My Cock brings Happiness

Travis entered his room and was hit with the smell of food that filled the whole house. He walked towards the kitchen and saw Choi cooking some food for while she hummed as cooked. He was sort of surprised on how fast she could recover from his pounding but he didn't say anything but just went to fridge and stored his drinks. She gave him lovely smile as he walked past her. She also bit her lips as she stared at the dick print on his sweat pants as his cock swayed around. ' How'd I forget to put on some underwear' he wondered as he sat on the couch.

A few minutes later he received a text from Ruri as she began by introducing herself. Travis texted back in the same manner as they were now introduced. She began talking as she started the conversation implying she's interested, remember this doesn't mean she is all the time but in this context then it does since she's in love with him , but not fully of course. Travis replied with the same wave length so that the conversation could continue which she was very happy to see.

She was currently in the storage room texting Travis the guy she happened to fall in love with at first sight. When she saw him for the first time yesterday she couldn't get him out of her mind. Everytime she would think about something she would see Travis's face in her mind which always got her face heated up. She had finally gotten the number of the guys she liked and couldn't wait to text him so she hid In the storage room as she talked to him.

Of course the other employees were wondering where she was except our Mc who was threatened to not even say a word since he had saw her enter. Ever since yesterday he noticed how out of touch Ruri was with him. She didn't bother speaking to him anymore as she looked at the door in daze. When Ruri first started working here he instantly got a crush on her. He was always teased by her on the daily , like her offering him to let her see her tits or panties. He first of course hold his own as he disagrees knowing what would come next but slowly begins to fall for it as he agrees and falls for her trap. This is the rince and repeat cycle that he goes through everyday.

But that all stopped when a customer entered the Shop and took his crushes heart by just being extremely handsome. This really made him sad inside knowing his beloved Ruri Nonna wasn't entertaining him anymore.

Travis asked her if she wanted to meet up after her shift. She agreed and told him when she got of work. Travis then continued to spend his time with Choi as she spoke about her dream of becoming a model.

" how about you become my very first model?"

He asked her. Of course this was just a thing he had just thought of. ' I have the money so I literally can do anything well I could already do everything without the money but that's not the point.' He said in his head. She looked at him with a confused look as she wondered what he was talking about." You see I've been thinking of opening a modeling company in this country and so I want you to be my first one." He said. She smiled happily as she jumped on top him and kissed him widly on his lips.

After that Travis bought a large building that was somehow on sale on his phone and hired a Person to do everything for him since he doesn't really know anything about modeling. What he does know is that he'd be the best male model if he ever signed up. As the day went by at 17:00 Ruris shift had ended and Travis was waiting for her outside the store. She ran up to him and they walked together towards a random restaurant since that didn't plan. Nam Juho watched as his crush got taken away by a dude she had met recently.

' I still have a chance to get her, he might just want sex and after he leaves her I'll swoop in and take her heart' he thought. You see ladies and gentlemen this is what a man shouldn't do in any point of his life. You can only see this type of mindset in a Korean Hentai Manhwa Mc.

As time went she got comfortable enough to hug his arm as they walked together meaning that she's getting more and more in love with Travis. When they entered a random restaurant they ordered the same stuff and spoke while they ate. By the time they had finished eating she had already been fully in love with Yah Boi Travis. Yet he didn't want to bag her in some hotel he went back home with her where his Yandere Wife had just began living with him. Some of y'all bitches would Tremble at that thought but this made Travis laugh inside as she wanted to bang them both a the same time.' Yess I'm am the greatest ' he thought. ' no I don't think, I know I am the greatest NOTAKING.' He said breaking the forth wall. [ stfup lil bitch you wouldn't even be getting them bitches without me] the author said as he humbled Travis who frowned at that response. When they entered the room Travis walked up to Choi and pulled them both to his bed that had new sheets somehow. He threw them on bed fully clothed but when they landed they were naked as their beautiful bodies were exposed to him. Travis was also fully naked now as he walked on the bed. His cock swayed around hypnotizing them both as they looked at it seductively." Now, who gets to get pounded first?" Travis Asked.

Choi didn't even hesitate as spread her legs apart for him wanting his cock inside her. She had already been fucked twice today yet she still wanted his cock. Travis of course seeing the determination in her eyes he had to choose her. Before he could go to her Ruri crawled to his cock and began stroking it as she gathered saliva in her mouth as she gobbled his cock head whole. This made Choi puff her cheeks cutely , she crawled to his cock and began kissing his shaft. They both began to make love to his cock as they harmoniously sucked his cock without fight for control. It's due to how irresistible his cock is to the both of that they they didn't fight for it but just enjoyed the pleasure that it brang to their bodies as they sucked and licked it.

' I'm proud of you Travis Jr' he said in his head. Travis then pulled his cock which disappointed them. Travis told Choi to ly on her back and spread her legs and she did so. He told Ruri to get on top of Choi and lay her pussy on top of Chois pussy as they squished together making them moan In pleasure.' Now this is a real hot dog' he said.

[ This Chap is pretty boring honestly since I've been losing Instrest in writing sex scenes. but I'll push on]