The Famous Battle of Anderhall - Part 1

The Gamaconda's eyes gleamed yellow colored.

Suddenly, Its body turned back then in a flash its tail lashing horizontally. I can see the tail is moving in slow motion.

But d*mn, it is still fast.

I jump in a somersault. While my body is in mid-air, I throw two blue fireballs.

I can feel the air turbulence on my back. The wind just split due to its tail-lashing power. My body got a bit jerked.

One of the fireballs missed and the other one just grazed the face. But it is enough to make the Gamaconda eyes look angry.

I landed and the Gamaconda does not want to lose its momentum. One of the heads on the right is dashing and trying to munch me. I dashed fast to the left side trying to avoid it, and again the left head pecking on my last position.

I jumped on the right head then jumped again on the left head, stepping on its head like stairs to get on top.

I successfully get on top of its right head. I square off my hand with the sword and slash hard on its neck.


My sword broke in the middle part, and the broken part just fell to the ground.


The Gamaconda looked at the falling piece of the sword and then looked at me.

In that split second, I swear that it is laughing at me.

Knowing that I am on the top of its head, it fell its body to the back trying to crush my body to the ground.

I jumped again above. But it looks like it already calculated my movement. One of its heads is directed to the top, below me, and opening its mouth widely. It is trying to swallow me whole.

I cast the condensed blue flame again and it exploded between us. My body jerked away in mid-air and the snake's head slammed again to the ground.

I pierce the broken sword to the ground trying to reduce the momentum. I got dragged about five meters.

The Gamaconda stands up again. It got bruises on its head and neck.

"Wind blow!" Suddenly the priestess casted a windball.

The windball hit the snake's head violently, but not doing anything significant.

"Fireballs!" Aura is on the side also throwing fireballs at it.

Some of the villagers are also cheering far away.

The Gamaconda just scratched its head on its tail. Mocking them for trying.

"Boy! Use this!" A wounded man threw his sword on the ground beside me. The sword stuck perfectly beside me.

I take out the sword from the ground. It was a beautiful sword with a luster bluish color. A bit bigger than the sword I used before.

[Unidentified metals detected]

Unknowingly, my blood is dripping onto the sword. Nia scanned the composition of the material.

-- What is this? --

[The conduction of this material is higher than silver. I suggest channeling the energy to the sw- Danger!]

I see the Gamaconda's tail slashing vertically to my position. I am jumping to the side and jumping again on its tail.

-- What is it again? --

I run on its tail, jumping between its head when it heads trying to peck at me.

[Channel your energy to the sword]

I am doing a somersault when both of its heads charge at me together. I landed on top of its right head.

I channel the sword with the energy as Nia suggested. I can feel the energy flows easily to the sword. The luster of bluish in the sword gets brighter and gets bluer.

I can feel it flowing from my surrounding to my body, then to my hand, and then flowing out to the sword.

I slash the sword on top of its head, and the hard skin of the Gamaconda just split, creating a slashing wound.

Green blood comes out from it. Knowing it got hurt the Gamaconda struggles with its head and body. writhing its body and head to the right and left.


Without something to hold onto, my body fell to the ground.

"Wind cushion!" The priestess again cast a gentle wind on the back of my body.

The impact of my fall is not too hard, and I get away from the Gamaconda.

"Thanks!" I shouted.

I stand up and look at the Gamaconda again. The red skin of the Gamaconda suddenly glows brightly.

"Shit! get away it will spit flame." The wounded man shouted.

"Oh No! it's too late!" The priestess also shouted.

They are turning their back, covering themselves. Aura is hugging the little girl trying to protect her.

"Grab on me!" Aura shouted to the girl.

Spitting flame?!

-- Nia! --

[Strengthening the body. Preparing for impact!]

Suddenly an idea flashed into my mind. I gather all of the energy in both of my hands in a split second. A gushing wind rotated violently on the ground like a whirlwind and it gets stronger the more energy I put in.

The Gamaconda spit a big flame from its head in our direction, it looks like a big flamethrower. Before it reaches us, the whirlwind brings down the fire and rotated.

The rotating whirlwind gets stronger and more violent as the fire also rotates in it. The height reaches ten meters.

Fire Tornado. I never expect in my whole life that I could artificially create a tornado, a fire tornado on top of it.

The Gamaconda stops spitting the fire and looks flabbergasted looking at the tornado.

"Ashtary Goddess with us." Aura cupped her hands together.

"My God." The priestess falls her knee on the ground.

I can see the Gamaconda pupil no longer shrinks but widen instead. It backed away and prepared to run away.

No Running!

I push the fire tornado fast to the Gamaconda. Before it can run away faster it got caught in the fire tornado, being grilled.

The Gamaconda shrieking and its body moves to the right and left. Yet the fire doesn't die down.

All of the villagers look silently while the body of the Gamaconda stopped moving.

I am walking to its body and jumping on it. Then when I am on top of its head, I pierce the snake's head with my sword.

The smell of burning is like a grilled eel.

[No vital sign detected]

I hold up my sword highly in the air.

Suddenly loud cheers are coming out from the villager. Some of them throw their hands in the air. Some of them hugged tightly without care, crying, and yelling.

My views dimmed. And the last thing I see is Aura with a worried face running to me.

Let me take a rest.

[Good night, Major]

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Name: Cory Grieves

Skill: Whirlwind slash sword, Mana sword

Mana cap: 10X Dark Turquoise

Magic: Fireball, Blue Fireball (Divine Flame), Healing, Air-suspended magic, Multicast, Whirlwind, Tornado, Fire Tornado

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Name: Nia

Skill: Auto body repair, body adaptation, auto mana regulator, extreme body battle mode.

Connection skill: Full Connection

sub-connection skill: Partial connection, non-human connection

Movement: Blood medium, Water medium