Chapter 13: Midnight Talk

Claudia walked up to him, smiling in her black satin robe. Zeke pinched the bridge of his nose as he groaned.

"How much of that did you hear?"

Claudia's smile deepened. "About all of it."

Zeke nodded. "Of course you did."

Claudia twisted her head, indicating the empty hallway behind her. "Why don't we take a little walk?"

Zeke sighed internally, thinking wistfully of his bed. "Sure, mom. I'll sleep when I'm dead," he joked lightly.

"That's the spirit," his mom replied, beaming at him.

The two began a leisurely stroll down the deserted hall. Small lamps dotted the walls between doors to private residences, bathing the coordinator in warm, yellow light. The compound seemed void of noise, save for the faint sound of Claudia's slippers on the concrete.

The Alpha turned her gaze towards her son, appraising him. "You've got a lot on your mind," she said.

Zeke nodded solemnly. "Sleep has been a challenge."