Chapter 107:

For three whole days, Cain and his intrepid crew traversed the vibrant and verdant forests of Goldenrod and Ecruteak City, Johto's thriving heartland. Although most Pokemon they encountered were not overly formidable, the sheer quantity of them was staggering.

The powerful Pokemon usually guarded their territories and attacked any unwelcome intruders without a moment's hesitation, just like the fierce Ursaring that Cain and his team were forced to confront.

Luckily for them, the Ursaring was not known for its cunning. However, other Pokemon in the forest were not so easily tricked. Some were as intelligent as humans and proved to be incredibly formidable opponents. Had it not been for the quick reflexes of Gastly and Slowpoke, Cain and his team might never have made it out of the forest alive.

Through countless battles and various hair-raising encounters, Cain's Pokemon were able to make significant strides in their growth and development. Gastly, in particular, saw a remarkable improvement in its level, growing from 16 to 19 due to the many opportunities to fight that it encountered along the way.

The other members of the team also made gains, albeit to a lesser extent. Murkrow and Slowpoke both rose one level, thanks to their unwavering fortitude and their willingness to take on any challenge that lay ahead. Even Miltank, who was not fond of battling, was able to reach level 21 by providing crucial defensive support to its teammates.

At the end of their journey, Cain and his team emerged from the forest not only stronger and more resilient but also with a veritable treasure trove of precious materials that could fetch a pretty penny on the black market. With a sense of relief and exhaustion, they finally arrived at the suburbs of Ecruteak City.

As the silhouette of the city came into view, Cain couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. "Phew, we made it out in one piece," he remarked, still catching his breath. "It wasn't quite as grueling as the trial island, but it wasn't a walk in the park, either."

Ecruteak City, once the ancient capital of the northern part of Johto, stood regally near the awe-inspiring Mt. Mortar. The city had a rich cultural heritage and was steeped in tradition, with its unique architectural style being a testament to this.

The ten-story Bell Tower, which stood tall in the city's center, was a sight to behold. It was said that Ho-Oh, the legendary Pokemon, had once called the tower its home. But the Bell Tower was not the only structure that held a fascinating history. The Burned Tower, located in the northwest corner of the city, was equally intriguing. It had a dark past, having been burned down by a raging fire many years ago. But it was also believed that the three legendary beasts had been given a new life by Ho-Oh at the bottom of this very tower.

Yet another legend suggested that the famous Lugia had also made its home atop the Burned Tower. However, when the tower was destroyed, Lugia had flown away to the Whirl Islands.

The Ecruteak Dance Theater was another remarkable landmark of the city. It was built by the biggest family in Ecruteak, and every year, people would flock from all over to watch the awe-inspiring performances by the talented female entertainers. The dance performances in Ecruteak City were said to be among the top three in all of Johto, and even people from other regions would make the journey to witness the mesmerizing displays of grace and beauty.

The city also had a Gym, and it was no ordinary one. It was a Ghost-type Gym, and Cain was eager to take Gastly there to learn new moves. However, he knew that his current identity was not suitable for such a place, so he decided to postpone his visit for the time being.

As Cain made his way into the city, he couldn't help but notice the sun was setting, casting an amber glow over the streets. He paid no heed to the curious glances of the passers-by due to his ragged appearance. Thankfully, they merely pointed at him and did not harass him in any way.

Cain with Slowpoke by his side and a Pokeball fastened securely to his waist, bore the unmistakable mark of a skilled trainer. Despite his somewhat tattered appearance, one could still discern the badge of the Association on his clothing. The locals, while not exactly welcoming, did not appear to harbor any ill will towards him.

Yet, his presence caused quite a stir on the streets and before long, a young man in a police uniform, with his trusty Growlithe riding alongside him, pulled up on a motorcycle in front of Cain, his sharp gaze sizing him up with scrutiny.

"Excuse me, but could I see your Association ID card, please?" The young officer inquired in a firm but respectful tone. "It's just a routine check to ensure that there are no disturbances in the city caused by unidentified trainers such as yourself."

Cain obliged, calmly producing his ID card from his ring and handing it over to the young officer. The latter took a brief glance and nodded approvingly. He recognized in Cain the aura of a seasoned trainer, someone who had braved the wilds and emerged unscathed.