Chapter 21:

Cain knew that this one green-aptitude Pokemon egg would bring him a bountiful profit. He had set his sights on the two yellow-aptitude Pokemon eggs as well, for their parents were known to be gifted. Though they may not have been as rare as the green-aptitude Pokemon, they were still sought after. The difference between having parents with yellow aptitudes and parents with green aptitudes was significant, but Cain knew better than to force the matter. The value of a yellow-aptitude Pokemon versus a green-aptitude Pokemon was immeasurable.

With the help of his trusty Murkrow, Cain carefully made his way back to the ground with the precious egg nestled on his back. It was imperative that they flee this dangerous location before the Beedrill swarm returned. To avoid a confrontation, Cain and Murkrow took a different route back to safety.

As Cain departed the Beedrill hive with his prize, the Beedrill leader felt a pang of loss. The leader remembered the three Pokemon eggs still left in the hive and let out a furious scream, "BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ!" The surrounding Beedrills were so frightened that they did not dare to breathe.

The leader flew as fast as it could back to the hive, but Cain had already made his escape and was safely back in the Metapod's territory, far away from the Beedrill swarm that was frantically chasing after the Beedrill leader.

Cain had initially intended to destroy the Beedrill's hives, knowing that the homeless Beedrills would undoubtedly be in a frenzy searching for their enemies and rebuilding their hives, allowing Cain and Murkrow to take advantage of the situation and slip away unnoticed. However, upon discovering the green-aptitude Pokemon egg within the hive, he deemed it a worthy trade-off to revise his strategy.

But Cain had not anticipated the gravity of his actions in stealing the Pokemon egg. The Beedrill leader returned to the hive with haste, leaving the other Beedrills trailing behind. The sight of its nest, stripped of one of its three precious Pokemon eggs, sent a wave of fury through the leader. Its eyes, already red with anger, now held a hint of madness and a thirst for revenge.

As the leader of the colony, its talent had the power to elevate the entire colony, but the theft of its most gifted offspring was like snuffing out the colony's very future.

The forest echoed with the sounds of the Beedrills' rage, "BUZZ, BUZZ!"

In the mind of the Beedrill leader, the image of the black-coloured Pokemon and the human beside it came to mind. Its intuition as a parent led it to suspect they were responsible for the abduction of its child. The leader's rage intensified as it caught the scent of the stolen Pokemon egg in the air, and all the Beedrills looked to their leader, ready to obey its command.

The Beedrill leader flew out of the hive, its wings vibrating frantically as it followed the trail. The Beedrills followed suit, and the entire forest shook as they poured out of the hive.

Other Pokemon, sensing the danger, quickly moved out of the way, not daring to impede the frenzy of the Beedrills. The Beedrills eventually reached the Metapod's territory and came to a halt.

It was a well-known fact that the Butterfree colony and the Beedrill colony were bitter rivals on the island. The Butterfree, known for their gentle nature, did not typically initiate attacks and the Beedrills, while aggressive, usually avoided provoking them, as the Butterfree colony was just as prolific in reproducing as they were.

But when the furious Beedrills flew towards their territory, the Butterfrees, sensing danger, converged and for the first time the two colonies met at the border of their territories.

"BUZZ! BUZZ OFF!" The Beedrill leader, consumed with the need to find its stolen offspring, paid no heed to the presence of the Butterfrees as the scent of its child was clearly coming from their territory.

Ignoring the pleas of the Butterfree leader, the Beedrill leader shouted and charged forward into the Butterfree's territory. The Butterfree leader tried to stop it but was met with two other Beedrills attacking from the side.

The Butterfrees, caught off guard and outnumbered, were no match for the enraged Beedrills who fought fiercely. "UH-REE-EE!" The Butterfree leader cried out in vain as the Beedrill leader flew deeper into their territory.

Meanwhile, Cain and Murkrow were resting at their campsite, the stolen Pokemon egg wrapped tightly in leaves to hide its scent, while Murkrow enjoyed his favourite pokeblocks. Cain, a quasi-elite trainer in his previous life, had a certain status in Team Rocket and no longer needed to personally catch Pokemon for resources, and had forgotten that Pokemon have a special bond with their offspring. He had failed to take the necessary precautions to conceal the scent of the Pokemon egg and now, even if he had acted, it was already too late. He was unaware that his actions had directly led to a battle between the two colonies.

"CAW!" Murkrow, who had been peacefully eating, suddenly raised his head, his instincts warning him of impending danger.

Cain sat up slowly, studying Murkrow with confusion, "Murkrow, what's wrong?"

As he spoke, a buzzing sound reached his ears and his expression shifted as he looked towards the north. A yellow figure gradually emerged from the horizon, followed by a dozen smaller but similar figures.

'Beedrill.' Cain recognized the familiar figures, having dealt with them for the past two days, and knew exactly who this individual was. "I didn't expect them to track me all the way here, it seems I've truly ruffled their feathers."

Murkrow was thrilled at the appearance of the Beedrill leader, having longed for a chance to fight it. As for the dozen ordinary Beedrills, they were of little concern to him.

Cain smiled, it seemed the entire Beedrill colony had paid a heavy price to reach him here.

The Beedrill leader caught sight of the two familiar figures and its suspicions were confirmed as it rushed towards them without hesitation.

"Murkrow, get ready for battle," Cain said softly as he watched the approaching figures.

"Use Tailwind right away and when you reach them use Gust to hold off the Beedrill leader while taking out the other injured Beedrills with Astonish and Peck. After that, you can finally have your much-anticipated fight with the Beedrill leader."

Faced with a surprise attack from a dozen Beedrills, Cain issued the most suitable commands for the current situation.

In an instant, Murkrow transformed into a black blur, surrounded by swirling currents of air, increasing his speed even further. Without hesitation, Murkrow aimed for the Beedrill leader while unleashing Gust, creating a wall of wind that blocked its path. Thanks to his rigorous training, Murkrow was faster than ever and he quickly used successive pecks to knock several of the already injured Beedrills to the ground.

The Beedrill leader quickly broke through the Gust barrier, with six Beedrills still in good condition.

The remaining Beedrills charged forward, using their Twineedle and Fury Attack moves in succession. Murkrow, using his nimble body, did his best to evade but was still hit by the attacks of two Beedrills.

As the battlefield moved closer uphill, Cain finally had the opportunity to scan the information of the Beedrill leader.

Pokemon: Beedrill (Leader) (Light Green)

Gender: Female

Level: 17

Type: Bug + Poison

Ability: Swarm, Leadership (can raise a Pokemon's Talent by a small order)

Held items: None

Egg moves: Bug Bite, Pin Missile

Basic moves: Twineedle, Fury Attack, Rage, Pursuit

Taught moves: Drill Run, Quick Attack

Technical Machines (TMs): None

The 'leadership' ability, which is exclusive to leader Pokemon, can enhance a Pokemon's talent and earn the trust of their kind.