Chapter 82:

Cain's heart couldn't help but cry out in frustration. Hope flickered like a candle, only to be doused with a cold splash of water.

"If only there was something more," he thought, flipping through the pages of his training manual. "Perhaps my system's database might hold the key."

The afternoon stretched on, the Pokemon panting and sweating from relentless training. The trial island seemed like a distant memory, and the battle-hardened creatures craved a new challenge. But for now, they'd take what they could get.

As the sun began to set, Cain tended to his Pokemon, massaging their tired muscles and soothing their aches. Gastly watched from the sidelines, his spectral form jealously eyeing his companions.

As the night deepened, Cain drifted off to sleep, lulled by the gentle breathing of his team. But Gastly, that restless ghost, remained vigilant, watching over the team even in slumber, always on guard, always ready to protect.

Tomorrow, a new city awaited them. Johto's Goldenrod City, with all its wonders and challenges.


With the morning sun shining down, Cain and his Pokemon quickly finished breakfast and made their way to Saffron City's downtown station. It was the most efficient way to travel between Kanto and Johto - the magnet train.

Cain flashed his Association identity card and forked over a hefty 5000 Pokédollars for a first-class ticket. The carriage was divided into cozy compartments, each with only two plush seats.

Money meant comfort, and Cain was happy to indulge himself and his Pokémon. Slowpoke and Miltank stretched out lazily, basking in the luxurious surroundings. Murkrow, unfortunately, had to remain in his Pokéball, for fear of exposing Cain's identity.

But before Cain could fully relax, the train's intercom crackled to life. The departure was imminent.

"Is the other passenger not coming?" Cain wondered aloud, casting a glance at the empty seat across from him.

Suddenly, with a bang and a hiss, the compartment's sliding door was flung open. A young woman with pink hair and light pink eyes barged in.

"Phew!" She said with a sheepish grin. "I almost missed the train."

She was a vision of youth and innocence, no more than fifteen or sixteen, with two vibrant pink pigtails that swayed as she walked. Her outfit was simple yet charming - a white shirt and denim shorts that complemented her lithe frame.

Cain assessed her for a moment before giving a nod in greeting.

Slowpoke and Miltank, who had been resting on the floor, opened their eyes and noticed the girl's arrival. But they quickly realized she posed no threat and settled back into their naps.

The magnet train's route tore through the heart of the Kanto region, then hurtled through the mountains, finally arriving in the lush expanse of Johto. Despite its incredible speed, the journey was still expected to take a grueling five hours to reach their destination.

The girl had barely settled into her seat when she spotted the two pink Pokemon by Cain's side. Eager to make new friends, she leapt up and bounded over to them, her eyes alight with excitement.

Though she quickly seemed to realize the error of her ways; her expression turned flustered and apologetic. "Oh, sorry, sorry!" she stammered, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I didn't mean anything by it. I just couldn't resist saying hi!"

Then, as if a sudden realization had struck her, the girl's right hand curled into a tight fist, striking the palm of her left hand with a resounding thump. From her belt, she retrieved a Pokeball, fingers pressing the button with purpose. The small, round object grew before her very eyes, expanding from a minuscule orb to a substantial sphere.

Lying on the ground, Slowpoke stirred at the girl's behavior, its eyes opening slowly. Tension crept over its body as it slipped into an attack posture, sensing something amiss. But Cain was quick to soothe the jittery creature, his hand moving to pat Slowpoke's head in a reassuring gesture. As he did, a glimmer of recognition flickered across his features.

Without a moment's hesitation, the girl hurled the Pokeball into the air, oblivious to the subtle interplay between Cain and his beloved Slowpoke. With a burst of crimson radiance, a mighty Miltank appeared in the room, its muscular frame radiating strength and power.

Cain's own Miltank, catching sight of its counterpart, sprang to attention, eyes wide with surprise. It had been so long since it had seen another of its kind, but on the second day of joining Cain's team, it had the rare fortune of encountering a fellow Miltank.

"Hehe, I'm also a Miltank trainer," the pink-haired girl exclaimed with a self-conscious grin, scratching her head bashfully. "I just can't resist these cute, pink Pokemon. Hope you don't mind." She beamed with pride as she patted her own Miltank's sturdy body, her affection for the creature plain to see.

Pokémon: Miltank (Dark Green)

Gender: Female

Level: 23

Type: Normal

Ability: Thick Fat

Held items: None

Egg moves: Endure, Seismic Toss

Basic moves: Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Stomp, Milk Drink, Bide, Rollout

Taught moves: Heal Bell, Block, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch

Technical Machines (TMs): Dynamic Punch, Hidden Power (Water), Protect, Sleep Talk, Rest

Cain's eyes scanned the data, flickering with envy as he gazed upon the array of moves that seemed to leap at him through the screen like a tantalizing morsel.

This Miltank seemed to possess a natural flair for battle. The sheer heft and bulging musculature of the creature spoke volumes of its grueling training regimen. This was no pampered pet of the wealthy elite, primped and preened for the cameras. No, this was a warrior honed through grit and sweat, a beast to be reckoned with.



A big thank you to my new patrons Snack and Adrian. Your support is truly appreciated and helps me to keep doing what I love. ( ^◡^)っ ♡