Chapter 2: Impressions

"I can't believe it," Azia whispered, staring into Zeke's glowing, silvery eyes. She couldn't look away. The way his eyes radiated was beautiful, yet it had dreadful consequences she was struggling to fathom. Mate Pull. Destined. Words she had heard uttered a million times over amongst members of her pack, but they had never, not once, been applicable to her.

"I can't believe it," she said again, walking to the nearest booth and sat down without ceremony.

Zeke watched this interlude, and couldn't help but be amused--not to mention a little insulted. Girls at the Knowles Compound were only too eager to spend a little quality time with the Heir Apparent. Meanwhile, Azia, his now destined mate, was looking at him as if he had just sprouted another head on the spot.

Claudia glanced from her son to Azia, turning her palms upwards. "But this is good news!" she exclaimed. "Our plan to unify our packs can begin in earnest, and nobody will question our motives. Our children are destined."

"That word is making my stomach churn," Azia muttered, clutching at her middle.

"Gee, how sweet of you to say," Zeke said dryly from across the room.

"I'm sorry," Azia said, slapping her hands down upon the table. "This is just a lot to take in, that's all."

"We've prepared for this," Vivian interjected, slicing the air in front of her with her palm. "And we must demonstrate a unified front before our packs. Otherwise, the rogues will gain the upper hand. We can't risk them telling the world of our existence."

"We made a pact, and I will honor it," Azia said, momentarily glaring at her mother. "I just...I need some fresh air."

She wiggled her way out of the booth as gracefully as she could, and marched her way to the double glass doors, studiously ignoring everyone's stares as she left the bar.

"Perhaps thrusting them together so quickly wasn't the best idea," Claudia said to Vivian, her tone apologetic.

"No," Vivian sighed. "My daughter just has a knack for exhibiting independence at the most inopportune of times. I will go speak with her."

"I'll go."

The words flew out of Zeke's mouth before he realized he was speaking. Both Alphas turned towards him, their eyes wide with surprise.

He shrugged, hoping to appear nonchalant. "I'll go," he said again. "The only other person who understands what she's going through is me. Who knows? Maybe I'll say the right thing."

Vivian's eyebrows rose towards her salt and pepper hair. "Be my guest," she said quietly.

He cleared his throat as he walked towards the door, surprised at the sudden flutter of nerves he felt in his stomach. He took a deep breath, and pushed the glass door open.

The autumn air was cool against his skin. Ordinary humans would have needed a winter coat, had they been outside. But the streets and sidewalks were void of people. The shopfronts and restaurants that lined the road were empty and dark inside.

Azia leaned against the brick wall of the bar, her arms folded over her chest. The nearest streetlamp bathed her in soft yellow light. She was staring down at her heavy black boots, her long black hair falling forward to shield her face from view. Zeke swallowed hard and stepped forward.

"Doing alright?" he asked.

Azia whipped her head up to look at him. Her eyes were like two miniature suns, molten yellow and gold glowing back at him. Her full lips were pierced together in displeasure. Even with the sour expression on her face, Zeke realized she was striking. He found himself wondering what her eyes would look like once the Mate Pull trigger died down.

"That's a rhetorical question, right?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him. "You aren't actually asking me that. I mean, clearly I'm not," she looked away from him with a shrug.

Zeke felt a flicker of annoyance buoy up from the center of his chest. He mentally squashed it down. "I was under the impression that you knew of our mother's initial conversation," he said quietly. "I thought you were on board with their schemes."

"I was--I am," Azia corrected herself, running her hands through her thick hair. "I knew we would be bound together, I just...didn't expect to be bound together beyond the letter of the law. It's overwhelming."

Zeke had the distinct feeling that Azia was tip-toeing around her real feelings. She was being polite to spare him. Annoyance ignited back to life within him. He let it simmer this time.

He forced himself to grin. "You know I'm not half as bad as you assume I am," he said. "In fact, I am a perfect gentleman. You can ask any of the ladies of the Knowles Compound about me."

Azia tilted her head back and laughed. "You think I need to ask around? You think I don't already know? Your reputation precedes you, even across the city," she said, staring up at him coldly. "I know who you are, Zeke Knowles. I know what you're like. And I am not impressed."

It felt as though she had slapped him square across the face. Reputation? What reputation? He had no idea that rumors circulated about him, even between compounds. Zeke shook his head as he stared down the street.

"You must have misunderstood, that's all--" he began.

Azia pried herself off the wall to face him head on. Zeke realized that the Bronson wolf would barely come up to his shoulders, if she didn't have massive boots on. But her small stature didn't stop her from glaring into his face.

"I misunderstood?" she repeated, pointing towards her own chest. "Implying I'm stupid now?"

"No, I just--" Zeke stopped mid-sentence to rub at his temples. "Forget it. I wish I hadn't come out here," he sighed.

Slowly, Azia leaned toward him, staring up into his eyes. Hot gold into cool silver. For the briefest of moments, Zeke wondered if she had somehow lost her senses, and was going to kiss him. His toes began to tingle as he stared back at her.

"Now, that," she said slowly, "is one thing we can finally agree on."

In a blur of black hair, she whipped around, and walked back into the bar without looking back.