Chapter 61:

Viper sat on the spectator stand, aghast, "This brat. I wonder what Umbra said to him. This time, he really didn't hold back."

He scrutinized the large white words on the trial stone, double-checking for any errors. Finding none, he chuckled to himself. As the Chief Instructor of Team Rocket, responsible for overseeing Purgatory Island, he knew better than anyone the extent of Cain's accomplishments.

Without a doubt, Cain's results were some of the best among all previous trial participants.

"Cough," Viper cleared his throat, snapping the examiner out of his trance.

The examiner on stage jolted at the sound and exclaimed, "Co- Number: 234, Attack value: 458!"

Gasps echoed throughout the square, followed by a series of curses.


"Holy shit!"

"You got to be fuck'n kidding me!"

"God damn!"

Cain had secured his spot as the top-performing trialist, leaving everyone else in the dust.

Down below the trial platform, Jasmine's mouth hung open in shock. Her face stiffened as she gazed at Cain and Murkrow on stage. After a long pause, she whispered, "Is this his true strength? The variable that Teacher spoke of?"

Xander opened his mouth, ready to speak, but only managed to mutter, "He surpassed me last time, and now he's even further ahead of me. What kind of monster is he?"

Alan, standing in the crowd, spoke with a facade of calm. "In a week's time, his attack value increased from 200 to 400. This trial is getting more and more interesting." Despite his words, his hand trembled as he petted his Mightyena, revealing the true state of his nerves.

Skye, Cain's top subordinate, gazed at the result on the trial stone in disbelief. "This is... Cain's true strength? Soros didn't die in vain."

He had thought that if Cain managed to become number one, it would only be by a slim margin, surpassing Xander by a little. But he never expected Cain's true strength to be so overwhelmingly exaggerated.

Some in the crowd looked surprised as they gazed at Cain, but their thoughts remained unknown.

After the examiner recorded the result, Cain descended from the platform with Murkrow, returning to his original position. As a leader, Cain was already surrounded by people, and with the release of the results, the crowd around him only grew thicker.

They felt lucky to follow such a powerful trial-taker. At the very least, they would have an easier time on the trial island. Even if they joined Team Rocket in the future, they believed that as long as they followed in Cain's footsteps, their status would rise.

Skye raised some eyebrows when he unleashed the full potential of the Koffing he had tamed, once belonging to Soros. To everyone's surprise, it achieved an attack value of 288, showing that Skye's talent as a trainer was not to be underestimated. Koffings were not known for their straightforward attacks, making Skye's success all the more impressive.

As the test came to a close, the rankings were revealed. Cain dominated with a staggering attack value of 458, securing his position at the top once again.

The rest of the rankings were as follows:

2nd Place: Xander and his Ekans, Attack value: 337

3rd Place: Alan and his Mightyena, Attack value: 330

4th Place: Jasmine and her Zubat, Attack value: 308

5th Place: Skye and his Koffing, Attack value: 288

Despite a few shake-ups - Skye taking Soros's place as the fifth-ranked trainer and Alan's recently evolved Mightyena getting third - the rankings remained mostly unchanged.

However, after Umbra pointed out the peculiarities of this trial, Cain noticed a few individuals who seemed to be hiding something. Though their results weren't particularly high, ranking around the top ten, there was an aura of mystery surrounding them. Their hidden strength, or something else entirely, left him wondering.

Team Rocket's examiner stepped onto the platform and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of everyone present. "The basic test has been completed," he announced, his voice carrying across the crowd. "If anyone is unhappy with their results, they can challenge someone within ten ranks of them. But be warned, you only get one shot. If you succeed, you will be promoted to the loser's rank. If you fail, you'll drop ten ranks. And remember, this challenge is a matter of life or death." The examiner's piercing gaze swept over the gathered trainers, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

The attack value test was just the beginning, a simple measure of the power of each Pokemon. But the trial challenge was a true test of a trainer's control in battle and their ability to command their Pokemon. It also showed the results of the Pokemon's training, as strength wasn't solely based on the trainer's command.

At the examiner's announcement, the crowd below the platform stirred but quickly settled. Some trialists exchanged nervous glances, unsure of whether to take the risk. Though some were dissatisfied with their result and felt that their Pokemon did not excel in straightforward attacks, the life-or-death stakes made them hesitant to step forward and challenge. The prospect of death doused the flickering hope they previously held.

The silence in the square was palpable as the weight of the life-and-death challenge weighed heavy on the trial participants. Fear and uncertainty were palpable in the air.

Cain stood to the side, his gaze lazily scanning the group. But when his eyes landed on Xander, a small smile appeared on his face. Xander was also staring at Cain, weighing his options. He had already made up his mind, but the pressure of Cain's impressive result made him hesitate. That is, until Cain's gaze met his.

Xander straightened his back, clenching his fists tightly, and announced to the examiner, "Ha! What a bunch of cowards! I'll go first, I challenge...first-place, Cain!"

Xander strode confidently towards the battle area. The onlookers held their breath as they watched the fearless young man approach. Xander's reputation as a skilled fighter had preceded him, and his determination was written all over his face.

The Team Rocket examiner shot a worried glance at Viper, who was observing from the viewing platform. Viper's expression was somber. He understood why Xander was making this challenge. Despite all the advantages he had, he had fallen behind Cain and Xander could not tolerate being overshadowed by him.

With a nod of his head, Viper signaled to the examiner that the challenge could proceed. The examiner sighed deeply, wishing that he didn't have to be involved in such a dangerous match. Despite his own strength and position within Team Rocket, he still feared the wrath of Xander's brother .

But as an examiner, he had no choice but to carry out the challenge.

Xander bellowed with laughter, challenging Cain. "What are you waiting for? Show me your true strength!"

Cain stretched his neck, a sly grin spreading across his face.

Xander's challenge was exactly what Cain had wanted and expected.

Cain knew that if all went according to plan, he would have to temporarily leave the island. And as the leader of a newly acquired faction, he needed to establish his authority.

"Cain, number 234. Do you accept the challenge from Xander, number 99," The Team Rocket examiner asked, standing at the referee's position.

Accepting the challenge meant that the battle would go on. However, if Cain chose to back down, it would be considered a loss, and Xander would take his place, dropping Cain ten spots in the rankings.

Cain's Murkrow, who had long been itching to battle Xander's Ekans, eagerly looked on as his trainer accepted the challenge.

The examiner sighed as the two contestants he least wanted to see faced off against each other. He was aware of Xander's identity and had heard from Viper about Cain's association with Umbra. Xander's brother was now seen as a joke compared to Cain, who had caught Umbra's attention.

"In this challenge each competitor is limited to one Pokemon, and there are no other rules. The battle will end when one side surrenders or dies. Begin the challenge!"

With the examiner's declaration, the tension in the plaza reached a boiling point as the first battle of the trial officially began.

"Ekans, use Glare!" Xander started the battle by calling out the attack.

"Caba!" Ekans hissed and bared its fangs, whilst it flaunted the pattern on its belly, a move meant to scare and paralyze the opponent. Combined with its characteristic Intimidate ability, the effectiveness of the move would be maximized.

Cain was quick to respond. "Murkrow, take to the air and use Tailwind. Don't look at it!"

Murkrow obeyed, spreading his wings and rising into the air, surrounded by a white aura that reduced wind resistance. The bird transformed into a black blur and vanished from sight.

Xander wasn't about to be outdone. "Screech, Ekans!"

"Let's follow suit. Murkrow, Screech!"

The two Pokemon became sources of sound, each sending out invisible sound waves that rippled across the plaza, making everyone and every Pokemon feel uneasy. However, Ekans was limited by its inability to fly, putting it at a disadvantage against Murkrow soaring in the sky. Despite the ear-piercing sound lowering defense, the initiative in the battle remained with Cain.

"Cain, you won't just keep your Pokemon in the air forever, will you?! If you do, I'll really have no respect for you!" Xander called out, frustration showing in his voice.

"Idiot. That's a boorish provocation, but thanks for the encouragement." Cain sneered in response, "Murkrow, get close and use Wing Attack!"

Xander cackled wickedly as he watched the two creatures about to clash. Despite Cain's scolding, he was satisfied as long as Ekans and Murkrow fought.

"Ekans, don't dodge," Xander ordered. "Use Bind and then Bite!"

Ekans's most formidable weapons were its two sharp fangs and its muscular coils. These two moves would bring out Ekans's full potential.

Murkrow swooped down like a black lightning bolt, his wings glowing with white light. Without pause, he crashed into Ekans.

The collision was like a clash between asteroids, sending up a cloud of dust. Ekans let out a cry of pain, caught off guard by Murkrow's powerful attack.

Because of its subconscious defensive reflex, it didn't have time to immediately counterattack. Murkrow, under Cain's influence, retreated after his strike. Ekans's Bind and Bite missed their mark.

Xander's face paled in shock. "Quick, use Acid!"

Reacting quickly, Ekans shot a ball of purple liquid from its mouth, which hit Murkrow as he retreated.

Acid took effect instantly, dissolving a few of Murkrow's feathers and slightly reducing his special defense.

The two creatures separated, their eyes filled with intense battle intent. A single exchange of blows had given them a rough gauge of each other's strength.

They were both warriors through and through.

Xander's jaw tensed as he glared at the nonchalant Cain across the battleground. Fury boiled within him, his frustration all too palpable.

Murkrow, with his nimble movements, had the upper hand against Ekans. And with Murkrow's high attack power, Ekans would struggle just to hold on.

Ekans gasped for air, Murkrow's strike having taken its toll.

Murkrow hovered in the air, his battle intent evident in his piercing gaze. A mere scratch from Ekans's Acid was just a minor inconvenience for Murkrow, who was well-accustomed to fighting in the wild.

The disparity in strength between the two Pokemon was undeniable.

"Xander, give it up. You can't beat me," Cain said coolly, his words a sharp contrast to the desperation on Xander's face.

To be honest, even if Cain were able to defeat Xander, he wouldn't outright kill his Ekans. This was because Xander's older brother held the position of a Senior Officer in Team Rocket, which made Cain somewhat wary.

But as the battle raged on and intensified, Cain couldn't be sure he could maintain his easy-going state. This was a fight for survival, after all, and Cain wouldn't hold back. If he killed Ekans, he would become Xander's enemy, and even if Xander's older brother was a senior officer, Cain wouldn't hesitate to eliminate the threat.

With a lifetime of experience and the aid of the A.I. System, Cain was confident he could surpass even this officer he had never met, putting an end to this animosity once and for all.

Cain's words may have appeared lenient to onlookers, but to Xander, it was a direct affront to his pride. They ignited a fire within Xander's heart, stoking his determination to win.

With a determined look on his face, Xander reached for his Team Rocket belt and a dark, purplish pill materialized in his hand.

Cain's eyes narrowed as he watched Xander's movements, a sense of unease creeping over him. Xander's eyes were dark and menacing as he fixed his gaze on Cain. He ground his teeth together so loudly that the sound echoed across the plaza, making his expression all the more sinister. "You leave me no choice! Prepare to die, you bastard!"

With those words, Xander hurled the pill at Ekans, who swiftly swallowed it whole.

Viper, who was observing from the stands, furrowed his brow upon seeing what Xander had thrown. Yet, he remained silent.

Being the respected figure that he was, Viper knew exactly what the pill was. It was listed on Team Rocket's exchange list, with a price tag of 5000 points. The description stated that it had the power to drastically increase the poison energy of a poison-type Pokemon, multiplying it by five times. However, such a potent effect came with severe side effects, leaving the Pokemon weakened for an entire week.

Xander's intentions were clear - he wanted to eliminate Cain once and for all, ensuring that he would no longer be challenged in the trial. Even if Ekans was weakened for a week, Xander was confident that he could catch up later. This pill was given to him by his brother as a last resort in case of an emergency, but he never thought he'd use it against Cain.

"Caba!!!" The moment Ekans swallowed the purple pill, he felt an overwhelming energy surge through his body, causing him to bulge slightly. A light purple mist escaped from him and enveloped his body.

The mist hissed and crackled as it made contact with the ground, causing it to become pitted. All of this happened in the blink of an eye, catching Cain off guard.

Xander sneered, his eyes shining with malevolence. "Ekans, Poison Sting!" he commanded.

Ekans unleashed a barrage of long, purple needles, each one coated in a potent poison. They flew towards Murkrow at breakneck speed.

"Murkrow, Gust! Fan these poison needles away!" Cain ordered, recognizing the danger in the situation. Murkrow summoned a small whirlwind from the energy in his wings and aimed it at the incoming needles.

But to Cain's surprise, the poison-coated needles easily passed through the whirlwind, their purple color only slightly diminished. They continued their trajectory towards Murkrow, striking his body with deadly accuracy.

A purple mist enveloped Murkrow, indicating he had been poisoned. Cain frowned, stunned by Xander's unexpected ace in the hole. "Such strong poison energy," he muttered.

"Hahaha!" Xander laughed arrogantly. "Who told you to ignore me like this? Now that Murkrow is poisoned, you have no choice but to end this quickly!"

Cain realized the direness of the situation. "Murkrow, continue using Wing Attack!

"Caw!" Even though Murkrow was feeling uncomfortable, he obeyed Cain's command and transformed into a black light, flying towards Ekans. His powerful Wing Attack was his strongest move, perfect for ending the fight quickly.

But Xander was one step ahead. "Ekans, Scary Face! Then use Poison Fang!!"

Xander didn't hide the killing intent in his heart as he commanded Ekans to use his strongest poison-type move.

As Murkrow closed in, the speed-reducing effect of Scary Face slowed him down, and Ekans's fangs were poised to bite into the bird's wings.



The two creatures once against clashed and separated, but this time the outcome was different. Murkrow was hit by Ekans' Poison Fang, when the snake struck back. The purple hue on the bird's body grew more intense.

The tide of the battle was turning in Xander's favor, and Cain and Murkrow were struggling to keep up.

"Hahaha!! I'll kill you today!" Xander laughed with newfound confidence as the poison took effect. He believed that as long as he could defeat Cain here, even if he was weakened for a week, nobody would dare challenge him.

But what Xander didn't expect was that at that moment, Cain suddenly started laughing too.