Chapter 7:

Viper nodded gravely, his mind racing with the implications of the Association sending two senior elite-level trainers. They must have had prior knowledge of the mission, otherwise they would not have deployed such a formidable force. He knew the situation was dire, and the problem at hand was not one to be taken lightly.

"What of the Boss?" Viper queried, his voice low and measured.

The black-robed man shrugged, "The Boss already knows. I have no time to concern myself with who may have betrayed us. I need a few men to help me with something, I have lost much strength and I need time to recuperate."

Viper's eyebrows lifted slightly, he did not mind if the man only wanted a few men, "Will you wait until after the trial is over or do you want them now?" He could not help but smirk at the thought of the weak and inexperienced trialists being of any use to the black-robed man.

"After the trial is over, I suppose." The black-robed man replied indifferently, his voice devoid of emotion. "For now, just arrange a room for me to rest." He did not elaborate further, the reason why he did not choose from among the current Team Rocket members was that he did not know who among them may be working undercover for the Association. He preferred to start anew with a blank slate, one that he could mold and shape to his will.

With a nod, Viper signaled for his men to escort the black-robed man away. As he watched the man depart, Viper's eyes fell upon the flickering candle on his desk, his mind lost in thought as he considered the ramifications of this latest development.


As Cain ventured deeper into the forest, the path ahead grew increasingly obscure. The sitrus berry pokeblocks he had crafted earlier were safely stowed away in his Team Rocket belt, while a cloth was tied around his head to protect his face from the forest's sharp branches and thorns.

With Murkrow perched on his shoulder, Cain pressed forward, using Tailwind to clear a path through the underbrush. The dark-type pokemon stirred his wings to unleash powerful gusts, blasting away larger branches and weeds.

"Murkrow, remember to conserve your energy when using flying-type moves," Cain reminded the pokemon. "Physical strength is your weakness, so it's important to be efficient."

As they journeyed further, Cain spoke of his plans for Murkrow's future training. "As a dual-type dark and flying pokemon, it's important to also focus on developing your dark-type moves once we find a suitable training ground."

Murkrow cawed in agreement, his eyes alight with a fierce determination to grow stronger.

But their progress was abruptly interrupted by the sudden appearance of a wild Spearow, its eyes burning with a fierce hunger as it flew straight at Cain.

The true Pokemon World was a realm of chaos and bloodshed, where beasts of all shapes and sizes roamed free, and humans who dared to enter their domain did so at their own peril. Some, like Team Rocket, sought to tame these wild creatures and bend them to their will, using them as weapons to further their own ends. Even the Pokemon Association, with all its supposed nobility, was not immune to the lure of power.

Cain had walked this perilous path many times before, and the sudden attack of a wild Spearow was but a trifle to him. With a deft dodge, he commanded Murkrow to unleash Tailwind and strike with Feint Attack. The bird, fueled by a sense of rage at the attack on his trainer, complied with fierce determination.

The black blur of Murkrow's form streaked across, the boost of Tailwind increasing his speed as he landed a devastating Feint Attack on the Spearow.

The creature let out a pained squawk as it was sent hurtling through the air.

At the same moment, Cain quickly scanned the creature's profile.

Pokemon: Spearow (Orange)

Gender: Male

Level: 12

Type: Normal + Flying

Ability: Keen Eye

Held items: None

Egg moves: None

Basic moves: Peck, Growl, Leer, Pursuit, Fury Attack

Taught moves: None

Technical Machines (TMs): None

Riding the crest of his victory, he coolly commanded "Murkrow, don't falter, use Peck!"

In the blink of an eye, Murkrow responded, even without the need for Cain's command, his thirst for battle far from quenched. The fast-moving Murkrow struck the already reeling Spearow before it had a chance to defend itself, and the fragile bird paid the ultimate price for its transgression against Cain.

Without hesitation, Cain pressed forward into the forest, leaving the fallen Spearow in his wake. Spearows, known for their tendency to congregate in flocks, were a dangerous prospect, and Cain had no desire to engage in a full-scale battle with them. Furthermore, the deeper into the forest he ventured, the stronger the pokemon he would encounter, and Cain did not wish to expend his energy in vain; his goal was to find a suitable camping spot.

With his experience from his previous life spent living in the forest, Cain was able to avoid the more powerful pokemon and could also distinguish the types of pokemon by their tracks.

After three grueling hours, Cain and Murkrow finally arrived at a suitable location. A small lake, surrounded by tall, dense trees, and on the lake's western shore, a hill with a cave, evidently carved out by pokemon, stood before them.

"This is it," Cain declared.