Chapter 51: Secret Love, Secret Light
Which led to an escalation on my end. Most of the time, I was able to keep it to myself. Hold it in, I helplessly ordered to myself in my whirlwind of thought.
But this time…
I had always been spiritual. Always. I knew there was something more out there, but I just didn’t know what it was.
And the penalty of that ‘sin,’ I supposed, of not knowing, was that I had to go through life treading on the edges of the unknown. Yearning for it, yet never being able to reach it.
So when Daddy beat on me with his callous words this time, I completely snapped. I fought back. Because I knew that I wasn’t about to take any of it, knew that I could no longer sit there waiting in silent submission.
And I felt myself curling up under the weight of his strength in return. I simply wasn’t strong enough to stay away. Or to overpower him.