Rui was older than him with two years while Lim was just a year older. They were both married and their wives were just like them.

Their wives were the women who were present at the dining room, Juliet and Aliya.

And the other girl who had been on his nerve since, he wondered who she was and why she was here but he had a feeling he would know soon.

"Xavier" He heard his father call out as the man came to his side. Rui and Lim had left to go meet their wives at the living room and only him and his father were left in the mini bar.

The smile the man had been giving him in the dining was all gone and now the man had a serious expression. Xavier didn't answer him and just continued to stare at nothing in particular.

"I have always loved you Xavier and though you may not like my methods but everything I did was for you, whether you like it or not you are my son and I am your father" He stated as he stood in front of Xavier. Though the man was already in his 70s he was still fit and he was still able to hold his ground.

Looking up at the man that claimed to be his father Xavier still didn't show any expression, this was not the first time he was hearing his father saying those words.

Silence reigned in the room as Xavier didn't reply to the man's words. The opening of the door drew his father's attention away from his face as he looked towards the door.

Xavier could here the sound of shoes on the floor and he guessed that it was a girl he thought it was Sophie and so he turned around only to see that girl.

"Xavier this is Isabelle Reign" He introduced the girl.

Isabelle not missing the opportunity moved closer to Xavier as she stretched her hand for a handshake.

"Hi Xavier" She said in the most sweetest tune .

Xavier looked at her hands and he then looked at his father and asked.

"What business does she have with me?" Xavier asked ignoring the girl and rejecting her handshake.

In embarrassment Isabelle dropped her hands back to her side as she looked at the elder man.

"As you know Xavier you are the heir to Z tech cooperation, you are my son and you will take over. But due to the way things her changing I thought it would be best if we merged two business organizations, The Reigns global Hospital" He said pointing to Isabelle "And the Z tech cooperation" He said then pointing to Xavier.

Xavier knew where this was going to and not wanting the man to proceed any further he tried to say something but was interrupted by his father.

"And since you both are the heirs of each it was only right that you both get married and that would create a way for a stronger alliance with the Reigns, I discussed with Isabelle's father and the man would gladly like that and Isabelle wouldn't mind as well" His father said. And though it was a marriage alliance between Xavier and Isabelle it seemed like it was an already arranged marriage plan and from the way the man spoke he didn't seem to want to be questioned but Xavier was just as stubborn as his father.

"I will not marry Isabelle" Xavier stated as he stood up from the stool ready to leave when his father's voice thundered in the room.

"Xavier" His father called again and Xavier stooped in his tracks but he didn't turn to look back at his father.

"You will come here next week Monday as early as possible and we will both go to the office where you will be announced as the new CEO of The Z tech cooperation and then you will hold a press conference announcing your marriage with Isabelle" His father ordered not giving Xavier any room to argue.

"You know what I'm capable of doing Son and I believe you know me quite well and you wouldn't want to test me" The man said as he exited the room living the very angry Xavier with Isabelle.

Isabelle wanting to try her luck again approached Xavier as she placed her hand on his arm.

"Maybe your father is right we should get mar...." Before she could even complete her sentence Xavier held her neck as he raised the girl off her feet.

Isabelle struggled to breath as she began to tap on Xavier's hands.

"One more word and you die" Xavier said as he released his hand from her neck making the girl to fall on the cold floor.

Without wasting anymore words on her he left the room and banged the door behind him. He walked past the living room and he saw Sophie run towards him.

"Big bro, why are you leaving so early" Sophie said as she held his arm.

Xavier was ready to yank his hand off from the person's grip when he noticed that it was Sophie he calmed down as he replied her.

"Something came up" Xavier said. But Sophie could tell that he was lying.

"Will you come visit again?" Sophie asked with hopeful eyes as she looked at him but before Xavier could answer His father came in and said.

"Don't worry Soph, he would be coming again next week monday" His father butted in as he looked into Xavier's eyes.

Xavier glared at his father before he then left the living room as he made his way out of the mansion.

He saw his driver who seem to not be expecting him to come back this early but nevertheless he opened the door for him as he then turned and entered the driver seat.

The driver could Sense the anger in his boss and so he quickly revised as he drove out of the mansion gates.