Chapter 133:

Dawn's first light kissed the skyline as Cain, cloaked in a cunning disguise, ventured northward from the Pokémon Center of Mahogany Town. The fabled Lake of Rage lay in wait, its once-thriving community of residents now reduced to a memory. Team Rocket's malevolent grasp had choked the life from its shores, forcing its inhabitants to seek refuge within the city.

Now, the lake was a stronghold for the notorious Team Rocket, teeming with their devious members.

Cain's attire was unassuming, and he traveled without Pokémon companions along the northern path. The Association, in a bid to accommodate residents and visitors, had constructed a convenient road to the Lake of Rage. Ironically, their well-intended efforts now served as an artery for Team Rocket's sinister operations.

Sparse figures dotted the road ahead, their subtle mannerisms betraying their allegiance to the criminal syndicate. Though they appeared ordinary, Cain's keen perception detected the telltale signs of Team Rocket's influence.

Unwavering, Cain pressed on.

After two hours of steady progress, his path met a towering steel barricade. An isolated fence at the crossroad, flanked by a handful of guards, marked the entrance to forbidden territory.

Cain straightened his clothing and approached with feigned nonchalance, meeting the steely gazes of the watchmen.

A guard, face an emotionless mask, stepped forward to intercept Cain. "This is a private area. Entry is prohibited without authorization."

Wordlessly, Cain lifted the hem of his shirt, revealing a belt adorned with Team Rocket's emblem. He deftly extracted an identity card from the belt, extending it to the guard as evidence of his affiliation.

The guard's stoic expression remained unbroken, but a hint of relaxation emerged as he scrutinized Cain's credentials. "Wait a moment," he intoned, seizing the card and retreating into the shelter of the guard post to verify its authenticity. The remaining sentinels kept a watchful eye on Cain, their suspicion undiminished.

Cain couldn't help but admire the efficiency of Team Rocket's management system in Mahogany Town. The capable guards and strict protocols spoke volumes about the organization's stronghold in such a crucial location. It was clear that they were prepared for any confrontation with the Association.

The verification process was brief. Once Cain's identity card had been inspected, the guard returned it and gestured for his comrade to open the fence. They granted Cain passage, though he knew that the real challenge lay ahead.

The Lake of Rage Research Base was still an hour's journey from the entrance, but Cain could already sense a change in the atmosphere. Team Rocket members no longer bothered to conceal their allegiance. Some donned the organization's signature uniforms, while others displayed the iconic emblem on their chests.

To blend in, Cain retrieved a Team Rocket medal from his belt and fastened it to his shirt. He then tucked his shirt into his pants, leaving the Team Rocket belt in full view. The conspicuous display reduced the curious glances in his direction.

With a flick of his wrist, Cain released Murkrow from its Pokéball. The sudden appearance of the Dark/Flying-type Pokémon caused the lingering stares to vanish altogether.

At times, it was essential to reveal one's prowess to deter potential adversaries. Cain had successfully demonstrated his strength, and those with ulterior motives now thought twice before crossing him.

With Murkrow by his side, Cain strode confidently toward the Lake of Rage Research Base. As they advanced, more and more Team Rocket members and their Pokémon appeared, paying no heed to Cain's presence. He had seamlessly assimilated into his surroundings, becoming just another cog in the machine of Team Rocket's operation.

An hour later, Cain arrived at the entrance of a clandestine underground passage. A group of ten uniformed Team Rocket members stood guard, their vigilant eyes scanning the surroundings as they encircled the entrance.

The atmosphere here was palpably tense, a stark contrast to the more relaxed checkpoints Cain had encountered earlier.

His approach drew their attention, but they appeared less rigid than before. They likely assumed that anyone in this area had already passed multiple layers of security, their identity as a Team Rocket member well-established.

However, this particular junction was off-limits to all but the higher-ups. As Cain drew closer, two formidable guards moved to block his path.

"You can't come any closer, kid," one of the guards, a particularly menacing figure, said with a sinister grin. His fearsome visage was enough to strike terror into the hearts of even the bravest children.

"I need to speak with your officer. It's important," Cain replied, his gaze unwavering.

The towering guard loomed over Cain, his muscular frame dwarfing him in comparison. He stood at least two meters tall, casting an imposing shadow over the young infiltrator.

The two guards exchanged glances, sizing up Cain and the Murkrow perched on his shoulder. Despite their intimidating presence, Cain held his ground, betraying no fear or inexperience. It was evident that he was no ordinary recruit.

"Fine, come with us. But keep your eyes straight ahead!" the hulking guard commanded.

Cain's display of courage and the prowess of his Pokémon had earned their grudging respect. After all, they reasoned, if they allowed just anyone to waltz in and demand an audience with their officer, that person would likely end up on the wrong side of a one-way ticket to the afterlife.

As they approached the entrance to the underground passage, the fearsome guard led Cain to a seemingly unremarkable young man with an average build.

"Officer, this kid wants to see you," the burly guard said, his voice noticeably subdued.

The officer, who appeared quite ordinary, was undoubtedly formidable; his position guarding this crucial entrance was a testament to his strength. Absentmindedly picking at his nails with a dagger, he glanced up at Cain and inquired, "What do you want?"

"If there's nothing else, Officer, I'll head back to my post," the hulking guard stammered, quickly retreating like a timid mouse before a cat.

Cain deftly retrieved a black medal from his belt and flashed it briefly before the young officer, then tucked it away. The medal, a gift from Umbra, signified his status as a reserve member of Team Rocket's Shadow Unit.

Despite the fleeting glimpse, the officer discerned the nature of Cain's medal. His expression shifted, and after scrutinizing Cain for a few seconds, he declared, "I've been waiting for you for quite some time."

Cain's surprise was palpable. What did the officer mean? Had Umbra arranged for this man to meet him here?

The young officer stood, addressing Cain, "Let's go. I'll escort you inside." Turning to the other guards, he added, "I'm taking him in. If any of you dare to slack off, you'll regret it!"

At the sound of his warning, the burly guards shuddered, nodding vigorously to demonstrate their understanding.

Satisfied with their response, the young officer unlocked the door to the underground entrance and gestured for Cain to follow him into the shadows beyond.