Chapter 98:

A young man emerged from the city limits just as the sun peeked above the horizon, casting a rose-colored glow across the land. He wore a plain Association trainer's uniform, unremarkable at first glance. But he was far from ordinary. In his company, a Slowpoke with fur as pale pink as the delicate hue of cherry blossom, and a small, enigmatic creature perched upon his shoulder. Blink and you might miss it - a rare Pokemon, hidden in plain sight.

Cain had set out long before daybreak, armed with a map and a mission. His goal: to track down a Nidoran. He had purchased the information from the black market the day prior, knowing full well the risks. But it had paid off, giving him a starting point for his search.

The first circle on his map indicated a nearby hill, and he followed the trail without hesitation. The forest grew denser as he ventured deeper, the sounds of civilization falling away. But he was no stranger to the wilds. Cain had honed his survival skills on the grueling trial island, and the outskirts of Goldenrod City posed little challenge.

The Pokémon he encountered grew stronger as he progressed, but he was undeterred. His Slowpoke proved a reliable ally, its moves more than enough to handle the creatures they faced. When they reached the designated area, Cain released Murkrow from its Pokéball, the bird taking to the air in search of their quarry. With no one around to witness their hunt, he felt free to let his team do what they did best.

As Murkrow took to the skies, it let out a fierce "Caw!" before disappearing into the vast horizon. Cain watched it go, lost in thought.

This morning's briefing had yielded surprising results. The A.I. system had unveiled a method to rapidly increase a Psychic user's strength. It was all there in the database, but the items listed were nothing he'd ever heard of. It was like a strange dream, as if he'd lived a lifetime in another world.

The only familiar tool was the Meditation Bead, rumored to enhance meditation speed and efficiency. But its efficacy remained unverified - like so much else in this mysterious realm.

The A.I. system was just a data repository, lacking the ability to discern feasibility or effectiveness. Even if it could, Cain knew he couldn't trust it blindly.

The thought gnawed at him. If he hadn't awakened this rare psychic ability, he wouldn't be so consumed by this desire for power. But he had, and now he couldn't shake the feeling that he was stagnating at a beginner's level.

Before encountering something valuable, it was easy to dismiss it as irrelevant. But once you glimpsed the possibility of obtaining it, it became an obsession. What if that item could be yours? What if you could become stronger?

Cain found himself caught in that trap.

Human nature was at play, and Cain couldn't resist the lure of the hunt. Rested and refreshed, he and Slowpoke resumed their climb up the hill.

Murkrow had yet to return, but Cain pressed on. He wasn't here solely for Nidoran. Any rare or high-aptitude Pokémon he encountered would be fair game. The promise of profit kept him moving.

As they ascended, the level of the wild Pokémon rose sharply. At the base of the hill, the creatures were weak, barely breaking level 14. But here, they ranged from 18 to 20. Despite their strength, their aptitude was lackluster compared to those on the trial island.

Slowpoke continued to perform admirably, and Cain decided to let Gastly join the fray. The ghostly Pokémon was still under-leveled, but every battle brought it closer to evolution.

Progress was slow, but the arrival of Murkrow signaled a change. It perched on Cain's shoulders, wings drooping in disappointment. It had found no trace of Nidoran.

Cain shrugged it off, treating it as just another training exercise. He reached into his bag and produced an advanced Pokéblock, which he offered to Murkrow.

Murkrow may have failed to uncover any sign of Nidoran, but Cain knew better than to trust its cursory search. There were plenty of hiding spots, caves and bushes where the elusive creature could lurk.

With Murkrow back in action, their speed picked up. Slowpoke's skillful control combined with the bird's speed and ferocity led to devastating results. Gastly lent support, practicing its interference moves on the sidelines.

Unlike the trial island, the hillside was a diverse ecosystem. Pokémon of all stripes coexisted, albeit with less ferocity while competing for resources. As a consequence, their combative power was comparatively weaker.

Gastly's mischievous streak got the better of it, taunting some of the larger creatures until they chased it away. But with the help of its companions, it got its revenge.

Cain didn't reprimand Gastly. It was simply acting on instinct, after all. As they ascended, the number of Pokémon dwindled, their habitats giving way to empty areas.

Cain's intuition was honed by experience, and he knew that the lack of Pokémon at the summit meant something powerful awaited them. It could be a mighty creature or a formidable colony, but he was confident it was the former.

His Pokémon were of the same mind, their heightened sensitivity attuned to the power pulsing ahead. They were eager to engage with a worthy opponent, to feel the rush of true victory.

Gastly's mischievousness bordered on mania, excited to see chaos and destruction on the horizon.

Cain, however, was a strategist at heart. He knew that their best chance was to be at their peak, mentally and physically. He called for a rest, a chance to regroup and prepare for the challenge ahead.