Chapter 130:

Cain and his Pokémon moved stealthily, muffling their footsteps to remain undetected as they tracked the source of the commotion.

With each step, the sounds of battle intensified, echoing through the air like a symphony of destruction.

Explosions reverberated, accompanied by the cacophony of sand and gravel clashing against the rocky terrain.

Then, a crystalline voice cut through the chaos: "Roselia, use Stun Spore!"

As the scene of the skirmish unfolded before Cain's eyes, he spotted the elusive Onix he had been searching for, two of them in fact! Their nine-meter-long bodies twisted and coiled together, they effortlessly traversed the treacherous terrain, flattening the rocky surface beneath them.

Yet it wasn't the Onix pair that captivated Cain—it was the girl with a vibrant red headscarf standing defiantly before them. By her side stood a peculiar green Pokémon: Roselia, a Grass and Poison type.

Roselia's petite frame boasted three thorns crowning her head, with her light green body adorned in leafy garments. A yellow leaf accentuated her chest, while a blue rose graced her left hand and a red one her right.

Upon hearing the red-headscarf girl's command, Roselia chimed a melodious response. She raised her floral hands high, releasing a fine, light purple dust from the blossoms. The spores swirled around the colossal Onix duo.

Their immense size rendered the Stun Spore's effect minimal, only marginally slowing their movements. Unfazed by this outcome, the girl maintained her composure as the Onix pair charged towards her, determination etched on her face.

The girl's agility was a sight to behold, as she nimbly navigated the rocky terrain that Cain found treacherous.

"Roselia, Magical Leaf! Misdreavus, Confuse Ray!" She commanded with poise as she sprinted.

From the shadows emerged a Misdreavus, lobbing a small, luminescent ball that emitted a Confuse Ray at one of the Onix.

In sync with her trainer's movements, Roselia turned her head and brandished her roses. A flurry of leaves materialized, enveloped in a soft purple aura, and assailed the nearest Onix.

The Grass-type move was four times more effective against the Onix, halting its advance in a pained stupor.

With one Onix disoriented, Misdreavus and Roselia teamed up under the girl's expert guidance to subdue the other.

In its confused state, the rampaging Onix inadvertently stumbled into Cain's path.

The girl's abilities were impressive, but not enough to deter Cain from seizing the opportunity before him. The Onix was an essential component of his mission, and he refused to let it slip away.

Resolute, Cain sprang into action. The Onix he had sought for so long had finally appeared before him, and he wouldn't squander this chance.

Despite being having only a Yellow aptitude, the Level 23 Onix met the requirements of his Hunter Mission.

"Slowpoke, Water Gun! Gastly, Hidden Power!"

As a Ground and Rock type, the Onix was particularly vulnerable to Water and Grass moves—four times more so, in fact. Hence, Slowpoke's Water Gun and Gastly's Grass-type Hidden Power proved exceptionally potent against the Onix.

The girl caught sight of Cain and his Pokémon, who were now attacking the other Onix. Her expression turned icy as she yelled, "Stop! That's my prey!"

But entangled with the furious Onix, she was unable to intervene. Powerless, she watched Cain seize his target, her face contorted in rage.

Cain merely scoffed at her protest, urging Slowpoke and Gastly to intensify their onslaught.

Murkrow soared above, vigilantly surveying the situation. Despite the girl only having two Pokémon, there was no telling if she had any hidden tricks up her sleeve, much like the Misdreavus that had lurked in the shadows earlier.

In no time, both parties subdued their respective adversaries. Cain collected the Pokéball containing the Onix.

The girl was marginally quicker, skillfully securing her Onix within its Pokéball.

Approaching Cain, her anger flared as she saw him nonchalantly pocket the Pokéball. "Hey! Rude guy! I said that's my prey! Didn't you hear me?"

As she spoke, Roselia and Misdreavus materialized before her, wearing a mix of adorable and fierce expressions as they glared at Cain and his Pokémon.

Cain seemed unfazed. After leisurely stowing the Pokéball, he finally scrutinized the girl before him.

Up until now, he had only seen her from behind. She wore a red headscarf, a blue denim jacket, and skinny jeans. Upon closer inspection, Cain realized she was much younger than he had initially thought, likely around his own age.

Cain ignored the girl's accusation and, furrowing his brow, inquired, "Hunter?"

His question caught the girl off guard. Although unsure how Cain had deduced her occupation as a Pokémon hunter, she couldn't deny it.

"Whose prey are you talking about? Aren't you a bit childish?" Cain scoffed, not waiting for her response. Mockery danced in his eyes.

The girl's face flushed with indignation. Struggling for a retort, she finally exploded in a humiliated fury. "Hmph! You stole my prey and you're still twisting words! Roselia, Stun Spore! Misdreavus, Confuse Ray!"

Cain sneered. In the wilderness, he wouldn't show mercy just because his opponent was a girl. In his past, he had bested more than a few formidable female trainers!

"Murkrow, use Gust to blow the Stun Spore away. Slowpoke, destroy Confuse Ray with Confusion. Sneasel, Quick Attack, follow up with Feint Attack!"

Since he had resolved to act, he would follow through with determination.

Roselia's Stun Spore was dispersed by Murkrow's efforts, while Misdreavus's Confuse Ray was rendered ineffective by Slowpoke. Meanwhile, Sneasel closed in on the enemy with lightning speed.

The girl's vigilance had kept her Pokémon at a safe distance, preventing Cain's A.I. System from gathering data on them. However, from the previous skirmish, it was evident that her Pokémon were far from weak. Their strength would probably be on par with Cain's.

Sneasel's Feint Attack was bound to catch the girl off guard as she didn't seem to have any Pokémon capable of restraining it.