Chapter 105:

By the time Cain got up, the A.I. System had already scanned every bit of intel on it.

At level 27, this Ariados was a sight to behold. Though his aptitude was light yellow, he was undoubtedly one of the finest fighters amongst the Pokemon that had their eyes locked on him.

Murkrow and Slowpoke, who had been rudely interrupted, were seething with anger. Despite being full, they were in no mood for this Ariados who dared to disrupt their feast.

So they didn't hold back.

Murkrow took flight, channeling its wings with flying energy as it charged towards the falling Ariados.

Ariados attempted to dodge by using the spider silk connected to the tree. But just as he was about to move, he realized he couldn't. He was frozen in mid-air.


Slowpoke had already used Confusion to immobilize Ariados, causing him to be injured and helpless in the sky.

Murkrow collided fiercely with the Ariados, much to the latter's horror.

Ariados knew these Pokemon had the attributes he loathed the most, but he was powerless. The psychic energy entangling his body made him very uncomfortable.

So, unsurprisingly, Murkrow Wing Attack smshed Ariados into the sky once again, before using Peck continuously with its sharp beak infused with flying energy.

"Slowpoke, use Psyshock! Murkrow, keep using Peck and finish him off!" commanded Cain.

Slowpoke's psychic energy surged as it released a formless force that packed a mighty punch.

Psychock hit Ariados hard, who was still unable to move after being sent flying by Murkrow. Murkrow followed suit, Pecking the Ariados relentlessly.

In less than a minute, the Ariados, five to six levels above Murkrow and Slowpoke, lay dead. Its still-warm body dropped near the campsite.

Being a bug and poison-type Pokemon, Ariados was doubly susceptible to flying and psychic types. Furthermore, Murkrow and Slowpoke had an aptitude advantage. The lethal duo had proven too much for the hapless Ariados.

The lifeless Ariados served as a lesson to all the Pokemon watching and waiting to make their move.

By the time Murkrow returned to Cain's side, more than half the eyes in the bushes and woods had vanished. The remaining few took one look at the dead body of Ariados, slowly dropping in temperature, and silently withdrew.

The eerie silence was once again replaced by the sounds of bugs and rustling leaves.

The death of the relatively powerful Ariados had served as a stern reminder. In the wild, the strong reigned supreme. Few Pokemon were foolish enough to provoke those who held the power, for doing so was a surefire way to meet a grisly end!


After Allidos met a gruesome end, no other Pokemon dared to disturb Cain and his companions. The night passed in peaceful slumber.

But Cain was no fool. He remained vigilant throughout the night, aided by Gastly who kept a watchful eye on any movement around them.

As a ghost, Gastly was most active at night. He spent the day hidden in Cain's shadow, keeping a keen lookout while still managing to relax and rest.

Time flowed like a river. In the blink of an eye, the sun rose once again from the east, and Cain stirred from his slumber.

Cain's biological clock was highly attuned, honed from his previous life. Though it wavered in his later years, he had picked up the routine once more on the trial island, and he was determined to maintain it.

Usually, he would wake up at six in the morning, just as the sun was beginning to climb the horizon. The air was cool and fresh, and the lake's proximity made the atmosphere slightly humid. The forest gradually came to life with the sounds of chirping birds.

Although the bonfire from the night before had died down, sparks still lingered on the stone stove. Traces of Pokemon activity could be seen nearby, but they had no interest in the tent, so Gastly let them be.

The only sign of yesterday's tragedy was the pool of congealed blood where the Ariados had fallen.

Cain strolled down to the lake, startling the Pokemon frolicking in the water. They scattered in a panic, leaving the lake eerily silent.

He smiled and shook his head before washing himself with the cool water.

As Cain woke up, his Pokemon stirred from their slumber as well.

Cain got to work preparing breakfast for the Pokémon. Knowing they preferred light and nutritious meals in the morning, he decided to serve them Pokeblocks and Miltank milk.

Preparing the meal was straightforward. Cain filled each Pokémon's food bowl with their specific Pokeblocks, while Miltank poured milk into their glasses. Of course, she also made sure to fill baby Skorupi's special bottle with milk.

Cain woke the sleeping Skorupi on his shoulder to let it drink from the bottle with a straw. Skorupi had been sleeping soundly, and it was only Cain's gentle nudging that coaxed it awake.

But the moment it realized it was time to eat, it eagerly drank the milk, its small tail wagging in delight. Sated, it curled up once more on Cain's collar, snoring contentedly.

Cain couldn't help but chuckle at Skorupi's love of sleep. According to the A.I. System's scan, Skorupi was growing well, even if it was hard to see from the outside.

Overall, the young Pokemon was thriving. With the help of the nutrient-rich Miltank milk, it would soon cross the threshold into adulthood, ready to grow even stronger.