The rest of the flight was boring with neither of them speaking with each other, Abigail still had not recovered from the shock of having to reminisce those past events.

  Mr and Mrs Lang were the first patients to die in her hands, that would of course be hard to deal with. Also the fact that she was the cause of their death, now that was something that she could never change all she had to do was live with it for the rest of her life.

Xavier remained quiet as he thought about all she had said, he was still finding it hard to believe all she had said, it was too much of a coincidence to just ignore. He wondered if he should tell her about it but then that would only make her consume herself in guilt. 

"Have you ever killed someone before?" Abigail asked as she looked at her hands before raising her eyes to see Xavier but he had his eyes fixed on the windows as the jet landed on the airport.