Chapter 110:

Some were known to be affiliated with underground organizations, while others may have had ties to the Association. But to the Guild, their identities mattered not. All that mattered was their ability to capture Pokemon of practical value.

It was a calling that some dedicated their lives to, honing their skills in the art of Pokemon hunting. In fact, there were those who specialized in it as their first job, proudly donning the Star Hunter badge on their chest when the Association wasn't breathing down their necks.

But there were also small organizations attached to the Guild, who made it their mission to hunt Pokemon for resources and to nurture their own. With each success, their strength grew, and they were able to capture even stronger Pokemon in a virtuous cycle of power.

As Cain strode into the towering Hunter's Guild building, his focus was on the vast hall before him, divided into two areas by a striking renovation style.

One side housed the Pokemon Sales Area, where cages of all shapes and sizes contained untamed Pokemon waiting to be bought and claimed by eager trainers. The air was thick with the sounds of rustling feathers, flapping wings, and scurrying feet, as Pokemon of every type and color clamored for attention.

On the other side was the Hunter's Guild office area, where hunters could register their packages, accept missions from the computer, and hand over completed missions at the designated window. And for those who preferred to use their hard-earned points to trade for Pokemon, they could head straight to the sales area and swipe their hunter identity card.

Cain made his way to the mission handover section, but all five windows were packed with hunters eager to hand over their completed missions. The only empty window was reserved for high-level star hunters of five stars and above, with a sign hanging on it to make that fact abundantly clear.

Cain knew that in the Pokemon World, identity and status often dictated how people were treated. And in the Hunter's Guild, it was no different. High-level star hunters held a privileged status, as they were the ones who brought in the most revenue for the Guild. Meanwhile, low-level star hunters like Cain had to obediently wait in line at the public window.

With a resigned sigh, Cain joined the back of the line, arms crossed as he waited for his turn. But even as he waited, he kept his eyes peeled, taking in the entirety of the bustling hall.

And that's when he noticed something peculiar. In a remote corner of the hall, there was a person dressed in an extravagant outfit that practically screamed "I'm important!" But instead of attracting attention, people seemed to be avoiding her like the plague.

Cain watched as she stirred, her sleepy eyes opening just a crack as they scanned the hall. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, she yawned and leaned back against the wall with her arms crossed.

Cain couldn't help but be a little speechless. How could she sleep so soundly while standing upright like that?

As for the rest of the hall, there was little to catch his attention. Most of the hunters were around two-star level, with occasional appearances from four-star hunters.

That is, until there was a sudden commotion in front of Cain's line. A staff member at the mission handover window had just congratulated someone on completing their mission and being promoted to a five-star hunter.

The news sent a ripple through the crowd, with everyone buzzing about the perks that came with such a high status. With 50 million points, the new five-star hunter could exchange for basically any Pokemon they desired.

But then, someone in the crowd pointed out a crucial detail - the hammer symbol on the new five-star hunter's medal. It was the symbol of the Warhammer Hunting Group, a highly regarded organization affiliated with the Hunter's Guild.

The realization made the crowd fall silent, reverential whispers replacing the previous excitement. While the Warhammer Hunting Group might not be famous in other areas, within the Hunter's Guild, they were renowned for their formidable skills and impressive track record.

The Warhammer Hunting Group was one of the top five hunting groups under the Hunter's Guild, known for their impressive strength and a leader who had captured an Elite-level wild Pokemon. Though the details of the feat were unknown, it was enough to make them famous within the Guild.

When the member of the Warhammer Hunting Group who had just been promoted to five-star hunter heard the whispers behind him, he straightened his back and strode confidently to the exclusive window. It was clear that he was proud to be a part of such a well-known organization.

With him gone, the line began to move quicker. And soon enough, it was Cain's turn to sit in the chair in front of the window.

The receptionist greeted him politely and asked for his Hunter ID card. Without hesitation, Cain handed it over, and the receptionist swiped it on the computer, bringing up his Hunter data on the screen.

"Hello, are you here to submit a mission? If you have completed the mission, please place the Pokeball in the groove at the side. We will judge the completion rate of the mission based on the Pokemon's aptitude and other various data," the receptionist said with mechanical efficiency.

Cain noticed that she didn't show any disdain or judgment, despite his low status as a Zero Star Hunter. It was just another day on the job for her.

Cain carefully took out the Pokeball containing the Nidoran and placed it in the groove beside the window. With a press of a button, the ball disappeared, transferred to the computer using advanced Pokemon Transmission Technology.

About a minute later, a window popped up on the receptionist's computer, displaying all the details of the Nidoran that Cain had caught.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. This Nidoran's aptitude and level are quite good. We've valued it at 100,000 Pokédollars," the receptionist said with a professional smile.

But Cain wasn't satisfied with the valuation. The Nidoran he had caught had the coveted Hustle ability, which would only increase in value once it evolved into a Nidoking. He calmly spoke up, "Please have your data analyst take a closer look at this Nidoran's ability."