Chapter 6: Daddy’s Little Girl
Whenever things became this way, I was overcome with the overwhelming urge to peel off my skin, little by little, piece by piece.
For whenever my spirit depleted, whenever I yearned for a deeper change…
I found myself aching to change that which was external, or not so easily malleable.
Looking up at my father, I half-expected him to grab me from where I lay on the floor in my room.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he motioned for me to help him up, for me to extend my arm so that he could properly position himself upright.
As soon as he got up, he staggered, and breathlessly seated himself at the table.
I knew that something was wrong, and I had made a big mistake. I had turned away from him entirely during his time of utmost need.
I wanted so badly just to embrace him, just to reassure him that everything would be all right, that he need not worry or fear.
But the fear overcame me, and I couldn’t even come to terms with how this all made me feel.