Chapter 27:

Cain cast his gaze upon the exchange list, scouring it for the moves that would aid him in his quest. "I want these two," he announced, his finger tapping upon the coveted items.


Move: Protect

Type: Normal

Category: Status

Power: 0

Description: Forms a protective shield around the body that completely blocks the opponent's attack for a certain period of time. It cannot be used continuously and has a cooldown of ten minutes once used.

Price: 5000 points


Move: Substitute

Type: Normal

Category: Status

Power: 0

Description: Reduce your own health and create a clone/decoy to take an attack for yourself.

Price: 4000 points


The cost of these two moves was a steep 9,000 Team Rocket points, but as fate would have it, Cain had obtained a valuable green Pokémon Egg, thus rendering the cost a mere trifle. Without this stroke of luck, he may not have been able to trade for a Protect TM even at the end of this trial.

The staff member's eyes flicked with surprise as he watched Cain's emotionless face trade for TMs at such a high price. He couldn't help but think the young man didn't understand the true value of points.

With deft fingers, the staff member unlocked the safe containing the TMs and retrieved two items that shone with a brilliant white light. He handed them to Cain with care.

For Cain, these points were but a drop in the ocean. Without being converted into effective combat power, they were nothing more than a pile of useless data. But when converted, they held immense value.

With the acquisition of both Protect and Substitute, Murkrow's chances of survival in battle were greatly increased. Coupled with his already impressive speed, as long as he did not encounter an opponent of vastly superior level, Murkrow would be a formidable force to be reckoned with.

With 11,000 Team Rocket points still at his disposal, Cain set his sights on obtaining Murkrow's dark-type moves. Without hesitation, he redeemed the powerful 'Dark Pulse' move, spending a further 3,000 points.

As a dark-type special move, Dark Pulse possessed impressive power, a high hit rate, and the added bonus of potentially causing the opponent to flinch.

Cain pondered for a moment before deciding to save the remaining 8,000 points.

He could have traded for more moves, but it would have been fruitless. The difference between learning and mastering a move was vast. What Murkrow needed now was not to learn more moves, but to master the ones he had learned, so that they could be employed with ease in battle.

Cain pondered for a moment before speaking, "I require a training device for flight-type Pokemon, one that can be freely controlled in weight, with an upper limit of 25 kg." Such a device would be ideal for Murkrow's training regimen.

Murkrow had been using wood as a weight-bearing tool for some time, but as the bird grew stronger, it became increasingly difficult to find heavier wood to tie to his wings. Team Rocket's scientists had come across research on such a device, and while they had not been able to replicate the exact device, they had created one that allowed for free weight control. It had become one of Team Rocket's various training devices.

This type of weight machine did not require a great deal of technology to construct and therefore was not costly. A training device with a maximum capacity of 25 kg cost only 200 Team Rocket points.

"And let's get ten Great Balls as well," Cain added, each Great Ball worth 50 points, for a total of 500 Team Rocket points. He promptly stored them in his storage belt.

Cain had not initially intended to capture any more Pokemon on this island, but after his conversation with the mysterious man, he had changed his mind. The final trial was not overly difficult for Cain, aside from Xander and a couple of others that presented a bit of a challenge. The rest were mere minions.

But now, not only did Cain have to face the final trial, but he also had to complete some minor tasks for the mysterious man before the final trial. Though it might be a small task for the mysterious man, it could prove to be a difficult task for Cain. It was imperative that he begin training other Pokemon.

After collecting the ten Great Balls, he handed the magnetic card that represented his identity to the clerk, watching as it was swiped again and again, until there were 7,200 points remaining on the card. The exchange cost a total of 12,700 points, with the remaining 100 points used to check the talent of the Pokemon egg.

The exclusive 'Move Learning Machine' was nestled in the corner of the Exchange Center, a marvel of the Pokemon world. It operated by transferring the move from a TM directly into the Pokemon's mind, enabling the Pokemon to learn the move instantly. This was one of the most advanced technologies in the Pokemon world.

The move-learning device was available to use at no cost, but first, Cain replaced Murkrow's original Pokeball with a Great Ball. The space inside the Pokeball was transformed from a humble abode to a grand mansion.

Though Murkrow hardly spent any time in a Poke Ball, since Cain had the means, it was certainly a wise decision to ensure Murkrow's comfort.

After Cain placed Murkrow in the Great Ball, he inserted the Great Ball into the slot of the Move Learning Machine and retrieved the TMs from his storage belt. He then activated the machine and began using them, one by one.

Fortuitously, it was nighttime and the Exchange Center was empty save for Cain and the employee. Had anyone else been present and witnessed Cain using all four TMs at once, they would have scolded him for his extravagance. For other Pokemon, it might have been considered greedy to learn so many moves at once, but for Murkrow, with his green aptitude, it was simply a matter of time before he mastered these moves.

As the TM was used, it reverted to a regular disk with no value.

Each TM took about a minute to use, and when the process was complete for all of them, Cain released Murkrow from the Great Ball.

"Caw!" As soon as he emerged, Murkrow immediately took to the air. For him, who rarely entered a Poke Ball, it was spacious but not as comfortable as being outside.

Smiling and stroking Murkrow's feathers, Cain asked gently, "How is it? Have you learned everything?" Though he knew it was impossible for Murkrow to not have learned, he asked nonetheless.

"Caw! Caw!" Murkrow nodded immediately. It felt incredible, moves he had not known before had magically appeared in his mind, along with the knowledge of how to use them. It was as if they were his natural moves.

As if to demonstrate that he had indeed learned them, Murkrow's eyes narrowed and a pale green energy shield enveloped his entire body. The shield shimmered for a mere two seconds before fading away.

"Protect," Cain exclaimed, his eyes alight with recognition. Protect was a staple for almost every Pokémon once their power reached a certain level. It was a valuable and efficient life-saving move that rendered one immune to damage unconditionally. To say it was a divine life-saving ability would not be an exaggeration.

Murkrow attempted to use the move again, but found that he could not release it.

Cain reached out to stop Murkrow from trying further, a smile playing upon his lips, "This move can only be used after ten minutes. Come on, let's go back."

With that, Cain took Murkrow and departed the Exchange Center, their silhouettes disappearing into the darkness of the night.

As Cain left, the employee couldn't help but think that he was lucky to have been chosen by the mysterious man, not realizing that Cain knew more about the mysterious man's strength and status than he did. Cain was just uncertain if it would be a blessing or a curse.

The Team Rocket base had always provided 300 rooms for trialists to stay in. On the door of each room was a number corresponding to the number of each trialist.

Walking in the middle of the night, only the silhouettes of Cain and Murkrow could be seen under the moonlight.

The dormitory rooms were arranged in a very regular manner, and Cain soon located the room that belonged to him.

Although he had never stayed there before, the room was relatively clean, with a single bed, a small desk, and a chair. It was simple but for Cain, who was accustomed to living outdoors, a soft bed was all he required.

Cain lay down on the bed after locking the door behind him, groaning at the softness he had not felt in quite some time. Murkrow, who was also experiencing a human room for the first time, began to fly around with curiosity.


In a manse situated in the heart of Team Rocket's base, two individuals sat in an office belonging to Team Rocket's Chief Instructor, Viper.

Viper held a precious Luxury Ball in his hand and gently wiped away the nonexistent dust with a handkerchief. He gazed at the Luxury Ball with passion, as if it were a lover, finally saying, "I heard there's a boy you're interested in."

The mysterious man sitting across the table was entirely concealed within his black robe. He did not move or respond.