Chapter 113:

As the sun began to rise, Cain led Slowpoke through the winding streets of Ecruteak City towards the bus station. The air was crisp and cool, carrying the scent of dewy grass and blooming flowers on the wind. They arrived at the station, where Cain purchased a ticket for the earliest bus to Mahogany Town.

Cain knew that buses to Mahogany Town were few and far between, and he had to rely on the kindness of the hotel staff to learn of the earliest departure time. He breathed a sigh of relief knowing that he would not have to wait another day to reach his destination.

With his Association ID card in hand, Cain waited patiently for the call to board, taking in his surroundings. The bus was nearly empty, with only a few other passengers scattered throughout the rows. Perhaps it was too early in the day for many travelers, or maybe not many dared to venture towards Mahogany Town.

Mahogany Town was a small and secluded town located in the northern mountains of Johto. Though it was not particularly well-known, Cain was all too familiar with its secrets. The largest Team Rocket base in Johto was located in Mahogany Town, second only to the Team Rocket headquarters. It was a place that Cain knew all too well.

In his previous life, Cain had spent three long years confined within the walls of that Team Rocket base. It was the first place he had found himself after leaving the trial island. It wasn't until he had gained the skills and knowledge to complete difficult missions on his own that he was able to break free from the base's hold.

As the bus made its way through the rugged terrain of the mountains, Cain peered out the window, taking in the familiar sights. After three hours of winding roads and steep hills, they finally arrived at the outskirts of Mahogany Town. It wouldn't be long now until they reached the city's central station.

"I never thought I would come back here," Cain whispered to himself, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "Not after everything that happened in my previous life at the Team Rocket base."

The memories of his time spent within the base flooded his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

It was said that the trial island was a place of purgatory, a grueling test of one's physical and mental fortitude. But for Cain, it was the time spent after leaving the island that haunted him most.

The hierarchy of the Team Rocket base was a tangled web of power and politics. Cain's mediocre performance after the trial island, coupled with his lack of exceptional talent, earned him the ire and disdain of his superiors. He was an outsider from the very start.

Cain arrived to find the grunts had already banded together, forming a tight-knit community that he simply couldn't penetrate. Without a powerful ally or insider knowledge of how the base worked, he was at the mercy of those in charge.

He was inexperienced and naive, unable to navigate the complex social landscape of the base. His struggles earned him a reputation as an outcast among the other Team Rocket members, and he spent the next three years fighting to survive.

But this time around, things would be different.

The bus came to a stop at the Mahogany Town station, and Cain stepped out into the frigid air. The chill bit at his skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of Ecruteak City.

Moreover, compared to the streets of Ecruteak City, the roads of Mahogany Town were eerily deserted. The lack of activity was palpable, and the people who did venture out wore indifferent expressions, their eyes devoid of any spark of life.

Cain couldn't help but shake his head - Team Rocket's influence on this place was unmistakable. It seemed that the organization's presence had left a lasting mark on the very soul of the city.

Umbra had tasked Cain with a mission - travel to Team Rocket's secret research base at the Lake of Rage and retrieve a certain item. But Cain was in no rush to complete the job. He still had to venture to the icy reaches of the east to search for a Swinub and an Onix.

He donned a cap to shield his eyes from the harsh sunlight and made his way to the Pokemon Center, keeping his head low as he walked.

Despite being a stronghold of Team Rocket, Mahogany Town was also under the watchful eye of the Association, The Gym Leader was none other than Pryce - an Elite powerhouse who could have easily been one of the Elite Four if not for his rough demeanor and lack of political savvy.

Pryce's strength was well-known throughout the region. He was a trusted elder of the Association, and his presence in Mahogany Town served as a deterrent against any overzealous actions by Team Rocket.

Cain knew better than to flaunt his Team Rocket affiliation in the face of the Association's power. He used his Association ID card to gain entry into the Pokemon Center and made his way to a free video phone.

With a communication device in hand, he dialed the number and waited for his contact to answer.

As the call connected, a vibrant and lively girl appeared on the screen. Whitney, her pink hair styled in playful pigtails, flashed Cain a bright smile.

"Cain, where have you been? I've been waiting for your reply for days!" Whitney feigned annoyance, her playful tone belying her genuine concern.

Cain felt a headache coming on, "Sorry, Whitney. I've been busy."

"Well, no worries! I actually needed to ask you for a favor. The Pokéblocks you made for me are almost finished. Can you make more?" Whitney's playful expression shifted to one of earnestness.

"I can send some to you now. But I'm not sure if I'll have time to make more in the near future," Cain replied with a sigh.

Whitney waved away his concerns, understanding that Cain must be busy. "Oh, okay. Anyway, I still have to thank you. I'll ask Uncle Li to transfer the money to you later."

After they said their goodbyes, Cain let out a deep breath, relieved to be done with the conversation.

The Pokemon Center had a device capable of teleporting items. Cain quickly packaged the Pokéblocks and sent them to the coordinates Whitney had left in her message.

Moments later, a notification appeared on his device - "Item received. Payment transferred."