of course, you don't know," Ginger snorted, picking up a random package of pork cutlets. His eyes narrowed unconsciously as he read the brand and packaging information, passing the time while waiting for his friend to remember and make up his mind.

Haruki watched his movements before slinking over to the beef section, remembering that they were running low on this type of meat. He remained silent for a while, comparing three similar packages, until Kentaro came over and randomly picked one, putting an end to Haruki's indecision.

To be on the safe side, Haruki let Ginger choose a package of chicken cutlets as well before they wheeled their cart toward their final destination—the juice aisle.

"So, I've been wondering," piped up Haru, taking over steering the shopping cart as soon as the other person released the handles to take charge of selecting the juice. "When exactly are you going for your eye appointment?"

Kentaro shrugged, two bottles of different-flavored juice in hand as he mentally debated on which one to pick. "It's about time I went though, isn't it?"

"You're saying that now?" Haruki looked a little helpless, his brows furrowing in mock concern. "You've been squinting a lot more these days, so I figured your eyes are finally protesting because of the neglect."

"They don't hurt," the other stated adamantly.

Haruki arched an eyebrow in suspicion, not quite convinced. "No headaches or strain in the eyes? You know, you probably shouldn't be acting like those glasses you so obviously need are just a random fashion accessory. It won't be funny when the headaches come."

Kentaro responded with yet another nonchalant shrug, as if dismissing his companion's concerns. "If you're that worried, we'll go tomorrow. The last optician we visited opens on Sundays too, right? Or was it just Saturdays..." he mumbled absentmindedly, lost in his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Haruki found himself thinking: He's really that unconcerned... His worry for his friend swirled beneath the surface, hidden behind a calm façade.

"They'll be closed tomorrow," he stated matter-of-factly, earning an understanding hum from Kentaro. "You'll have to pick a day during the week."

"Friday, then," declared the ginger-haired teen with a finality that made Haruki smile a little powerlessly. His friend's carefree attitude contrasted with Haruki's deep concern.

Kentaro could always book his appointment during the week, but he'd have to ask permission to leave school earlier from his homeroom teacher if he wanted to make it before the optometry clinic closed. Haruki couldn't do the same since simply wanting to 'accompany his friend' wouldn't be taken as a valid reason to leave school. Thus, of course, Friday was the best day since school let out early, and they'd be able to go together.

Honestly, Haru would like to believe his friend chose that day because he wanted them to go together, just like last time. He hoped it wasn't solely because Kentaro was lazy and worryingly nonchalant about his own well-being.

Placing his two boxed beverages of choice into the cart, Kentaro indicated that they finally headed to the checkout. It was a good thing they had been left with the finances for the groceries beforehand, as a certain mother duo was still nowhere in sight.

"We should tell them we're finished here," Ginger suggested, already fishing for his cellphone in his jacket pocket with the intention of calling his mother.

The supermarket was relatively busy that day, so they had to join a queue. It was then, however, that they encountered a familiar face.

Kentaro's grin was instantaneous, all thoughts of making the call forgotten, as his face lit up like he'd just spotted his favorite sketchbook brand. The sudden change puzzled Haruki so thoroughly that his curiosity was piqued, and he immediately searched for the object of Ginger's attention...

And then it made sense.

Ayuka Hagiwara stood two queues to their right, accompanied by an older woman who bore a resemblance to her. The stern expression on the elder's face hinted at a familial connection—perhaps Ayuka's mother or older sister?

As if guided by some unseen cue, Ayuka's gaze shifted, and her eyes lit up with recognition upon spotting the pair. Haruki acknowledged her presence with a small nod, while Ginger offered a friendly wave. Their gestures weren't intended as an invitation, particularly on Haruki's part, but Ayuka sauntered over anyway after exchanging a few words with the older woman by her side.

"Well, fancy seeing you guys here," she exclaimed, a genuine smile tugging at her lips. Her eyes darted between the two boys, brimming with amusement. "I know this isn't your usual stomping ground. What brings you all the way to this part of town?"

It was true that this particular supermarket wasn't their regular haunt, but Maki Fukuda had driven them to this area, claiming the quality of the goods here was "not bad" and such. Haruki suspected his mother simply needed a long drive.

"Nothing much to be done about that, considering how we brought here against our will," Ginger shrugged, tone lighthearted. "Or at least, that's what Haru seems to think of the situation..."

"Hey, don't put words in my mouth," the older boy retorted with a begrudging click of his tongue. Gaze looking anywhere but the area Ayuka had come from, he added lowly, "You sure it's alright for you to be with us right now? I don't mean to be rude, but your companion over there has been shooting daggers at us ever since you left her side."

And indeed, the older woman's expression did not read as friendly at all...

Kentaro seemed to ponder something deeply as he watched the older lady for a while. Then, tone softer and laced with more empathy than Haruki expected, his gaze shifted back to the girl again. "It's her, isn't it."

It was more a statement than a real question, as the younger boy seemed to have already deduced what the answer was. Even Ginger's bright smile from before had vanished.

Ayuka's own smile turned slightly strained. "Yeah, that's my mom," she confirmed, and, upon noticing Haruki's inquisitive gaze, added with what she hoped was explanation enough, "She can be a bit... difficult to deal with sometimes."

Ah... Haruki nodded in understanding.

Not necessarily of the intricacies of the situation, but simply because it seemed that Ayuka didn't wish to delve into it further. Haruki knew there was a story there, but his knowledge was limited to what Ginger had mentioned in passing. The details, however, still remained a mystery to him.

Considering the growing closeness between Kentaro and Ayuka over the past few weeks, it was likely that Ginger knew her story by now.

Everyone had their secrets, and Haruki understandably wouldn't pester for those which had nothing to do with himself. Kentaro could even share a few of his own with whomever he chose if he wanted, and that would be completely fine.

Because that's what close friends did...

"I think I should make that call now. I'm sure either of our parents won't show up until I do; my mom especially," Haruki suddenly interjected, seizing the opportunity to excuse himself temporarily. He felt an urge to give Ayuka some space, sensing that she had something confidential to share.

The fact that Kentaro didn't object indicated that he had also noticed.

While Ayuka had managed to integrate well into Haruki's circle of friends in recent weeks, it was evident that she remained closer and more open with Ginger. They belonged to the same class, shared learning spaces, and naturally spent more time together enough to grow well-acquainted. It made perfect sense.

Ayuka was part of the Photography Club, which occasionally collaborated with the Art Club due to overlapping projects. Overall, Kentaro spent more time with her at school than with Haruki.

With how shockingly quickly those two had hit it off, she could even be considered his female best friend by now... Okay, maybe 'best' sounded a little bit extreme, but she was definitely a very close friend at the very least.

... Which was good.


Great, even.

Haruki had always hoped that Ginger would form friendships with girls, especially considering his previous aversion to them during middle school. And now, here she was.

This kind, vivacious, and intelligent girl who shared surprisingly a lot of things in common with Kentaro and—

The sixteen-year-old (going seventeen) wearily dragged a hand down his face in frustration as an exhausted sigh fell from his lips. Annoyance at whom, exactly? Himself, really.

And his stupid emotions.

Haruki really wished he was still so utterly oblivious of his existing feelings towards his best friend. He wished he was still the kid from a few months ago - not even that long - who ignorantly ran his mouth about wanting to find a girlfriend once he was in High School.

At least that way he wouldn't feel this jealous as the object of his affections inevitably befriended new people and slowly drifted away from him.

After all, Ginger wasn't meant to be simply Haruki's forever.
