Haruki Fukuda spent the rest of the evening in a daze, his body moving on autopilot. He didn't even register when he'd gone upstairs to change into comfortable sleepwear, before joining the others in the living room, blanket in hand, seeing as everyone had brought one.
Thankfully, Ginger took charge of movie-selection. Haruki would have zoned out if he had to choose, mind replaying that disastrous conversation in the kitchen. About how Ken had... How he...
He rejected you.
God, how Haruki wished this was a school night. At least then he wouldn't be stuck facing the source of his misery. What happened to keeping his mouth shut, huh? Now he couldn't even look Ginger in the eye without feeling like his chest was painfully constricting.
With the movie chosen, everyone settled in. Kentaro had picked a laid-back slice of life flick. Haruki had seen some clips before and the ratings were decent. Doubtful he'd pay much attention, given his occupied mind.
The two women shared one of the long couches, leaving Haru to gravitate to the other without much thought. Only after he'd already slumped down did he realize Kentaro would likely be sharing the space with him, back from retrieving the microwave popcorn.
No worries, maybe he'll just feel uncomfortable enough to choose another seat. Relax, he comforted himself. Yeah, right. If Ken actually moved, Haruki wasn't sure he'd recover. It'd mean Ginger was truly uncomfortable. With him.
And for the hundredth time that night, the older teen regretted his confession.
When the moment of truth arrived, Haruki tensed as Kentaro returned with a bowl of popcorn, placing it on the coffee table where everyone could reach. He watched Ginger retrieve his own blanket that he'd carelessly tossed onto the carpet and eyed a single couch briefly, before his gaze ultimately shifted to the area Haruki sat.
Then, tentatively, he approached.
Haruki released the breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding. Without a word, he scooched further to the side to give the younger teen more space, and by the time the movie officially began, everyone had settled.
The silence didn't last. Twenty minutes in, Haruki's mother began commentary. Miss Nomura tried to quiet her, but a scene triggered Maki's snark, sparking a debate. Both mothers chimed in with opinions.
Haruki split his focus between the screen, the women's banter, and the person at the other end of his shared couch. Avoiding direct stares, he feigned nonchalance while wrapped up like a freaking worm in his blanket, stealing glances at Ginger discreetly.
Their gazes occasionally met awkwardly, but Haruki felt the weight of those grey eyes even after looking away. They seemed sad, almost longing.
Longing for what? He's the one who rejected you.
But why did it feel like Kentaro had something more to say before they were interrupted earlier?
Maybe he wanted to let you down easier. His initial reaction was kind of harsh.
... Okay.
Kentaro just wanted to have a chat with Haru before his worries spiraled out of control.
He was pretty sure that a full-blown doubt-fest was in full swing in his friend's head right now, and Ginger wished he could just explain that what happened earlier was a misunderstanding—hell, the whole day had been one big misunderstanding. But ditching Auntie's special mother-son night with Haruki in tow wasn't an option. He'd have to wait until after movie time, or whenever the ladies decided to call it a night, to talk things out with Haruki.
He wasn't banking on tomorrow anymore, no way; a lot could change overnight. Who knew, Haruki might start avoiding him like the plague by then. So, yeah, it had to be tonight.
Besides, Haruki was still shooting glances his way, which could mean he was probably still willing to talk... Either that or staring at Kentaro's face was how Haruki came up with the most creative profanities in his head.
It was tough to read Haru when he was all wrapped up like that, barely showing his face. Was skipping Ginger's popcorn a silent protest, or was he just not hungry? They had just eaten dinner, so it was probably the latter.
Hopefully, it was the latter.
Kentaro briefly wondered if he was slowly losing his mind.
The first movie wrapped up a little over an hour later, yet the two women were still wide awake. Haruki was already feeling worn-out, especially from all that overthinking, and he really doubted he had to the willpower to sit through another film like everyone else with the way he kept dozing off.
Screw it, ten wasn't that far off, he'd leave as soon as it struck. At least then he'd fulfilled his mother's request.
Except he didn't want to go just yet. Something just told him to wait just a little longer. He wouldn't be able to keep his eyes open, but there wasn't a rule against sleeping in the living room. And it'd only be for a few minutes.
Yeah... a few minutes of resting his eyes and he'd be good as new. With that, he surrendered to the embrace of sleep.
When Haruki slowly blinked open his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the now-vacant double sofa where his mother and Miss Nomura had been seated before. The volume from the second movie had mellowed into a soothing background hum, which struck him as odd since he distinctly remembered everyone settling in for an action-packed film before he dozed off. How long had he been out?
Still cocooned in warmth, Haruki felt snug and at ease, nestled close to another body. Was he cuddling someone? The familiar scent of sweet lemons from Ginger's shampoo lingered in the air, mixed with his natural scent. Ken always carried that soft, citrusy fragrance, a distinct signature that set him apart. Haruki couldn't recall any other guys he knew with such a refreshing scent. Maybe he was just being a hopeless romantic, finding even the guy's light sweat oddly sweet.
Oh, it's cute that you're such a corny romantic. But do you remember the time you confessed and he rejected you? His brain unhelpfully supplied.
Reality hit hard at that thought. As he processed the situation, Haruki's mind sharpened, dispelling the remnants of drowsiness, and his body tensed involuntarily.
.... Crap.
It seemed Ginger must have sensed the sudden mood shift, since he chose to speak up just then, the vibration of his chest faint under Haruki. "... You awake?"
There was a tense silence, enough to process the strain in that short acknowledgement. Then Kentaro broke the quiet, his voice tentative. "Want to get up?"
Get up? Haruki hadn't even realized they were lying down. No wonder it had felt so cozy.
Without a reply this time, Haruki slowly rose, steadying himself against the sofa's back as the blanket slid partially off his shoulders. Shifting to the edge of the couch, he created some much-needed space between them and feigned confusion, scanning the room as if disoriented.
With his weight off him, Kentaro also straightened into a sitting position and focused on his hands clasped between his legs, fidgeting with his nails.
Haruki couldn't recall the last time he'd felt so awkward. They didn't do awkward.
"How long was I out?" the older boy decided to ask, since the silence was too loud. The ongoing fantasy drama on the screen provided a welcomed distraction, allowing him to feign interest while his mind wandered.
"It's twenty-two past eleven, so at least an hour and a half," Ginger responded. As an afterthought, he added, "Mom and Auntie went to bed almost twenty minutes ago."
Already that late? Haruki guessed they must have left soon after the action movie he'd slept through had ended. He wondered if the two women had caught them cuddling. Miss Nomura might have been surprised, but his mother had probably seen it all before. After all, he and Ginger used to cuddle a lot back when they were younger.
He realized he had missed it a bit.
"Can we talk?"
Kentaro's voice carried a gentleness that bordered on a plea, as if he sensed Haru's inclination to run at any moment.
And true to form, Haru had been mentally crafting an escape plan. But deep down, he knew this conversation was inevitable. If he truly wanted to avoid it, he would have slipped away long before, back when drowsiness had started to creep in.
Still half-engaged in the show unfolding before him, Haru gave what he hoped was a nonchalant; "About what?"
"What you said earlier," came the response after a beat.
"Oh that," Haruki heaved a breathless chuckle, helpless brown eyes shifting to meet clear grey. "Any chance we can just forget about it and move on?"
"No," Ken's resolve was unwavering, his gaze determined. Those eyes, unobscured by glasses, now felt like a direct line to Haru's heart, a fact that had never bothered him until that moment.
Why'd he have to go and fall for someone so attractive? The hell was he supposed to do once those eyes lost their softness, when that kind face morphed into disgust at even the mere mention of Haruki's name, lips twisting into a degrading sneer whenever Ken looked at him?
...No, it wouldn't happen. He's too nice for that, Haruki thought. If Ken really valued their friendship as much as he claimed he did, he'd never look at Haru any differently.
Ginger's rejection earlier had been a little harsh, maybe due to shock and disbelief, but he'd calmed down now. He'd probably be kinder about it this time, let Haruki down slowly, and even claim he still considered them bestfriends.
But that's all they'd ever be, and Haruki's selfish heart couldn't handle it. He loathed the thought of Ginger possibly finding happiness elsewhere, longing for someone else's attention and company, so much so that he'd prefer it if Ken picked the first path of cutting all ties.
Did that even make any sense?
He'd really hoped...
"I-I'm—" the burning sensation in his eyes caught Haruki off guard, followed by the growing lump in his throat that threatened to stifle his words. Trying to speak, he found himself choked up, unable to form a coherent sentence.
Ginger must have realized it too, if that shocked expression was anything to go by... No, wait, was that shock or concern? Shit, Haruki didn't know. His mind buzzed with static, slowly drowning out all rational thought.
Why did Ken's voice sound distant, as if muffled by a blanket? It didn't help that the static in his mind grew louder, distorting everything. It especially didn't help that Haruki's vision blurred, like he was looking through transparent mosaic glass. He didn't realize his eyes could betray him like this, obscuring the person beside him.
Then the mosaic shattered, just as something warm trailed down his cheeks. And Ginger was there, closer than before, hands on Haruki's shoulders, closer to his neck, as he forced the two of them to face each other.
"Haruki?" Kentaro's voice almost wavered, and yes, that was concern. A whole load of it too, considering how impossibly tender his tone became, coupled with the unfairly warm gaze which seemed to look right into his soul. Like he was trying to placate a scared, wounded animal.
"You're crying."
Oh, so they were tears, not mosaic. How much more pathetic could Haruki get? Ken hadn't even said his piece but was already more focused on trying to comfort him.
"D-Don't," Haruki shook his head stubbornly before he even realized, words choked with the amount of emotion he felt in that moment. "P-Please..."
Ken parroted his movement, head shaking minutely as he had the audacity to look confused. And he still didn't move away. "Don't what?"
"Don't do that!" his voice came out raw and louder than before, just not enough to cause a ruckus. "D-Don't look at me like that."
"I don't under—"
"You do," the older boy harshly dislodged himself from Ginger's hold, that bitterness returning with a vengeance as he rubbed at his sockets with so much indignance that Kentaro probably thought he was crazy. "Shit, here we are. I like you, Ken. Okay? I have the biggest crush on you, but I'm sure you understood that back in the kitchen. And I get it now, you don't feel the same way, which you made abundantly clear. That's it. We've talked."
"No, Haru, I... That's not why I reacted the way I did..."
Kentaro reached out to hold him again, but Haruki instinctively moved to dodge, which left Ginger hanging onto thin air. Haru watched as the other's surprise melted into hurt for a long moment, before those pretty features settled on stubborn resolve.
In a heartbeat, Haruki's space was crowded, and it caught him off guard. Which was why he was slow to react when Kentaro caught his face in his warm hands, pulling him so close their noses almost touched. Their proximity was almost suffocating, their breaths dancing together, and Haruki's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening in astonishment.
Kentaro's gaze bore into his, tinged with impatience as he spoke earnestly. "Listen to me before jumping to conclusions, Haru. I didn't reject you."
Haruki's pulse was so loud that he was certain Ginger would hear, hopes soaring. Yet, the memory from before still haunted him, and his reasoning forced him not to have any expectations.
"But you're going to..." Haruki managed, the familiar lump of emotion rising in his throat, which he swallowed down forcefully, refusing to break down again.
"No, I'm not," Kentaro sighed in fond exasperation, inching back a little while keeping his hands stationed on either side of Haruki's face.
Right, like this entire ordeal was heavier on him. Haruki almost scoffed.
"I don't know what you misunderstood—"
"Like hell I'm the one who misunderstood!" Haruki's voice rose again, hackles rising. "I've never heard a worse rejection than you've got to be kidding..."
"I really didn't mean—"
"And it's not like I even wanted to say shit. I was fine with leaving some things unsaid, b-but then you got all mopey and I had to tell you the truth and... Now it's all ruined! Why did I even tell you?!"
"Haruki, I swear, if you interrupt me one more time—"
"Screw you, don't tell me what to d—" but the older boy didn't get to finish his sentiment.
How could he, when his space was suddenly crowded again; and Kentaro drew closer than before, much closer than they'd ever been, and sealed Haruki's lips in a desperate, unexpected kiss.