Chapter 58:


Phew, finally got those old chapters all polished up! I made a few tweaks based on what you guys told me, so if you read the raws and think something needs to be changed to make the story flow better, drop me a review (with a spoiler warning) and I'll check it out. And for future chapters, if you notice any mistakes or if anything's just not clicking, leave a paragraph comment and I'll go back and fix it up.

PS: Shower this fanfic with some love stones, y'all! And a big shoutout to Peter for being my first Pâtreon supporter!

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Pokemon: Beedrill (Dark Green)

Gender: Male

Level: 11

Type: Bug + Poison

Ability: Sniper

Held items: None

Egg moves: Bug Bite, Focus Energy

Basic moves: Twineedle, Fury Attack

Taught moves: Laser Focus

Technical Machines (TMs): Protect, Toxic, Hidden Power (Fire)

Cain was taken aback when he viewed the data of the Beedrill. Not only was its growth rate impressive, but its aptitude had reached Dark Green - an upgrade from its original Green aptitude. This was undoubtedly due to Umbra having access to an abundance of resources.

Though small, this step forward would mean a significant boost in the Beedrill's battling power in the future, especially with Umbra's dedicated training.

Cain was also shocked to learn about the Beedrill's ability. While the typical ability for a Beedrill is Swarm, which increases the power of bug-type moves when its health is low. There's a rare hidden ability called Sniper that boosts the power of critical hits. Normally, a critical hit deals 1.5 times normal damage, but with the Sniper ability, the damage increases to 2.25 times the normal amount.

The Sniper ability was a formidable asset and Cain might have kept the Beedrill for himself if he had known about it beforehand. But the probability of this hidden ability appearing was so low that Umbra was just lucky to have come across it. This was likely why he invested so many resources into it.

After the initial shock, Cain composed himself. Despite the Beedrill's impressive qualities, he stood firm in his decision. Umbra noticed the change in Cain's expression and was pleased to see that he was not having second thoughts.

"This trial is special, so there's no need to hold back," Umbra said sternly. "I can't reveal all the details now, but I can tell you that it's safe to showcase your talents. Don't worry about being targeted."

As a member of Team Rocket, Umbra was well aware of their reputation for killing geniuses. He could understand Cain's concerns, but this trial was different.

Cain's eyes widened in surprise as he listened to Umbra's words. This trial was special? How come he didn't feel it in his previous life?

"Have you not noticed?" Umbra continued. "This batch of trialists possess a level of talent surpassing the norm, and more importantly, many of them have received high-aptitude Pokemon. Do you really think everyone has a brother like Xander?

Cain's pupils suddenly contracted as the reality of the situation hit him. Why would a Green-aptitude Pokemon be given to someone who was essentially being used as cannon fodder? And if the trialist were to die, wouldn't that be too great a loss? How come he didn't realize this in his previous life? Was it because his ranking was too low to qualify?

"I've seen your Murkrow's talent, and your recent performance whilst using the weight-bearing device was impressive. Although conserving your strength is never a bad idea, I must say that if you have aspirations of rising the ranks in Team Rocket, this trial is a golden opportunity. Especially this time, it's something special," Umbra spoke, his words carrying an air of significance even though he did not explain what made this trial different.

Cain frowned. If Umbra was saying so, then he couldn't help but fear that this trial was indeed exceptional. He was not naive enough to believe that success in this trial would guarantee a higher position in the organization, but he knew that if Umbra was right, then giving it his all might lead to future opportunities. However, it was a dangerous game, like walking a tightrope without a safety net.

Cain could not fully trust Umbra, but the man's words did prompt a change in his plans. Just as Cain was about to reconsider his approach, Umbra dropped another bombshell.

"The little one in your shadow is also quite a talented Pokémon. You're lucky to have it," Umbra said, his gaze trained meaningfully on the shadow behind Cain.

Cain broke out in a cold sweat as he slowly reached for the Pokéball on his Team Rocket belt, ready to release Slowpoke and Teleport away at a moment's notice. It may not have been much, but he was not prepared to die without putting up a fight.

Seeing Cain's guarded expression, Umbra chuckled and gestured with his hand.

"Relax. I'm not so cruel as to pick on someone like you. That Pokémon is yours and I have no intention of taking it from you. If I did, I wouldn't be wasting my time chatting with you now, would I? And even if you were to summon another Pokémon, would it do you any good?"

Umbra spoke with the pride and confidence of a Senior Elite-level trainer. He didn't believe that someone like Cain could escape his grasp.

With a rueful smile, Cain lowered his hand from his belt. He realized that he had overreacted. Maybe Umbra was just testing him to see how he would react.

One thing was for certain: even if Cain released all three of his Pokémon, he wouldn't be able to escape. Umbra's Gengar alone was enough to handle him.

As Cain gradually relaxed, Umbra signaled for his Beedrill to go and play on its own. Leaning forward and bracing his hands on the table, Umbra continued, "Anyway, do well in this upcoming test. If you meet my expectations, I may let you leave Purgatory Island earlier than planned."

Cain was taken aback by Umbra's words. If he were able to leave this Trial Island earlier, the benefits would be tremendous. After a brief internal struggle, he was finally unable to resist the temptation. "Understood, Mr. Umbra," Cain responded.

Umbra nodded, a hint of a smile playing at the edges of his lips as he leaned back in his seat.