The Legend of Delnois - Part 2


The resistance of the air is hitting my whole body. My eyes are burning with every wind passing, and my breath is becoming heavier due to the lack of air. The droplet of water touched my face as we soar through the clouds.

[Lack of Oxygen]

[Adapting body]

Suddenly, I can not feel any more droplets of water. Instead, a sun ray is irradiating my face. It is so beautiful. I can see the clouds below, looks very soft and fluffy.

Just a minute, then, I am feeling like flying while holding the sword's handle, then jerked down.

I am falling, losing my grip on the sword and the dragon's body. I can see the dragon flying in the same position, then charging at me.


The dragon's mouth already widen, prepared to swallow me whole.

-- Wind Kick! --

I put a lot of energy into my feet to generate the wind below me. I also cast wind magic to create a whirlwind in my palm, and then shoot it below to fight that planet's gravitation.

It is an awkward movement. If it was in the space, I will not have a problem at all. However, I am not used to levitating in the air. My body got wobbly to the left and the right.

"F*ck!" The dragon is charging at me.

I dodge it and got unstable again.

Calm down. I take a deep breath.


The dragon is now below me and turned around. It is now spitting fire from below while charging at me.

"Whoa! Let me take a breath you d*mn lizard!"

I fly far to the side to dodge. I can feel the scorching fire beside me, I believe the edge of my hair got a little burned.

-- Multicast Fireballs --

[Target locked]

The blue fireballs are being shot like a homing missiles. Knowing the pain of being hit by the fireballs, the dragon is trying to dodge while flying in rotation, up and down.

The scenery is so memorable. It is like a dodging fight between spaceships in the federation.

The Dragon tried to charge me again. But this time, I do not dodge too far and instead get closer.

The wind resistance got on my body, and I almost rotated. But I finally grab the sword that is still stuck in the dragon's back.


My arm got pulled from my body, and I got dragged again.

When the dragon stopped mid-air. I take the chance to stand on its back. I put compressed fireballs on my palm while my other hand is still grabbing the sword. I directed my palm near the dragon's head. Nia assisted with giving me a vision of the dragon's head's vulnerable side.

-- Nia! --

[Target locked]

-- FIRE! --


The compressed fireball exploded near the dragon's head, neither weak nor strong. It is enough to knock the dragon unconscious.

Then I just realize.

The Dragon is unconscious mid-air in the sky. What happens next is obvious.


The Dragon is falling freely, directly to the ground, in the vertical position. Due to the high and the planet's gravitation, the potential energy is big. I can imagine getting slammed to the ground and becoming a red paste.

[System un-blocked]

[Partial connection established]

[Repairing cell]

Nia is trying to wake the unconscious dragon.

"Wake up you idiot!" I put the energy in my fist and tried to punch the dragon many times.

But the dragon is still unconscious. I try to punch it again.

I feel desperation covering my whole body. I take out the proton gun from my back. Then looking back at the dragon's tail.

I squint my eyes while directing the gun's aim at its tail, trying not to hit the dragon's back.

I hope you will not be mad.

I finally shoot its tail.

Fwoom! Fwoom!

The second proton laser finally hits the dragon's tail.

Suddenly the Dragon awakes and flaps its wings. The dragon is roaring around the sky.


[Establishing communication]

{ Aargh! It hurts! } Red dragons.

If you don't understand the dragon speech. It feels like the dragon is angry and looks aggressive. But if you understand, it is quite a funny voice. The dragon is male from its voice.

{Calm Down!} I said to him with a shout.

{Wha...What? Who?!}

The dragon is flying and looking right to left trying to find the source of the voice.

{On your back neck!}

{What} The dragon is flying standing still in the air. {A human!}

{My god Bahamut, am I sleep flying?!} The dragon looks at me with unbelievable tones. {A human is hanging on me and talking with a dragon!}

{You are not dreaming. Can you please levitate a bit and stabilize your body? I want to correct my stand}

The dragon then flies mid-air while holding to its position, stabilizing its posture.

{Who are you?! How dare you ride on me!}

{Calm down. I mean no harm. You are unconscious while burning a city.}

{There is no way I did that, we made a pact with humans thousand years ago.}

{Look down} I said to him.

The dragon is then flying low with me on its neck, I grip the dragon's neck trying not to fall.

Even from far away, the fire in the city is burning as clear as eyes can see. The black smoke is billowing like a forest fire.

{No way! No way! The elders will kill me if they knew!} The dragon said frantically. There is fear in his tone.

{Looks like someone is altering your memories and blocking your sense, do you remember?}

{What?} the dragon sound confused.

{I mean, there is a magic that hypnotizes you to attack the town}

{Really?} The dragon is then pondering. {Now you said it, I feel funny in my head. The last time I remember, I meet a human.}

-- A human capable to hypnotizes a dragon this big --

[Not enough data, unable to analyze]

{But still, a heavy punishment will await me later. Because of me, my race will fight again humans. Thousand years of peace are broken because of me! What should I do?!}

I suddenly have a crazy idea.

{I have an idea but you should follow me}

+++++ +++++ +++++

(Next chapter)

"Calm down everyone!" I shouted.

Everyone is with killing intent surrounding the dragon.

"He is not dangerous" I pat the dragon.

"A dragon tamer?"

"No, a dragon knight! He is a Dragon Knight"

+++++ +++++ +++++

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Name: Cory Grieves

Skill: Whirlwind slash sword, Mana sword

Mana cap: 10X Dark Turquoise

Magic: Fireball, Blue Fireball (Divine Flame), Healing, Air-suspended magic, Multicast, Whirlwind, Tornado, Fire Tornado, Fire Grenade, Wind step

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Name: Nia

Skill: Auto body repair, body adaptation, auto mana regulator, extreme body battle mode.

Connection skill: Full Connection

sub-connection skill: Partial connection, non-human connection

Movement: Blood medium, the Water medium