Chapter 14

A few days passed, and I eventually stopped panicking each time I woke, expecting to find it was all simply a wonderful dream. Everyone's actually here. I'm actually here.

Since we're the only ones in the house, at least for now, Gaara's been using the second room next door to our bedroom as an office for when he's doing schoolwork he really wants to focus extra hard on or if he wants to draw.

To my delight, when he showed me his setup there, he let me look through one of his books. It has to be illegal to be so good at everything and be that handsome simultaneously.

According to him, Sai's even better than he is at both drawing and painting. That didn't strike me as all that surprising because he and his twin are nearly opposites, and Sasuke's a jock through and through, meaning Sai gives off more of an artistic aura.

Before bed one night, maybe three or four days after leaving the hospital, I was browsing job postings on my new phone, a hand-me-down from Hinata, who said her little sister throws a tantrum every time a new model comes out until she buys it for her. I would've refused to accept it if it wasn't just sitting around not being used.

Gaara was reading a book with his lamp on. My shoulder began cramping up, so I rolled over, my back to him, smiling to myself when he absently moved his closer arm up to gently rub my back a few times before letting it fall back to the mattress.

Now that everyone knows how we feel about one another, he's become quite doting. So much more than before, in fact, that it took me off guard at first. It makes sense, though, when I really stop to think about it. He went over a dozen years starved of both physical and mental affection, so now that I've made it abundantly clear that he can have all he wants without even having to ask, he's slowly getting used to it. It's not like I don't benefit from it, either. Every single touch he grants fills me with joy.

"Matsuri, no."

I jumped slightly in shock, his firm tone tearing through my focus. "Hm?" I looked over my shoulder at him, confused.

He closed his book and sat it on his nightstand as he nodded toward the device in my hand with a frown, "Don't even think about it."

My brow furrowed as I became more confused, but after a moment, I realized he was talking about me getting a job and bit my tongue to stop my initial response from sounding. The reason I'm keeping an eye out so closely for an opportunity to earn money is because of the impending hospital bills that are likely to begin arriving in the mail any day now.

It's bad enough I'm living here free of charge. I'll be damned if I stress the Subakus out further by letting them donate a single penny to my medical costs. If I say that out loud, though, Gaara's likely to get angry with me.

So I clicked the screen off on my phone and sat it on my nightstand with a shake of my head, "I want to help pay for things. It's not fair to-"

"Not yet."

With a sigh, I rolled over to face him, him following my lead after clicking off his lamp, "How long until I have your permission then, boss?" I teased. I know he'd never actually try to tell me how to live my life, and that's the only reason I'm not upset with him for being so unyielding.

His glare softened, and he cautiously brushed my hair behind my ear, kissing me softly before pulling back to meet my eye again, "Next year."

My brow furrowed, and I pulled back a few more inches so he could see the depth of my disbelief, "That's nearly four months away, Gaara!"

Teal eyes narrowed, but the redhead didn't say anything, meaning he wasn't budging from his request. With a groan, I rolled onto my back.

He moved over me, brow furrowed as he studied my unhappy face, "You need time to rest."

I raised a hand to softly caress his face, speaking more quietly, "I feel awful using you guys like this."

A glint of irritation met his gaze, his voice a bit firmer, "How can you think of it like that?"

"How can you not? It's unfair for you all to care for me like this. I want to do my part."

Lips pressed against mine then, stunning me silent. When he pulled back and glared down at me, he placed a hand on either side of my shoulders to hold himself above me, "You are doing your part."

I gave him yet another confused frown, and he kissed me again, more intimately this time, before speaking against my lips, "When you were gone, all three of us, we couldn't-" he pressed his forehead to mine and tried again, "I couldn't…."

Tears rose in my eyes, and I ran my hands over his shoulders to gently flow into his hair, making him pull back a bit to meet my gaze, his teal eyes watery as well, "I can't do it again, so just rest. Promise me." It was gut-wrenching, his expression akin to a terrified person with no clue what to do.

My voice cracked as the tears spilled over, and I brushed my nose against his, "I'm not going anywhere."

Long fingers trembled ever so slightly as he gently moved to cup the side of my face and kissed me senseless like he wanted to tell me all the things he's been struggling to say since I first woke up with his actions rather than words. I responded with my own desperate attempts to show him how sorry I was for putting him through all that trauma and stress.

He might've been crying, too, but I'm not sure. All I know is that I love him completely.

Slowly, Gaara helped me out of my clothing, and I helped him out of his, not parting a second more than necessary. Gentle hands slowly caressed my bare skin, long fingers dusting my body with adoration. Every point of contact erupted with a sensation somewhere between excitedly vibrating and warming with absolute comfort.

I feel so small in his arms but safe and loved even more. Hot skin pressed under my fingertips as I slowly felt him. My eyes squeezed more tightly closed when he carefully slid into me, and then it was like we were one. I could feel every muscle, every breath, and every ounce of his emotions.

Suddenly, his lips moved against mine in between kisses, "I love you."

My back arched as he slowly, gently began pressing into a sweet spot deep inside, and my chest pressed against his as I gasped into his lips, "Gaara…I love you."

This differed from the times we'd slept together so many months ago. There was a miscommunication about how we felt for each other back then, which was almost wholly my fault. Things are clear and pure this time.

Every thrust of his hips stole my breath, and he accepted it from me, lips never parting from mine for more than a few seconds. Long fingers snaked under my waist and against the warm skin, pressing me more firmly against him.

This passion feels much more mature than someone our age should be capable of, but I suppose that makes sense given that we're not ordinary, everyday people. All we've been through has undoubtedly mentally aged us beyond our years. Other eighteen-year-olds likely can't even imagine the level of understanding between us.

As the tight pressure in my lower abdomen continued to coil and writhe closer to climax, I repeated the adoring phrase against his lips. I want to find other words to say, but none would come close to accurately encompassing how I feel.

His deep, raspy voice breathed my name out, and then I was falling into oblivion, a hot and wild pleasure shooting through me, my legs tightening slightly around him in an attempt to keep him where he was forever. That's when he finally pulled away to meet my gaze, eyes dark and deep with lust.

Moments later, I returned to reality and shakily caressed his face as he continued moving. Such excitement and physical activity were still exhausting for my recovering body, but I'm determined to see this encounter through. I didn't have to wait long because his breath hitched just moments later, and he pulled out so a hot and wet sensation came atop my stomach.

Gaara kissed me again, trying to show his gratitude for being with him like this, even though it wasn't necessary. In fact, I should be the one thanking him.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the morning. Gaara's arms were tight around me like they always were when we'd sleep in the cold while traveling with everyone during the invasion. His stomach moved steadily against my bare back, insinuating he was still asleep, and it brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my lips.

I love him so much. If this is even close to how the rest of my life will be, I'm the luckiest girl alive.