Chapter 41:

With a determined step, Cain ventured into the enchanted forest, his trusted companions Murkrow and Slowpoke by his side. The dagger in his grasp glimmered in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees as he consulted the map, matching landmarks to his surroundings.

Murkrow, the wily and watchful bird, flew overhead, his keen eyes scanning for any sign of danger. In a place as treacherous as this, where danger lurked behind every twisted trunk, the AI system's range was not enough to ensure their safety.

Slowpoke, using the move Confusion, floated behind, emanating a blue light from his steady gaze. He kept pace with Cain, ever vigilant, ready to defend them at a moment's notice.

For they had learned their lesson well after their encounter with the formidable Golduck, and now Murkrow served as their first line of defense, spotting the enemy's tracks and attacking before they could reach Cain. And should the enemy break through his defenses, Slowpoke was prepared, ready to use Confusion to control the foe, and then swiftly defeat it with the assistance of Murkrow.

And if even that should fail, Slowpoke's Teleport would whisk them away to safety in the blink of an eye.

The forest was eerily quiet, the aftermath of yesterday's battle between the mighty Gyarados and the elegant Milotic still fresh in the air. So for nearly an hour, Cain walked in relative comfort, the only sounds the crunch of leaves underfoot and the occasional rustle of bushes.

But as they left the waterfall's misty embrace, more and more Pokemon seemed to materialize from the shadows. The map promised they were nearing the main route, and at their current pace, they would reach it within the hour.

As Cain reached for his dagger to cut through a thick vine blocking their path, a hidden animal trail was revealed before him. Though it offered a greater chance of encountering Pokemon, it was a far better option than the thorny bushes and twisted branches that had hindered their progress thus far.

Without hesitation, Cain stepped onto the path, his trust in his companions absolute. And sure enough, as if on cue, a fierce battle broke out shortly after.

As Cain ventured deeper into the forest, a sense of unease settled heavy in his chest. Was it the fact that his luck had taken a turn for the worse, or was it simply the dangerous path he had chosen?

Wild Pokemon came at him in waves, each one hellbent on taking him down. But with Murkrow and Slowpoke by his side, the ferocious protectors of his journey, none of the Pokemon were able to break through their defenses.

Murkrow, like a dragon returning to the sea, was a force to be reckoned with in the forest. His body had become accustomed to the heavy weights and his speed was almost as fast as when they first set out. Quickly weaving between the trees, he toyed with his enemies, dispatching them with ease.

Take for example the Mankey, who had thought to sneak up on Cain with its quick tree-to-tree movements. But Murkrow spotted it the moment it struck, and with a single Wing Attack, the Fighting-type Pokemon was dispatched in seconds. This was just one of many attacks.

From the moment these Pokemon had chosen to attack Cain, their fate was sealed. Cain did not hold back and Murkrow and Slowpoke killed every Pokemon that dared to attack. It was survival of the fittest, and if they hadn't stood their ground, more and more Pokemon would have come, hoping to get lucky, until Murkrow and Slowpoke could no longer fight.

A decisive, unrelenting kill might serve as a deterrent to nearby Pokemon. In the beginning, most of the attacks were made by the most powerful Pokemon in the area, so when they were killed, no other Pokemon dared to attack. But as they reached new areas, new Pokemon would attack without fear of death.

Murkrow and Slowpoke were willing to kill any Pokemon that dared to attack them after the Golduck incident. Their resentment towards the Golduck was directed towards the Pokemon that came to them to die.

As the blood of fallen Pokemon stained the forest floor, Murkrow and Slowpoke's killing intent grew stronger, a faint scent of blood hanging heavy in the air. Fewer and fewer Pokemon dared to challenge them.

The journey that should have taken an hour, stretched on for nearly two, the trio battling their way through a never-ending horde of attackers. But despite the difficulties, the outcome was positive. Murkrow's level had risen to 18, and while Slowpoke's level had not increased, he had grown more proficient in his moves and more attuned to fighting under Cain's command. Most importantly, he was beginning to learn how to pace himself in battle and respond quickly to attacks.

As they made their way back to the main path, Cain couldn't help but wonder if it was fate that had led him to flee from the Raticate colony and stumble upon the waterfall, where he had met Slowpoke and taken him under his wing.

With a small sigh, Cain said, "Finally back on this path, it took a while," smiling bitterly. "Let's rest a little, prepare lunch, and then continue on our way in the afternoon."

With a fire built from dead branches and leaves, Cain took out two of the four rabbits he had caught by hand that day, as well as some salt and pepper from his Team Rocket belt. He skinned the rabbits with his dagger, removed their entrails and cleaned them with water with the help of Slowpoke. Soon, two fluffy rabbits were transformed into two pieces of delicious rabbit meat.

It didn't take long for four crispy golden rabbits to appear, and by then, Murkrow and Slowpoke, who had fought all morning, were already in front of him, their gaze fixed on the golden rabbit meat. Although Pokeblocks were more nutritious and tasted good, Murkrow couldn't resist Cain's expert roasting skills and always filled his stomach with Pokeblocks after eating the roast meat.

As Slowpoke laid eyes on the sizzling rabbit meat, drool began to pool at the corners of his mouth. He remembered the first time he had tasted Cain's grilled fish and couldn't wait to indulge in this new delicacy.

Cain, with a smile on his face, expertly cut one of the roasted rabbits in half with his dagger, keeping a portion for himself, placing a whole rabbit in Murkrow's bowl and giving the rest to Slowpoke. Slowpoke, who could eat much more than Murkrow, could devour two and a half rabbits effortlessly. The rest of his stomach would be filled with berries he would pluck using Confusion on their journey.

"All right, let's get started," Cain said, and with his permission, Murkrow and Slowpoke eagerly dug in.

Murkrow was the first to finish, his greedy gaze fixed on the last rabbit in Slowpoke's bowl before lowering his head to eat the Pokeblocks Cain had prepared for him. Slowpoke had wanted to share with his companion, but when Murkrow refused, he didn't push the matter.

The leisurely lunch came to an end, and as the scent of the roast wafted through the forest, some Pokemon were attracted, but upon seeing Murkrow and Slowpoke and feeling the faint killing intent emanating from them, they quickly retreated.

After the meal, Cain once again examined the map to plan their next move.

As Cain returned to the main route, he knew that while the distance would allow him to reach his destination in one day, the many Pokemon he would encounter along the way would slow his progress. The deeper he ventured into the forest, the higher the level of the Pokemon he would encounter and the more difficult the path would become.

But with Murkrow and Slowpoke back to full strength after a midday rest and lunch, the trio set out once more, deeper into the forest.

Not long after they had left, a group of people appeared at the spot where Cain had just roasted his meal. The leader of the group, a man with a white slender hand and a sly smile, walked over to the ashes left behind, reached out and touched the warm ashes, then brought it to his nose and sniffed.

With his back to his companions, he gave a grim smile and murmured, "What a coincidence, Cain!" The last two words were spoken through clenched teeth.

One of the men behind him, noticing his actions, stepped forward and tapped him on the shoulder, "Found anything yet? Soros?"