Chapter 2: Season of the Witch
I frowned thoughtfully back at him in return. It was moments like these that tested me the most. Resisting strongly the temptation to roll my eyes, I maintained composure instead and tried, yet again, to distract his attention so that things would not go too far.
But it seemed as though it was already too late for that.
“Why don’t you help me decorate my room? You always have encouraged me that way.” My hands fluttered quickly toward my hair, which was freshly dyed jet black with slight pink streaks. It wasn’t as though I had anything to hide, but my flaws seemed far more evident with him around. Almost like I was entirely naked, but even more so, my deepest shortcomings and insecurities carved darkly within my soul.
“Why are you here?” I mumbled as my naked gaze averted away from his eyes. I just couldn’t bear to stomach this intense pain, this climactic heartache.
“You know why, Kitty. Please… you surely are well-aware of your roots. Truly, love… come near to me…”
And with that, he began to moan, to hold me close-
That is, before I retreated, and pulled away completely.
“I can’t do this. Please answer me… why are you here? I wasn’t expecting you at all…I don’t even know you, yet I feel I do.”
The atmosphere then shifted to a mood that felt more tangible, more light-filled.
I knew that the desires of my own heart would likely never match up to those of my father’s, but never mind that now. I just needed to find a way out, some sort of escape that would salvage my soul from an even deeper hell that I had brought upon my mind and body.
“You shouldn’t question destiny so much. You need to understand that you and I were meant for each other.”
And, much to my surprise, the gentleman kissed me lightly on the hand.
Smiling gently, I found it difficult to express the words that I needed to. To send him on his way, but without a big commotion.
“I can’t accept your graces. Thank you, but Daddy would never approve.”
Quickly, cleverly, I came up with yet another concoction: that my father had spoken with me at length concerning my relationship with men, and had expressly forbidden me from seeing them again.
“I have something I would like to address with you. Please listen. What may I call you?”
It seemed as though I had captured his attention momentarily, but I knew better than to believe that Emanuel’s attention toward me was unwavering.
I couldn’t quite pinpoint, in truth, what bothered me the most about Emanuel exactly.
Perhaps he just took things too far with me, and it caused me discomfort because I wasn’t accustomed to receiving such love.
Not that Daddy hadn’t raised me well. He had always raised me to be kind and benevolent and loving, and I felt that he had done an adequate job of providing the sort of stability and security that I had long been searching for.
But with romantic love, it seemed that nothing would suffice.
“My father and I have both agreed that it is likely best for us not to see each other any longer.”
But Emanuel didn’t quite manifest the reaction that I expected from him.
He turned his gaze away from me, sulkily moving toward the bare naked emptiness of my bare wall.
“What are you doing?” I tried not to sound as though I was being snappish, but I truly could not control my emotions.
“Oh, Kitty… you’ve no idea what you’ve done to me. You’re lying.”
“How could I be lying? You trust me.” I presented it as a statement, as a fact of life that could not be changed, mainly in order to disguise the fact that I was indeed lying.
“I just don’t understand what I’ve ever done to deserve this kind of treatment from you. Emotional maltreatment.”
This time, I didn’t even try to suppress my eye roll. I made it quite visible to him that I was feeling rather irate.
“You’re being terribly dramatic, you know.”
But Emanuel’s gaze had already drifted to the door of my bedroom.
I crossed my fingers in the hopes that this would be his cue to leave.
Nevertheless, he still remained in my room, and quite surprised me with a sudden burst of passion.
Not that he had tried anything with me; just that I could feel the intense energy and warmth radiating from his soul.
And sure enough, it really did seem as though he could not contain his emotions, in the following moments.
He leaned over and kissed me.
I could practically feel him trembling, although he was no longer physically near.
“Kitty… I’m sorry.”
But little did he know how vengeful I could truly be.
Little did he know that my heart was far darker and crueler than even I could have imagined.
Because instead of sending him away, I decided to keep him at bay, testing Emanuel as willingly as I was able.
Which must have made me a cruel, heartless monster without the ability to empathize or relate to human beings.
“Do you even know what you are getting yourself into?” I ambled up to Emanuel, placing my arm around his neck just closely enough so that he would be able to feel my breath upon him.
“What do you mean?” I could feel his skin prickling beneath me, but he made no attempts to push me away.
And so I took advantage of the fear that I perceived in him, and decided that this would be an adequate moment of revelation, a real moment of truth.
But I’d use the truth to manipulate, to do what witches did best.
“I am a witch… and it’s probably wise for you to stay away from me because of that.”
“What exactly is a witch?” Emanuel stared at me in disbelief, as though he couldn’t believe that I of all heinous individuals could possibly carry an ounce of demon in me.
But this young fellow surely did not know me, and after I revealed my true soul, I was hoping that he would not wish to know me at all.
I found myself laughing mockingly at Emanuel as I considered the meaning behind his words.
“How utterly absurd it is that you know nothing of my kind. Well, in that case…” I paused dramatically, whipping my hair across my shoulders. “Let’s give you a brief rundown.”