They finally arrived at the airport and Abigail realized that the journey was shorter than she had expected. She looked at the planes that were taking of and some that were just landing, she noticed a Jet at the side far away from the rest, she didn't need to be told that they were going to use that Jet. A billionaire with a private jet was something that she should have expected from the start.

The car stopped and Xavier got out to come carry her again but Abigail refused and said.

"I can manage" Abigail said as she stood on one leg, she was sure that somewhere around there must be a journalist somewhere wanting to take a picture. 

"No you can't" Xavier said as he reached his hand out to carry her but Abigail took a step back still refusing to let him touch her.

Abigail could see the displeased look on Xavier's face but still she wasn't going to let him carry her, she had a feeling that someone was watching.