Chapter 37 Paladin's Resolve

In a worn out shack in the middle of the forest. A handsome middle age man with a long blonde hair and wore a golden lion face shape armor is preparing a meat by slicing it into cubes. After cubing the meat he picks up different kind of vegetables and proceed to slice it as well.

The handsome middle age man is humming while preparing a feast that can feed at least five people. On the other side of the shack there sits a cloaked figure. His ears are so pointy that it protrude on his hood. In front of the cloaked figured, an unconscious young man is bound on a chair.

The young man has a striking facial feature, azure hair and a decent body built. His wearing a tattered and bloody tunic and an expensive looking leather pants. The young man looks like it suffered the worst beating of his life however despite his condition his face somehow looks clean.

After an hour of silence the handsome middle age man finish the stew he's making. He then bring out two bowl and two spoons out of his spatial ring and proceed to fill it with stew, meat and vegetables.

Without saying a single word he handed the other bowl to the cloaked figure who then proceed to remove his hood revealing a gloomy looking elf, shadows around his eyes cause by sleepless nights, ash blond hair and a frail looking body.

The worn out shack was filled with a munching and slurping noises. Both of them finish their meals without uttering a single word. The handsome middle age man then proceed to store all the items they used in his spatial ring.

"Arthur how long do we need to wait here?" asked by the frail looking elf, breaking the silence.

"I also do not know the answer to that question, Gerard." replied by Arthur. "We were ordered to wait here until an escort arrives." he added.

"What are we gonna do to him?" asked by Gerard, tilting his head and while using his lips to point at the direction of the unconscious young man.

"This is unlikely of you, to ask many questions Gerard." answered by Arthur while frowning his eyebrows.

"That may be so however this is the second prince of Lavierre Kingdom were talking about!" exclaimed by Gerard, while slamming the table with his scrawny arms.

"Calm down Gerard. He is an essential part of our plan." says by Arthur seemingly unfazed by the sudden outrage of Gerard.

A few minutes pass by with the two just staring at the unconscious young man.

"How about Camilla? How do we deal with her?" asked by Gerard, breaking the silence once again.

"She can't follow us at were where going." answered by Arthur while clenching his fist to the point that it started to bleed a little. Both Arthur and Gerard receive the grim news of the massacre when they were passing a nearby town after they kidnapped the second prince.

"I hope so. That monstrous bitch. I can't believe she came out unscathed on that confrontation." says by Gerard with a solemn tone. Unlike Arthur or Christoff, he is more like an honorary member of the SwordSaints Guild. He doesn't have a familial bond with its members however that doesn't mean he is unable to feel the horror Camilla unleashed.

"I will make sure I will be the one to put that bitch down." says by Arthur with a serious tone. 'Once I get the Golden Egg treasure that those Zirracanian bastards promised I can finally unlock the stage 3 of my God's Gift. I hope it'll something that can help me fight that bitch.' he added inwardly.

Arthur got the information about unlocking his stage 3 from the same system Cleo and Leah have. However unlike the pair of red heads, Arthur follows the norm of this world which result with his growth slowing down. This is where the Golden Egg comes in. The egg will give whoever consumes it a level boost of 5. Arthur is currently sitting at Lv. 75, the egg is what exactly he needs to unlock the stage 3 of his God's Gift.

Arthur was one of the indirect casualty of Camilla's unhinge behavior. His brother was falsely accuse of a crime that one of Camilla's loyal knight commits and was imprisoned. Arthur did his best to oppose Camilla and provides legal documentations however his opponent can make illegal things, legal. They have no chance the moment Camilla made her decision.

After a month of being imprisoned Arthur's brother mysteriously perished. At first the accusation was only an attempted murder of a noble but it suddenly turn into high treason the moment they can no longer prevent Arthur from insisting to have his weekly visit to his brother.

Arthur at that time was helpless. He can't protest unless he wants to be labeled as a traitor as well. Deep down in his heart he is sure his brother won't commit such a crime. He fell in a deep despair with only one thing in his mind, revenge.

He then proceed to put his plan in motion starting with deceiving Christoff, Valerie, Roger and the rest of the SwordSaints Guild to help him. At first all of them were on the same page. They will bring Camilla down using the law. Valerie worked the hardest trying to get all the information they might need to bring justice to Arthur's brother.

This goes for months however unlike Valerie, Arthur's patience is running out. They started discussing alternative methods on how to bring down Camilla. Roger the father figure of both Arthur and his brother brought up the topic of assassination.

Almost half of the members oppose the idea including Valerie however in time, one by one was convince that this is the only way. Valerie on the other hand didn't waver and still try to gather information and at the same time convince Arthur and Roger to consider what they are gonna do.

Arthur's resolve was resolute. He didn't heed Valerie's woe and proceed to concoct his plan with Roger. Their first few attempt were unsuccessful and most of the assassin hired refused the offer once they heard the name of the target.

This made Arthur more helpless but his undying rage didn't fade. He decided to take the matter on his own hands but he is not stupid enough to challenge Camilla with his current power level. Even he is not confident that both the Stage 1 and 2 of his God's Gift is enough so he tried his best to find a way to unlock Stage 3. His drive for revenge helped him find information about the Golden Egg and reluctantly made a deal with the Zirracanians.