the beginning


As I opened my eyes, I saw an ugly cat man yelling at me for some reason. I never liked him. He is always yelling at me. He does have a few good points, like when I see his orange and brown fur, it reminds me of my father saying, "Don't trust or eat bright coloured animals in the jungle. They're poisonous." Hmm, what was his name again? Oh, I remember. "What do you want, Erasmus?"

(Erasmus - "You brute! You are finally up. The boss is calling for you.") The boss? Who is that? A few seconds passed. Erasmus was staring into my eyes with his black eyes. Only one of his eyes was black - the right one. The left one was a beautiful green colour. His black and green eyes were the two most beautiful colours in the world. I keep thinking, why does this ugly cat have beautiful eyes? It's just too unfair.

(Erasmus - "You idiotic orc! The boss is the big father Mikel. He sent a message calling for you. It's already been twenty minutes.") You ugly cat! Why did you not wake me up? Because of you, I'm late. As I said that, I heard Erasmus hiss and the colour of his face changed to red. I always wondered how they do that. I ran as fast as possible to Father Mikel's office.

(Erasmus - " stupid orc! What do you think I was doing? You stupid brute!") In a couple of minutes, I reached Father Mikel's office. I knocked on the door. "Father Mikel, may I enter?"

(Father Mikel - "Come in. You're late. It's been 35 minutes. What were you doing?") As he said that, the old human stared at me with his cold blue eyes. I know for a fact that, even though he looks old and weak, he is very strong and scary.

"I'm sorry, Father, but Erasmus did not wake me up."

(Father Mikel - "What am I going to do with you? It's been almost a year since you came to this place. Your roommate has reported to me that you are having trouble sleeping and some nightmares.") I know I can never trust that colourful brat.

(Father Mikel - "It's time to tell me what happened and what is this nightmare, so we can go past these issues. It's time for you to tell me about your past, Adelram.") I was staring at the orc named Adelram, telling him to share his past pain with us. As I asked the question,

I could see him struggling with himself. He is a special orc. His skin was not like other green orcs, but a dark silver colour, and his eyes were red. He was already about 5 feet tall, and as a 7 year old kid, he was way too tall for his age. But for the orc race, the kid was just average.

I could already tell he will become a great warrior. Now it is my job to make sure that he follows the kingdom of Aditya's rules. Orcs are not that smart, and because of that, some of them make their own tribes and rules, and because of that, they create anarchy. Because of that, I must make him follow the right path. After all, he is a unique orc.

We did ask about his family, and we came to know that his mother was just an ordinary green orc, but his father was a black mountain orc.

If it wasn't for our organization, the Blood Moon Brotherhood, he would have been captured and sold as a slave to some nobles from another kingdom. "Come on, boy," I said.

(Adelram) I closed my eyes as I remembered the past. That day, I will never forget. It was night time, and I was suddenly woken up by all the noise around me. It sounded like swords bashing against something hollow, and I was smelling something weird burning.

There was smoke everywhere, and because of that, it was harder to see. As I got up from my bed and went out of the tent, I saw fire everywhere. Everything was burning - our forest, our home, and even some of my people. Everything was on fire, and for a couple of seconds, everything felt like time slowed down.

Then I felt something strange - a feeling I had not felt before. A feeling I came to know as being scared. Then all of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and my body stiffened.

As I looked at whose hand it belonged to, my body felt so relaxed. It was my dad. He was the tallest orc in my village. He had black skin, darker than the night sky, and a scar from his right shoulder all the way down to his left rib cage from a battle. He also had claw marks from a monster on his left shoulder to his left chest.

He had with him his good old weapon that he always carried - a double-sided axe in his right hand, and on his back was an axe like the Stormbreaker Axe.

As I was staring at him, he was saying something, but I couldn't hear him at all. I only saw his mouth move up and down. Then, all of a sudden, he grabbed me and lifted me up from the ground. Then I saw her - my mom.

She was running at us. She was so pretty - the most beautiful orc in my village with her big, long black hair and big green eyes. I liked her eye colour, even if I had my dad's red eye colour. I always liked the colour green. As she came closer to us, my father threw me to her, and she grabbed me. She kissed my father and started running as fast as she could.

Then I saw my once beautiful village, which was once surrounded by big green trees, now surrounded by black, burned and burning trees. The village ground was once covered in grass, now covered in a blanket of ash. My once beautiful village now looks horrifying.

Then I saw the monsters who did that to my home. There were a lot of them - yellowish-gray skeletons. After a few minutes, my mom stopped and put me down. We were far away from our home now, surrounded by new trees. I have never seen them before. Then my mom took her swords out of her scabbard - one in each hand. At first, I was confused, but then I saw them again - about 20 skeletons and 5 black obsidian skeletons. Then she told me to run as fast as I can, and I did. But after some distance, I fell down.

I turned around and saw my mom fighting so gracefully. I couldn't believe it. Every time she swung her sword, an enemy's head was sent flying. She almost killed all the normal skeletons. Then an obsidian skeleton thrust his weapon in her back. As I saw my mom getting impaled with a spear, she went on her knees,And another obsidian skeleton chopped her head off.

All went blank, and when I got back up, I saw humans fighting those skeletons. After they killed those monsters, one of them came up to me and asked about the location of my village. And the next thing I know, I was in a human village.