"It's okay Vivian I can take my bath on my own" Abigail said while smiling as she looked at the middle aged lady, Vivian was nice very nice and Abigail could tell that she was just trying to be helpful but Abigail would like to take her baths by herself without any help.

"Alright Abigail, master's inside the study so you can go in, I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything" Vivian said with a smile as she made a turn to return back to her duties but then she paused and remembered something. 

"Can't believe I forgot, silly me" Vivian said as she turned around to face Abigail again "Dinner would be ready in thirty minutes" Vivian said with a smile informing Abigail  about dinner. 

"Didn't I just eat lunch" Abigail said, it seemed like it was only thirty minutes since she had lunch and now dinner was on it's way.