Abigail punched in her code and then entered her condo, she closed the door shut behind her as she turned the lights on.

Her hands were tired with all the typing she had been doing all day, her mind was still clouded with thoughts and she could feel a headache coming soon.

Abigail began to take off her heels as she made way to her room, she then placed her shoes at the side and dropped her bag and her coat on the floor.

She fell on her bed as she rested her tired muscles, Kai was right, she wasn't getting enough rest or sleep these days and it wasn't good for her health but Abigail was too busy to be concerned with her health.

Abigail was just about to get some shut eye when her phone rang, She didn't want to pick the call but she guessed it could be important and so with a grumpy face she got down from the bed and picked her phone from her bag.

Abigail checked the name on her screen and she couldn't help but have a change of mood.

"Hey mum" Abigail greeted as she picked the call.

"Oh my dear, how are you?" Her mother asked with the most sweetest tone.

"I'm fine mum, how are you?" Abigail then asked. Ever since she told her mum that she broke up with Alex, her mum had always been calling her to check up on her. It was really nice but she didn't want her mum bothering herself about her.

"I'm fine, Abi you sound tired, did you just get back from work?" Her mother asked with worry evident in her voice.

"Yh I had something's to do at work" Abigail answered.

"My dear, you are stressing yourself too much, you need to rest" Her mother stated.

"It's okay mum, I'm fine" Abigail said as she checked the time on her watch.

"Mum it's already 7pm and I haven't taken my bath yet so I have to go now" Abigail said.

"Oh okay dear but when will you come visit me, I'm really missing you" Her mother said

"Okay mum, I'll try to come visit soon" Abigail said.

"Oh Abi that would be so nice, now go take your bath and have a good night rest. I love you" Her mother said cheerfully.

"Love you too mum, Good night" Abi said as she ended the call. It had been long since Abi visited home and that was because she didn't want to meet her father, she and her father had never been on good terms. But she was sure he was not around as he was always busy this time of the year and so she wouldn't mind paying her mother a visit.

As she had said Abigail plugged her phone and then began to take off her clothes, she was just left with her Underwear when she stood in front of the mirror as she stared at herself.

She remembered vividly the time when she would wake up with love bites around her neck and shoulder blade but they were all gone now. With a heavy sigh Abigail entered her bathroom and took her bath, after taking her bath she then put on her night dress and then wore a black fury robe.

She walked over to the open terrace close to her room and she felt the night breeze blow some strands of her hair on her face. Right from when she was a kid Abigail had always had long brownish hair, she had inherited it from her father and she didn't like that. Amongst them in the family she was the one who was more of her father in nature.

Abigail looked up at the stars and she couldn't help but appreciate the beautiful stars, she had always loved the stars as they were one of the things she enjoyed seeing.

She never liked to share her pain with people, she was always the independent kind. She didn't like asking for help from people but she would always come out and talk to the stars whenever she was lonely. The stars had been with her and they knew all her secrets.

After looking at the stars for a little while Abigail then closed the door to the terrace and then took of her robe, she laid on the bed as she tried to get some sleep.


Inside Quinn's Consolidated a multi billionaire company, the company was known to be one of the best as it had branches world wide.

Inside the top floor in one of the offices that had a good view of the city. A man stood by the glass walls looking at the busy streets, his one hand placed in his pocket and his other holding a glass of Champagne

He was clothed in the most expensive clothing and his aura was one that demanded respect. He was known worldwide to be one of the youngest billionaire to be at their peak of success. His face had been on different magazine's as he was a man of different achievements.

He looked like a god under the moonlight as he twirled the glass around his hand. His eyes and his face gave nothing away as they remained as expressionless as ever making one to question what was under that mask.

He had never let his guard down not even for a second, he was always on high alert and that was what brought him to this height.

Everyone had a reason for why they acted the way they did and so did Xavier Quinn, sure he was handsome and he was the man of every girls dream but Xavier Quinn still remained single and never payed attention to any one.

There was a time a scandal came out pairing him with one of the most beautiful Diva in country D and Xavier had not taken it lightly. He had made sure to punish those who brought out the scandal and also announced publicly that he was not in a relationship with the girl.

Ever since that event no one had ever dared to pair Xavier with any girl as they feared what would happen to their career if the man was to hear about it.