Chapter 45:

Soros' face turned ashen as he heard Cain speak. He had never expected this to happen. The sight of Murkrow flying overhead and the pink Slowpoke by Cain's side made everything clear. He had severely underestimated Cain, who had not only trained a powerful Pokemon, but had also taken in a second one, just as powerful.

Comparing their strengths, Soros realized that his side was at a disadvantage. Spitting hatefully through clenched teeth, he spat, "We lost this time, let's go!" But he was interrupted by Cain's mocking laugh, "Don't you think it's a little late to leave now? Murkrow, Gust."

With those words, a whirlwind appeared behind them, blocking their path of retreat. Soros' eyes spit fire as he shouted, "Cain, don't go too far!" If looks could kill, Cain would have died many times by now. Even Xander had never been so dismissive of him.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Cain said, taking a step forward.

"Caw!" Murkrow cried out in support, as if ready to attack at any moment.

Soros' face stiffened and he glanced at Skye, gesturing for him to do something. Cain, noticing this, took a closer look at the young man and his Ekans.

Pokemon: Ekans (Orange)

Gender: Female

Level: 19

Type: Poison

Ability: Shed Skin

Items held: None

Egg moves: Poison Tail

Basic Moves: Wrap, Empty, Poison Sting, Bite, Blink, Screech

Taught Moves: Acid

Technological Machines (TMs): None

He was surprised that this young man had trained his Ekans to level 19 and was impressed by his calmness in this situation. This indicated that he possessed both strength and intelligence.

"What's your name?" Cain asked casually.

Startled by the question, Skye hesitated before answering, "Skye."

With their disadvantage clear, it was best not to provoke Cain and to stall for time in hopes of finding a way to escape. Starting a fight now would be foolish, particularly in light of the nearby presence of their fallen comrade's corpse.

They had underestimated Cain's power, thinking he only possessed a formidable Murkrow, and even then, they had hesitated before making a move. Now that they knew he also had an equally powerful Slowpoke, provoking him would mean certain death.

Skye, taking in all the circumstances, could not think of a way out. He was disappointed that all his efforts to help Soros were for naught. But then, Cain spoke words that left them all in shock, "Are you interested in working for me?"

The follower's ashen face lit up with hope, recognizing that working for Cain meant a chance at survival. He may not have been the brightest, but he knew he was being used by Soros and couldn't afford to oppose Cain.

But it was Soros' expression that changed the most, his face shifting from red to green, from green to black, and then from black to white. The shock and anger evident in his eyes as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Soros had not expected Cain to take the initiative to recruit Skye. He had been preparing to fight to the death alongside Skye, hoping to find a way out, but after Cain's words, his mind went blank.

Skye, on the other hand, had the least change in expression, but his eyes remained fixed on Cain, trying to understand his true intentions; whether he truly wanted to recruit him or if it was just a distraction before killing them one by one. But even after a while, he couldn't read anything on Cain's face.

Cain said nothing, he simply stared at Skye and waited for his answer. In fact, Cain's decision to recruit Skye was not made on a whim. As someone with a lifetime of experience in Team Rocket, he understood that one person could never get very far in such a large organization with so many factions. There were only two options: join an existing faction or create one from scratch. Although the latter was much more difficult, Cain had chosen to do it.

If he wanted to have more resources, it was better to rely on himself. Even though he wouldn't be able to form his faction right away, that wouldn't stop him from making plans for the future. Besides, this trial was the best time to place his pieces on the board.

In his previous life, before Xander joined Team Rocket, he had formed his own clique on this trial island, paving the way for his future development. And now, Cain wanted to form his own team, to be prepared even if he didn't need it in the future.

Skye was chosen by Cain by chance, but he believed that if Skye was given a Pokemon with good aptitude, he would prove useful later.

Without making Cain wait too long, Skye gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes!" He couldn't say no in his current situation, if he did, he would end up dead!

Soros's eyes blazed with red fury as he glared at Skye, but he did not hesitate to make his escape. Even with Skye by his side, they had never stood a chance against Cain.

Cain sneered in contempt as he watched Soros flee. "Slowpoke, Psyshock!" he commanded, and his Pokemon unleashed a wave of psychic energy upon Soros.

"Koffing, block him!" Soros growled, sacrificing his own Pokemon to protect himself.

"Gas~", Koffing gave a moment's pause, but ultimately obeyed its trainer's command. It was common knowledge that Psychic-types held a powerful advantage over Poison-type Pokemon. Thus it wasn't much of a surprise when Koffing let out a sorrowful moan before collapsing to the ground, powerless against Slowpoke's onslaught.

Skye watched the scene with a mixture of fear and intrigue. He had reluctantly agreed to join Cain's team, but he had not expected such a display of power.

Cain, sensing Skye's uncertainty, was confident in his ability to keep him under control. He had no need for loyalty, only obedience.

Soros, desperate and alone, could not evade the fatal strike of Murkrow. And so, another corpse was added to the earth, forever lost.

Cain, with a thoughtful glint in his eye, decided to spare the life of the last remaining individual. For in the construction of his team, he knew that relying solely upon Skye would not be enough. This person could serve as his loyal assistant.

He approached Soros' lifeless body and looked into his wide, haunted eyes. With a deft motion, he unclipped Soros' Team Rocket belt and, after a moment's contemplation, took the pokeball from his waist.

Tapping the button on the pokeball, he put away the unconscious Koffing and tossed it to Skye. "From now on, this Pokemon is yours," Cain said, a hint of warning in his voice. "I hope you won't disappoint me."

Skye stared at the pokeball in shock, his mind reeling at the implications of what had just happened. This Koffing with a dark yellow aptitude was far superior to his own orange aptitude Ekans.

"Is this for me?" he asked, unable to believe his luck. He could feel the envy emanating from the man standing next to him.

Skye's hand closed tightly around the pokeball, his fingers turning white with the effort. This was his chance, his ticket to the top.

Cain watched him with a frown. "What's wrong? Can you not tame it?" he asked, knowing that a Pokemon's acceptance of a new trainer was not always easy. But he had faith in Skye's abilities.

"No, no, thank you very much," Skye stammered, bowing deeply. He didn't know how to address Cain.

"Just call me Cain," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion. He didn't care for titles.

"Yes, thank you, Cain," Skye responded, adjusting quickly to his new role. Cain nodded, pleased that he had found a new pawn in his game of power and ambition.

He had always found the carrot-and-stick approach to be the most effective way of controlling his subordinates. He now turned his gaze to the man standing nearby, who had fallen into a trance-like state after the day's events.

The death of all four of his companions, and of Soros, whom he had idolized, had taken its toll on him. Skye, the second-in-command, had betrayed Soros, and his own life was now in the hands of another. He was at a loss for what to do.

Skye's eyes flickered and he gave the man a swift kick to bring him back to reality. The man, noticing the attention of both Cain and Skye, paled and stammered, "Uh...uh.....Boss, my name is Fox, I mean, my nickname is Fox. My Pokemon is a Koffing. I, I am willing to pledge allegiance. Please, don't kill me!"

Cain, who had already scanned Fox's Pokemon, saw that it was a level 16 orange-aptitude Koffing, nothing special, but it was better than nothing.

"From now on, you will follow Skye," Cain said impassively.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Fox immediately bowed and let out a sigh of relief, as if he had been granted amnesty. Being a subordinate of Cain was surely a more reliable choice than following Soros.