Chapter 67:

Cain had made his decision after much contemplation and calculation. To sell too much at once would invite chaos and turmoil, but to sell too little would leave Cain short of the funds he so desperately needed. This amount was just right.

The appraiser's rigid demeanor faltered as he laid eyes on the precious item in front of him. He studied the bottle of milky white liquid, his expression changing with each passing moment.

He didn't look at Cain, instead focusing all his attention on the bottle. Despite having a good idea of what he was dealing with, he couldn't be certain. Such items were not often brought to the market for appraisal or sale.

The appraiser uncorked the bottle with care, and as he did, a mist escaped, carrying with it a delicate fragrance. He was taken aback, his expression a mixture of surprise and wonder.

He retrieved a silver needle from his toolkit, dipping it into the liquid. He sniffed it, then licked it with his tongue, and suddenly, his eyes lit up. He carefully corked the bottle and pushed it back toward Cain.

"Excuse me Sir, is this for sale or simply for appraisal?" The appraiser's voice was hoarse from disuse, but his excitement was clear. Most of his clients came for appraisals only, and the conversations rarely ventured beyond pricing. Whether they decided to sell or not was entirely up to them.

But when the stakes were high, even the most stalwart of appraisers would show their true colors as cunning businessmen. After all, their commissions, which often exceeded their salaries, were determined by the value of the items they acquired after appraisal.

And when Cain presented the geocentric cleansing milk, the stakes couldn't have been higher. If he could secure this precious commodity, his commission bonus would be astronomical.

"What are you offering?" came a voice, altered and gravelly, from under the hooded black cloak.

The appraiser's eyes lit up, but a moment of hesitation crossed his face before he spoke, "This, my friend, is geocentric cleansing milk. I'm sure you're aware of its value. The current market price is 10,000 Pokédollars per drop, and this bottle should contain 200 drops. Our Chamber of Commerce is willing to purchase it at market price, bringing the total to 2 million Pokédollars."

But the appraiser was only testing the waters. The market price of 10,000 Pokédollars per drop was only a sham, used to deceive the unsuspecting. Those in the know would never sell geocentric cleansing milk for such a paltry sum.

If Cain was unaware of its true value, the appraiser would have hit the jackpot.

"If you insist on playing this game, I'll take my business elsewhere. I'm sure there are many who would be eager to vie for it," Cain stated coolly.

They thought him an easy mark, but Cain was confident that given enough time, he could sell it for 20,000 Pokédollars per drop. He was in a hurry, however, and wanted to avoid any unnecessary complications, which was why he had come here.

The appraiser's embarrassment was palpable when he heard Cain's words. It was merely a test, a way for the Chamber of Commerce to turn a profit and for the appraiser to earn a hefty commission if the seller was uninformed.

"Ahem. Sir, how about 15,000 Pokédollars per drop? That's the highest offer I can authorize," the appraiser coughed softly, maintaining his composed expression.

In the world of business, having thick skin was a necessary skill.

This offer seemed more reasonable. 15,000 Pokédollars was a fair market price, although it was still lower than 20,000 Pokédollars. The time and effort required to sell it for that price wasn't worth the profit.

"18,000," Cain countered, unphased by the appraiser's offer.

The appraiser was relieved, not angry. He wasn't afraid of a high price, only of Cain not quoting one at all. After all, the ultimate goal was to negotiate and reach a fair agreement.

The bargaining continued, each side trying to get the best deal.

The appraiser hesitated, then spoke up, "Sir, if you'll excuse me, I need to consult with my supervisor."

"Hurry," Cain waved his hand dismissively, eager for the matter to be resolved.

The appraiser nodded and rushed into a nearby room.

Cain settled into a chair and closed his eyes, his faithful Murkrow perched on his shoulder.

After a brief wait, the appraiser returned, accompanied by a rotund, smiling middle-aged man with a protruding belly.

Cain took in the man's appearance, his gaze lingering on the shiny Team Rocket badge pinned to his chest. Unlike the others, this badge was brighter, adorned with a golden ring and two faint grooves in the shape of the letter "R". It was the badge of a Team Rocket Officer!

"Sir, allow me to introduce the manager of our shop and a Team Rocket Officer, Mr. Ishida!" The appraiser introduced the man with reverence.

Cain's eyebrows shot up at the introduction. He hadn't encountered someone of such rank since leaving the trial island. And here was one, managing one of the largest shops in the black market. His background must be immense.

Ishida wore an oily smile, devoid of the arrogance one might expect from a Team Rocket Officer.

"Sir, if you'll follow me, let's discuss the matter in our VIP room," Ishida said with a grin, gesturing towards a private room.

"Lead the way," Cain replied, nodding in agreement.

Ishida chuckled and took the lead, with the appraiser trailing behind with Cain.

Despite its moniker, the VIP room was much like the rest of the shop, with a coffee table and leather sofa being its only adornments. Once they were seated, a maid promptly served tea.

"Sir, we accept your offer," Ishida stated without hesitation.

He was well-versed in the market and knew that while Cain's price was steep, the profit margin was still substantial. And they had time on their side.

At the same time, he signaled for the appraiser to begin the necessary procedures.

Cain's brow furrowed at Ishida's quick agreement. This was too easy.

"Ha ha, we don't have any hidden motives. We were just curious if you have any extra geocentric cleansing milk. We'd be willing to pay a higher price for it," Ishida added with a smile.

Cain's guard remained up, his vigilance heightened by Ishida's words. "Do you think that geocentric cleansing milk is as common as cabbage?" he retorted with sarcasm.

Ishida's smile never faltered, even in the face of Cain's sharp tongue. He had to be shrewd to manage such a successful shop.

"Ha ha, it was just a personal curiosity. If you have anything else to sell in the future, feel free to come to us," Ishida said with a grin.

"This is our shop's VIP card," Ishida declared, a sly grin spreading across his face as he produced a silver card with the iconic Team Rocket logo. "Use it and you'll get a 5% discount on everything you buy."

"Team Rocket's VIP card, huh?" Cain said, eying the silver card in Ishida's hand. "Not bad. What's the catch?"

"No catch, just a 5% discount on all purchases," Ishida replied. "But for a trainer like yourself, I'm sure that percentage can add up to some serious Pokédollars."

Cain was always on the hunt for ways to save money and increase his wealth, and this VIP card seemed like a no-brainer. He snatched the card from Ishida's hand and slipped it into his pocket.

Just then, an appraiser rushed over, a black bank card in hand. Cain's eyes lit up as the appraiser handed it over. "Sir, this is an anonymous bank card from the Association. It's loaded with 3.6 million Pokédollars, the entire sum for the geocentric cleansing milk."

Cain took the bank card, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

"Oh, and one more thing," Cain added, remembering his original intention for visiting the Team Rocket shop. "I want to purchase a set of mid-tier Pokéblock crafting tools. Deduct the cost from this bank card."

Ishida's expression froze for a split second before he recovered. "Consider it done," he said, his chubby cheeks jiggling as he spoke. "I'll have a set of the best mid-tier Pokéblock crafting tools prepared for you right away."

"Get a move on," Ishida barked at the appraiser, "And make sure the quality is top-notch."

He was taken aback by the realization that the mysterious figure in the black robe was, in fact, a breeder. But as soon as he focused on the magnificent Murkrow perched on the breeder's shoulder, it all clicked into place.

The appraiser looked stunned. To be a breeder was a prestigious position, and with the mid-tier Pokéblock crafting tools at his disposal, the breeder would have the ability to mint money with ease.

Without a word, the appraiser scampered off to gather the items the breeder, Cain, required.

"Ha, ha! Sir, are you planning on using these tools for yourself or giving them away?" Ishida asked, his tone playful.

There was a moment of silence before a hoarse voice emerged from under Cain's hood, "What difference does it make? Whether I use them for myself or give them away?"

"Oh, no need to misunderstand, sir," Ishida chuckled. "If you ever want to sell your Pokéblocks, you can do so through our store. And as a VIP member, you'll receive a discount on all service fees."

Cain simply nodded in response, not saying much. Ishida could tell that the breeder was a man of few words, whether it was a cover or just his nature. Either way, Ishida kept quiet and waited for the items to arrive.

Before long, the appraiser returned with a guard in tow, both of them panting from the swift pace they had set. The guard carried a large tray filled with delicate, intricately crafted tools.

Ishida motioned for the guard to set down the tray and then dismissed him. "That's all for now. You're free to go."

"Here you go, sir," Ishida said, sliding the tray and bank card towards Cain. "This is the finest set of mid-tier Pokéblock crafting tools we have in stock. It's valued at 1.2 million Pokédollars, but with your 5% discount, the total comes to 1.14 million. And here's your card, with 2.46 million still left in it."

Cain took a quick glance at the tools and nodded to himself. He could tell just by looking that Ishida wasn't lying. The workmanship was top-notch among the mid-tier tools.

With a flick of his wrist, Cain stored the tools and the card in his storage belt, all under the cover of his hooded black robe. And without so much as a glance back, he left the VIP room.

As Cain disappeared from sight, the smile faded from Ishida's face. He furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

"Should I have someone follow him?" the appraiser asked tentatively, breaking the silence.

They were, after all, operating in the black market as members of Team Rocket. It was not uncommon for them to take such measures. But they also knew not to mess with those they couldn't afford to cross.

Ishida hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "No, it's not worth the risk. I don't know anything about this man. If I send someone to follow him, I could easily be exposed and lose a customer who may be an intermediate breeder."

The appraiser nodded in agreement, respect evident in his eyes.

"But keep an eye out for more geocentric cleansing milk in the black market," Ishida warned, his eyes flashing with a dangerous glint. "If there is, I don't care who he is. Capture him on sight."

"Understood, sir," the appraiser replied, his tone resolute.

Two hundred drops of geocentric cleansing milk weren't enough to risk offending an intermediate breeder like Cain, but if there was more, all bets were off.

Ishida was a calculated risk-taker. He would kill and steal from those he deemed vulnerable, but for those whose strength he couldn't gauge or whose profits didn't justify the effort, he would back off.

Cain's visit to the black market's largest item store had drawn attention, and many had seen him being led to the VIP room. As a result, some followed him when he left, but he was able to shake them all off with a few twists and turns.

Eventually, Cain arrived at a run-down shop, hidden in the maze of the black market. The shelves were old and cobweb-covered, with moldy food on display. The air was thick with a rancid odor.

Despite the shop's shoddy appearance, Cain pressed on. This was a place he was all too familiar with from his previous life.

This was a human skin mask shop. Though it was in a state of disrepair, its reputation in the black market was still known. If it weren't for its shabby appearance, it would be crowded with customers, drawn in by the owner's craftsmanship.

The owner of the shop was a peculiar character. With a laid-back attitude reminiscent of the legendary fisherman Jiang Ziya, he never did any advertising and relied solely on word of mouth from his loyal customers to keep his business afloat.

As Cain approached, his trusty Murkrow flapped its wings, clearing away cobwebs that threatened to ensnare them.

At the back of the shop, an unkempt old man with glasses sat behind the counter, completely absorbed in the human skin mask he was crafting. He paid no attention to Cain's arrival, as if the mask was the only thing that mattered in the world.

Cain was familiar with the old man's indifference. He never looked up, no matter who came to his shop. He would work tirelessly on each mask, throwing it aside once it was finished, only to start on the next one.

"Boss, I want to buy five masks," Cain said, covering his mouth with his hand to stifle a frown. The old man's body odor was overpowering, and it was clear he hadn't bathed in days.

"The masks are on the floor," the shopkeeper grumbled, his hands never ceasing in their intricate work. "Find what you want. The card reader's on the counter. Twenty thousand Pokédollars each. I don't have time for idle chitchat."

Cain didn't mind the shopkeeper's gruff demeanor. He wandered through the piles of masks scattered across the ground, searching for just the right one. He picked out a handful of seemingly ordinary masks, but what set them apart was their unique style and appearance - a quality that no other shop in the black market could match.

With a swift swipe of his card, Cain spent a cool 100,000 Pokédollars and bolted out of the shop, eager to escape the musty, moldy scent that permeated the air.

"Why did he have to come to this dingy alley to buy a mask?" Murkrow thought as he perched on Cain's shoulder, struggling to catch his breath. The stench of the shop was suffocating, even for a tough Pokemon like him.

"Easy there, buddy," Cain chuckled, flicking Murkrow's head playfully. "We need to get used to these conditions. You never know when you'll face an opponent with an even worse stink."

Murkrow's eyes widened in disbelief. "Caw, caw! You can't be serious!"

"Oh, I am," Cain replied with a mischievous grin. "Imagine facing a Gloom or a Grimer. That's a whole different level of stink."

Murkrow shuddered at the thought. He couldn't even imagine facing such a foul-smelling opponent.

Cain ducked into a secluded alley, away from prying eyes, where he retrieved a new mask from his Team Rocket belt.

"Not bad," Cain said, admiring the mask. "Even though the boss is a slob, he knows how to make a clean mask. It's as crystal clear as a cicada's wing and just as thin. It's as good as the one I got from Umbra."

Cain felt a thrill as he put on the mask, the cool material conforming perfectly to his skin. With a few adjustments, the mask blended seamlessly with his flesh, as if it were part of him.

But as he basked in his disguise, two panicked footsteps echoed down the alley. Cain sprang into action, darting into a narrow crevice and placing a hand on his Pokeball. He was ready to summon Slowpoke at a moment's notice to escape, if the situation called for it.

"What's going on?" Cain thought, frowning. He was sure he had shaken any tail he had picked up on his way here, to this deserted alley. He had come to change his mask and prepare for another shopping trip, but he never expected to run into two people in such a remote location.

But as he listened to their conversation, Cain let out a sigh of relief. The footsteps stopped just a few feet away, and one of the two spoke, his voice sharp.

"Big brother, why are we still here in the black market? Why aren't we leaving?"

"SMACK!" A loud slap echoed through the alley. A rough-voiced man scolded the other, "Are you brainless? We'll be caught if we leave now. We need to lay low for a while and avoid drawing attention. Then we can slip out unnoticed and sell this thing."

The sharp-voiced man chuckled nervously. "Big brother, you're right. But is this egg worth anything? We went through so much trouble to steal it, but I've never seen it before."

"You're clueless," the rough-voiced man spat. "If it wasn't worth anything, why would I risk stealing it? I heard them say it's a rare Pokemon egg from the Sinnoh region. Of course you wouldn't know about it."

Cain's heart raced as he listened to their conversation. A Pokémon from the Sinnoh region being sold here? It must have been a Pokémon hunter, but unexpectedly, these two seemed to have stolen it.

"Big brother, how much is this egg worth?" the sharp-voiced man asked eagerly.

"At least a few hundred thousand," the rough-voiced man replied. "I heard them mention something about a scorpion with exceptional talent."

"Holy shit, we're rich!" the sharp-voiced man exclaimed, his voice piercing the air.

"Watch your mouth!" the rough-voiced man hissed. "Do you want to get us killed?"