Chapter 15:

Cain delicately brushed away the droplets of sweat that had gathered on his forehead, a result of his mounting anxiety. The thought of the Kakunas, peaceful as they may seem, suddenly morphing into the aggressive Beedrills mid-journey was a terrifying one. Even if they were able to flee, the chances of sustaining a serious injury were alarmingly high. And if they were to be poisoned, their chances of survival without an antidote were slim at best.

But finally, they emerged from the Kakuna forest, and the air felt fresher on their faces. Murkrow, who had been repressed for so long, soared wildly through the sky.

Next on their journey was the Caterpie's territory, and judging by the situation in the Weedle's territory, it too had probably become a Metapod forest.

But compared to the Kakunas, Metapods were relatively docile Pokemon. As long as Cain and Murkrow didn't take the initiative to attack, there was little danger. Even in their evolved form as Butterfree, their gentle disposition would remain unchanged.

With a glance at the map to make sure they were on the right path, Cain was finally able to straighten up and relax. Murkrow flew through the air like a bird that had just been released from its cage, and it seemed he wouldn't stop anytime soon.

As the sun set in the west, shadows intertwined across the ground. In the Caterpie's territory, Cain passed by a Metapod quietly waiting to break out of its cocoon and become a Butterfree.

Finally, they reached the small hill marked on the map. At the top of the hill was a large, thick tree, and the treasure was supposedly buried near it. But to Cain's surprise, a Pokemon with two large horns on its head was crouching near the tree, moving around as if it was searching for something.

Cain waved his hand into the sky, signaling Murkrow to come down. Seeing Cain's beckoning, Murkrow immediately stopped hovering and quickly glided towards him. Together, they headed straight for the small hill, and when they were five meters away, Cain used his system to scan the data of the Pokemon in front of them.

Pokemon: Pinsir (Orange)

Gender: Female

Level: 18

Type: Bug

Ability: Hyper Cutter

Held items: Resin

Egg moves: Feint

Basic moves: Clamp, Focus Energy, Bind, Seismic Toss, Harden, Revenge, Vital Throw

Taught moves: Bug Bite

Technical Machines (TMs): None

Cain's eyes narrowed as he studied the data of the Pinsir before him. He was intimately familiar with this Pokemon, as he had once owned a green-aptitude Pinsir in his previous life. It had possessed the coveted Moxie ability and served as the main attacker on his team. With a formidable attack value of 125, a sturdy defense value of 100, and an alarming speed value of 85, it would have been highly sought-after if not for its weak growth potential and inability to evolve.

Pinsir, even now, was known as a formidable opponent for trainers, particularly those just starting out. Its violent temper and tendency to attack anyone who came near it made it a force to be reckoned with. Its large horns were deadly weapons, and once ensnared by them, escape was impossible.

The Pinsir before Cain was level 18 and, while it possessed an orange aptitude, it was arguably the strongest opponent he and Murkrow had encountered thus far. This hill was clearly its territory, and if Cain desired to claim the treasure, he would have to confront it.

"Murkrow, be careful not to get caught by its horns later," Cain warned seriously. Thankfully, Murkrow was a dark and flying-type Pokemon, and flying-type moves were able to deal twice as much damage to Pinsir. "Caw!" Murkrow acknowledged, sensing that this would not be an easy fight.

Cain's mind raced as he formulated a plan. It was best to avoid direct physical contact with the Pinsir, and a tactic gradually took shape in his mind. "Murkrow, Gust!" Murkrow obeyed, and the Pinsir, who had been happily eating, felt a sharp pain as the flying-type move hit its body. Anger flooded its heart. As the local tyrant, it was used to bullying others. When had it ever been actively attacked? And to be disturbed while enjoying a delicious meal was an insult it would not tolerate.

"Kruaah!" the Pinsir roared as it charged furiously towards Murkrow, determined to make the little bird pay for interrupting its meal. As it ran, it took a deep breath and concentrated, a stream of air appearing from the bottom of its feet and circling around it. The Pinsir had activated 'Focus Energy', increasing its chances of hitting vital points.

As one might expect, with its high attack value and the potential to strike a vital point using Focus Energy, Pinsir had the power to instantly fell Murkrow with a single hit. Sensing Pinsir's change, Cain acted quickly. "Murkrow, use Snatch!" he commanded.

A black aura engulfed Pinsir, instantly dissipating the airflow it had gathered. At the same time, a similar aura enveloped Murkrow, and he felt the effects contained within it. Snatch, a dark-type status move that, combined with Murkrow's Prankster ability, allowed him to snatch the effect of Focus Energy from Pinsir.

Murkrow took advantage of the newfound effect, his eyes sharpening as he locked onto Pinsir's flailing arms and running legs, noting the lack of coordination in every movement. In that moment, he knew that if he could strike those points, he would be able to cause significant damage to Pinsir.

"Murkrow, keep using Gust," Cain instructed. Murkrow's wings shook, and a sharper airflow than before appeared, targeting the very spot he had identified as uncoordinated in Pinsir's movements.

"Bang! Bang!" Two powerful winds struck Pinsir. "Kruaah!" Pinsir cried out in pain, unable to understand why its commonly used move had no effect. A sharp pain was felt all over its body, more painful than the previous attack. Pinsir's eyes became bloodshot as it roared in frustration.

Unable to fly, Pinsir was at a disadvantage against the cunning Murkrow. The feeling of being attacked and unable to hit back was unbearable. Helplessly, it prepared to use its least-favored move. By exerting energy all over its body and tensing up, Pinsir used Harden, a move capable of boosting its defense.