Chapter 63:

Vermilion City is a seemingly peaceful city that is home to the largest Pokemon Association in the Kanto region. However, it also houses a dark secret as it was a significant base for Team Rocket. Despite this, the city remains tranquil due to the presence of Lt. Surge, a powerful figure who commands respect and fear from even the toughest members of Team Rocket.

Cain was no stranger to Vermilion City's shady underworld. He knew that as long as one kept a low profile, there was little to worry about. But Umbra had tasked him with traveling to Mahogany Town, in the Johto region, where the Gym was run by the notorious Pryce, the Teacher of Winter's Harshness.

Mahogany Town was under his watchful eye and his reputation preceded him as a force to be reckoned with. If not for his eccentric personality, he would definitely have been one of the Elite Four.

Pryce's influence over Mahogany Town emphasized its significance to the Pokémon Association, making Cain's mission even more challenging with numerous unpredictable factors and a high level of risk.


As the ship docked in Vermilion City's bustling port, a young man stepped off, accompanied by a pale pink Slowpoke. With a human skin mask disguising his true identity and an Association trainer's outfit blending in with the crowd, Cain was ready for his next adventure.

Breathing in the salty sea air and feeling the solid ground beneath his feet, Cain finally arrived in Vermilion City, the largest port city in the Kanto region and a hub for maritime trade. The city's famous Vermilion Harbor was where grand cruise ships like the S.S. Anne, S.S. Aqua, and Seagallop frequently docked.

Vermilion City may not have been the most developed in the Kanto region, but its annual tax revenue from the port allowed it to thrive. The same went for the powerful Team Rocket, who had claimed Vermilion City as their own and were raking in huge profits.

As Cain stepped into the bustling streets, the last rays of the sun were fading into the horizon. The city was alive with activity, as traders and travelers bustled about their business, their faces lit up by the glow of street lamps and shop windows.

The port city was no stranger to travelers, and Cain blended in with the crowd, his Slowpoke by his side and a pokeball at his waist marking him as a seasoned trainer. But as he strolled down the crowded streets, one thing weighed heavily on Cain's mind: his empty pockets. The harsh realities of life as a penniless trainer set in, and he knew he had to take action.

He followed a sign to a shop that sold pokemon items, eager to cash in on some of the less valuable items he'd accumulated during his time on Purgatory Island. As he made the trade, he couldn't help but think of the Geocentric Cleansing Milk he was forced to hide. But he consoled himself with the knowledge that the Association ID card Umbra had given him would transfer the 5,000 Pokédollars he earned to his bank account.

Cain observed his bank balance change to 5000 Pokédollars, then promptly left the shop and headed to the Pokemon Center.

The Vermilion City Pokemon Center was a magnificent sight to behold, stretching two football fields wide and towering with six floors of top-notch medical facilities. A symbol of the Pokemon Association's power and wealth. Cain approached the entrance donning the Association's recognizable uniform. The guards took one look at his ID card and let him pass without so much as a second glance.

Nurse Joy was just one of many medical experts at the Pokemon Center, where teams of medical staff and Chanseys worked tirelessly to meet the needs of trainers. And yet, despite the chaos, there was a sense of order in the air, as trainers patiently waited their turn for treatment.

In addition to its specialized medical expertise, the Pokemon Center also provided lodging facilities, making it the perfect place for Cain to fulfill both of his needs.

As a seasoned trainer, he knew all too well the dangers of hidden injuries and the importance of keeping his Pokemon in top shape. Although Cain's AI system was capable of scanning for hidden injuries in Pokemon, its database was limited in its knowledge of such injuries, leaving him feeling unsure. To alleviate this concern, Cain decided to rely on the latest medical technology from the Association to conduct a thorough examination of his Pokemon.

Speaking of technology, Team Rocket was teeming with scientists, many of their technologies surpassing even those of the Pokemon Association. But when it came to medical advancements, the Association had them beat. The Pokemon Center, a beacon of cutting-edge medical prowess, was one of the most crucial pieces in the Association's arsenal.

Without the healing touch of the Pokemon Center, trainers in the Association would be at a disadvantage, their combat power hindered. But with the Center's existence, the Association remained steadfast, their power unchallenged.

"Next up, number forty-seven," blared the loudspeaker, and Cain made his way to the designated window, where a smiling medical staff greeted him with professional grace.

"Good day, sir," the medical staff addressed Cain with a warm smile. "May I see your Association ID card and Pokemon for the check-up?"

Cain returned the smile and handed over his ID card and pokeballs. "Of course, here you go. I'd like a comprehensive examination for all three of my Pokemon."

Although Cain kept Murkrow and Gastly hidden from the public eye, as a nameless trainer, he knew he wouldn't attract any undue attention.

The medical staff inserted the card into a small device and the information about 'Cain' appeared on the screen. "That'll be three thousand Pokédollars for the full body examination of your three Pokemon. Will that be cash or a deduction from your bank account?"

"Deduct it from my bank account, please," Cain replied.

"Certainly," the medical staff said with a professional smile. "And would you like to register for lodging for the night? It's an additional five hundred Pokédollars."

"Yes, I would. Deduct it all together, if you don't mind."

The medical staff nodded and quickly processed the transaction. "All set. Here's your ID and room card. The examination may take some time, so feel free to wait in the reception or in your room. We'll let you know as soon as it's done."

Cain took his ID and room card and let out a low whistle. "Wow, the Association is really taking care of me. I only have to pay a thousand Pokédollars per pokemon. Not too shabby."

But he knew that for the average civilian trainer, such a sum of money would be a significant burden.

In the Pokemon World, a trainer's life was not for the faint of heart. It was a fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled journey that required more than just heart and soul, it also required a hefty sum of Pokédollars. The average office worker's salary was almost ten to twenty thousand Pokédollars, and being a trainer meant burning through that kind of money at a rapid pace, something not all families could afford.

That's where the notorious Team Rocket came in, offering a chance for aspiring trainers who couldn't afford the cost. But joining wasn't as simple as signing up, it was a two-way street. Those selected to be direct members had to go through trials and rigorous training, while for the average Joe, the recruitment process was simple and straightforward.

But what they gained in ease of entry, they lost in the possibility of escape. Once you joined Team Rocket, it was nearly impossible to leave.

Cain decided to explore the Pokemon Center to pass the time. He wandered the halls, taking in the six-story building that housed everything a trainer and their Pokemon could need, from a simple treatment center on the first floor to a cafeteria on the third floor and even residential areas on the fourth and fifth floors. The sixth floor was reserved for important members of the Association, and Cain didn't have the clearance to enter.

Behind the Pokemon Center was a vast open space, the training area for Pokemon, and well-equipped battlefields for trainers. The design was smart, the facilities complete, and the price was just right. Cain couldn't help but be impressed with what the Pokemon Center had to offer.