Chapter 85:

The sleek magnet train hurtled through the vast expanse of the region, cutting through the air with a whoosh. Whitney, her poise unruffled, had agreed to the exact price and quantity before she made a swift transfer of one million Pokédollars to Cain's bank account. Her cool facade didn't slip as she once again revealed her affluent nature.

But Whitney was far from your typical snobbish heiress; she was effusive and warm, sharing her knowledge on how to rear Miltanks with Cain. Her unique methods piqued Cain's curiosity, and he listened intently as Whitney chattered away.

The train chugged along, and after another two hours, it finally rumbled into Goldenrod City in the Johto region. Cain had hoped to catch a glimpse of the splendid Mt. Silver on the journey, but Whitney's captivating conversation had held his attention, and he had missed it entirely.

As the train came to a halt, an announcement blared out thrice, prompting the passengers to disembark in an orderly fashion. Cain had little luggage and called Miltank back into its Pokeball. Miltank, being shy and timid, would need some time to adapt to her new surroundings.

Cain had a clear purpose in mind as he strode out of the station along with Slowpoke and Whitney. Apart from wanting to introduce Miltank to more of her kind and watch her transform before his eyes. He had heard whispers of wild Pokemon areas around the Miltank farm and coveted a glimpse of the elusive Nidoran.

But his thoughts were derailed by the sudden appearance of a sleek, luxurious car that glided to a stop right in front of them. A distinguished gentleman in his fifties or sixties, clad in a formal black suit, emerged from the front seat. His kindly smile was infectious, and he approached Whitney with deference.

"Miss, your absence has caused Master great anxiety. We must return home at once," he implored.

Whitney, her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth as she absentmindedly scratched the back of her head, couldn't help but giggle. "Uncle Li, don't be such a worrywart. I just went to have some fun. It's so boring at home," she whined.

Quickly pivoting to change the subject, Whitney introduced Cain with an exuberant flourish. "Uncle Li, this is my new friend, Cain. He's amazing!"

The steward of the powerful family gave Cain a warm smile and extended a hand in greeting. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Cain."

Cain nodded politely and shook hands, but his misgivings grew as he realized he had agreed too quickly to Whitney's impulsive request.

"Okay, okay. Let's get going. I miss grandpa!" Whitney declared, tugging at Uncle Li's sleeve.

The four of them clambered into the car, and Cain slouched in his seat, peering out of the window at the passing scenery.

Goldenrod City was a sprawling metropolis of unrivaled scale and development. It held the same status as Saffron City in the Kanto region, but that's where the similarities ended.

Goldenrod City boasted an unparalleled technological edge over Saffron City, but it lacked the frenzied energy of its counterpart. The people on the streets were more laid-back, almost lackadaisical.

The Johto region was defined by its spiritual inclinations, with the legendary Ho-Oh being the most venerated deity. The Legendary Pokemon was believed to have revived three beasts at the Burned Tower, transforming them into its ambassadors to the human world.

This religious harmony fostered a symbiotic relationship between humans and Pokemon in Johto. Goldenrod City stood at the forefront of this nexus, serving as both the economic and technological hub of the region.

The city was home to four landmark structures that towered over the skyline like sentinels of progress. These were the Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Department Store, Goldenrod Game Corner, and Goldenrod Gym.

Whitney's family held the reins of the Goldenrod Gym, but he was uncertain who the actual leader was. Cain surmised that it must be one of her relatives, and that Whitney was next in line to inherit the prestigious gym.

The Pokemon Association didn't mandate that the gym leader's family members would be the automatic successors. The choice of successor was entirely up to the gym leader, and the Association would merely endorse their decision.

As long as the successor was deemed competent, the Association's role was merely perfunctory, a mere formality to assert their presence.

For the influential and venerable families of the Pokemon World, the gym succession was a matter of legacy and lineage. It was an unwritten rule that they would always choose a member of their own clan to carry the mantle forward.

But not all the gyms in the Association were controlled by these great families. Some were established by commoners, and their successors were handpicked from the apprentices who trained at the gym.

These commoners saw their gym as the cornerstone of their nascent dynasty, and if they distinguished themselves among their peers, they could secure their family's status for generations to come.

Whitney was the sole heir to the Goldenrod City Gym, the most significant city in the Johto area. She was the quintessential Association member, born and bred to continue the legacy of her family.

And then there was the Goldenrod Radio Tower, a legendary media outlet that commanded an audience in both the Kanto and Johto regions. The tower was so renowned that it often hosted the venerable Pokemon professor, Professor Oak, as a regular guest.

The radio tower was located adjacent to the magnet train, and legend had it that it was once an ancient tower. The Association had also dispatched workers to rebuild it after years of decay had ravaged the structure.

When workers began restoring the ancient edifice, they stumbled upon a trove of rare artifacts at its apex. The treasure trove included the fabled Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing, imbuing the tower with an aura of mystique.

This once-shrouded tower had now become one of the most iconic structures in Goldenrod City.

The Goldenrod Department Store was another massive building that had earned its own fair share of notoriety. The store had once boasted that there was no item or move that couldn't be procured within its hallowed halls. The slogan had since been discarded, but it spoke volumes about the store's clout.

No other store had the audacity to use such a brazen tagline.

What made the Goldenrod Department Store all the more intriguing was the labyrinthine basement that extended to an unknown number of floors. No one knew for sure what lay in those dimly lit subterranean recesses.

In Cain's past life, he had been tasked with a covert mission to infiltrate the store's basement. But the tight security protocols had foiled his plans, forcing him to abandon his mission. It was one of the rare instances where Cain had failed to achieve his objective.



A big, heartfelt welcome to our wonderful new patrons Shaei, Even, and Tarlock! I'm absolutely thrilled to have you on board and can't thank you enough for your incredible kindness and support. ( ^◡^)っ ♡