With his head rested on the car seat, his eyes were closed as he kept his mind blank throughout the ride.

He was only going there to make his message clear as he wouldn't want anyone of this invites in the future.

He was not interested in the old man's wealth neither did he want a share in his business and so he was going to let him know.

There was tension inside the car as the driver would intentionally still glances at Xavier. He had been Mr Xavier's driver for three years and he knew the man quite well.

The man treasured his time and called it priceless, he didn't like getting involved with anything outside work as that was not his priority.

He was surprised when he received a call from Jacob saying that he was going to drive Mr Quinn to The Quinn mansion. He didn't expect that his boss would be paying a visit as this was the first time he had been asked to take him there.

He could only conclude that there was something important to do that was why he was willing to spare his precious time.

Soon they arrived at the Quinn's mansion, and the driver was awed with what he saw. Just before the entered he was welcomed with the breathtaking view of the flowers and the designs on the wall.

The gate was automatic and before they even got there the gate doors were already starting to open and when they entered the doors then closed shut and he was sure that nothing could penetrate them.

The driver couldn't help but open his eyes wide when he saw what was within the gates.

They were three mansions, one at the middle with two at the sides, The driver couldn't help but notice how one of the houses at the side seem deserted and dull.

It was the only thing that was odd in the compound, it was painted with grey and had no flowers or designs on the walls, it was just plain.

While the other was very breathtaking as it was painted with glowing colours and had flowers everywhere, it looked lively.

He then gazed at the biggest of all and he couldn't help but try to guess the number for rooms in that mansion. With a rough count it should be about thirty rooms, this mansion was the biggest among the three. It had a water fountain at the side and it was surrounded with different flowers he looked behind and he noticed that there was a flower garden at the back.

He guessed that that was the place they should be headed as he saw a few cars around there and so he drove there.

This place was luxury and he wondered why his boss didn't like to come here often. Speaking of his boss, he looked at the mirror and noticed how the man eyes were opened and he was glaring at him through the mirror.

He couldn't help but look away as he shuddered in fear in his sit. He had been busy admiring the view and he failed to notice that his boss had been watching him.

Unlike His driver Xavier was less interested in the surrounding, he had grew up here but no matter how much time he had spent here this place never felt like home.

This whole place was never his home, sure he grew up here and for sometime he thought that it was not until he discovered the truth. Since then nothing had been the same, knowing that the people who he had thought were good people turned out to be the worst.

Coming here was not good as he could feel anger boiling in his veins just the mere presence of this place was able to make him this angry, he wondered if he would last till after the dinner.

Their car finally stopped and the driver first came down as he turned round to open the back door for Xavier.

As the devil emerged from his car the servants nearby shivered when they sensed the unfamiliar coldness. They turned to look and they noticed the young man who had just arrived. They then began to whisper to each other as they wondered who he was, they had never seen him before and that was because they were new, only the old workers would remember.

Not paying attention to them Xavier walked by and he raised his wrist to check the time, it was 6pm sharp, right on time.

He then walked towards the door which was opened by the two guards standing at the side.

Xavier could hear the bantering from the people seated at huge dinning but the noise stopped when they noticed his presence and all heads turned.

Gasps escaped their lips as some cleaned their eyes to be sure that they were not dreaming, they all had a surprised look on their face all but the elder man and Sophie who had smiles on their faces.

"Big bro" She yelled in excitement as she tapped the sit next to her that she had kept for him.

Xavier didn't mind the looks and just made way to the dining table as he approached the sit next to Sophie but before he could sit down Sophie already stood up as she welcomed him with a tight hug.

The whole dining was quiet as they watched with surprises on their face, no one was expecting him to show up today.

Xavier couldn't help but feel his anger melt a little when he felt her embrace, though he didn't return the hug Sophie didn't mind as she pulled away with a smile still on her face.

Xavier just raised his hands to rub her head a little as he took some strands of air that had fallen off the braid behind her ear, and the girl chuckled.

They both then took their sits with Sophie still clinging to his arm as she smiled. The room was now quiet as everybody's eyes were focussed on Xavier wanting to know if the man would say anything.

Xavier knew everyone was looking at him but he noticed the pair of eyes that seem to be looking at him differently. He then looked up as he searched for the person when he noticed an Unfamiliar face just sitting opposite him.

He didn't remember this girl being part of the family unless his father had been involved with another woman.