the fight pt1

I think he is from the bunkin tribes I read in a book about best-kin that the bun-kin lived in the jojoman forest near the north side of the tempest mountains it is all way snowing around ther and I found out as my village was attack so was all the best-kin tribes near and in-between the to kingdom wher attack by those monster as I look at him I noticed he has white fur all over his body and big very big ears and his foot and leg was bigger the his Arm don't get me wrong his arm was bigger than mine but not as long as his legs but he hade no muscle or very little of them I was wondering how can I lose to him I have to win he his like a stick man . The

knight come on the ring and say it's long ear's Vs the Goblin as the knight looked at us and sad it is the same deal now fight as soon as the knight finished his word the bunkin was already in front of me I did a fast right jab but I hit air I did not even seen him wher did he go and the next seconds I got my answer as I felt a kick landed on my stomach but it felt off like at didn't hurt as much like a sting bang the next kick landed on my chest and then my face and it all happened with in 3 second I try to stomp on him but he just rolled out the way and kick me on my left thigh I finally recognise his fighting style I read it in a book one time and for this fighting style u need a lot of stamina it was called the capoeira and it is a very old fighting style and not may people can use it but this fucking bunkin is just to fast every time I try to hit him he just rolled out and hit me on my thigh or leg and when I try to Dodge or counter he hits me on my face or my arm's. Before the fights the knight says if no ko or

submissions happened in the 5th round. Each round about 30 minutes we will both lose. And just now the first round has ended and he does not look tired at all and after a 2 minutes rest round 2 started I have placed my hands lower near my chest so I can see him better and reacti faster and when the bell rang for the second round the bunkin came running at me did a right hand super man Puch when I saw him in the air I know this was my chance at hitting him so I aim at his right ribs and try to hit him but before it connect he swing around and hit me with his left elbow in the face macking my purch miss and after that he put his hands down and did a donkey kick in my chin with is left leg and wit his right leg hit me between my stomach and chest and he pushed me backwards making some distance between us again and it want like this round after round until the start of round 4 I was staring to feel strange but I couldn't tell what was this filling and when we're told to start the fight it was a bit different for the first time in are fight the bunkin was slowing down and I can finally see his movement after some minutes I could finally block his attacks there's where starting to hurt

And because I knew it was the start of the last round then I realised something when did the bun-kin attacks started to hurt me. Was this the off felling I was having. While I was thinking about all of this he run up to me a I kicked him and it was the time in this fight that one of my attack landed on him but it hade no power behind it but why. I can see that Bunny smileing and it made me mad so I Puch him in the stomach but he didn't even more he grabbed my arm and made his way on my back then he started choking me both of his feet was on my stomach and his arm on my forehead and neck

And he started telling me why my kick and punch has no power behind it. It was because he kept attaching my joints and muscles so that was the reason. No I have to win I have to win any costs I can't lose to this bun-kin. But what ever I did I can't get him off my back after a few minutes I want down on my knees and after some time I fall asleep and when I opened my eyes I was in a medical room with the knight looking at me with a disposit face and told me he thought I will do better he even said I know you where going to lose but I was hoping you could do a bit better

You have only one opponent left I know you are going lose but at least do better in the next fight tomorrow now sleep and get some rest. I was thinking what can I have done to win after some hours I was still thinking but couldn't think of a way how can I have won and because I knew it. it was already 12am and I know it was no use think about it now and I want to sleep after some minutes and after some hours I was worken up because of my nightmare as I look at the time it was only 5am and I can't sleep anymore so I want to the training ground to get ready for the fight in the afternoon the only thing I can do know is get better and better than I will have my revenge on the kingdom of the undead the kingdom of the rising moon.