Chapter 46: Unraveled And Revealed

Azia's knees and elbows collided with the hard cement floor as she fell. Ignoring the pain, she immediately scrambled to her hands and knees and crawled her way to Claudia. There was yelling and screaming all around her, but Azia kept her head down, her eyes locked on the Knowles Alpha. Azia needed to protect her at all costs.

She slid beside the blonde woman, and cursed as she looked down. Dark blood had begun to spread on Claudia's dress under her right ribcage.

The blonde woman winced but smiled at her reassuringly. "It would have been a lot worse, had you not changed its trajectory," Claudia said, her voice coming out like a hiss as she fought against the pain. "I cannot thank you enough."

Azia pressed her hands firmly against the wound as she clenched her teeth together. "Don't thank me just yet, not until I get you safely out of here."

Keeping her palms against Claudia's stab wound, Azia watched the chaotic scene around her.