Chapter 141:

Cain smiled and nodded in understanding. "Would you two like something to eat? I was just about to start a barbecue," he said, pulling out a pile of supplies and tools. His appearance as a typical wilderness survival trainer, along with his previous Association ID card, dispelled ninety percent of the duo's doubts. After all, Cain didn't look that old, and they reasoned that if they were his age, they wouldn't be so calm in such situations either.

"Haha, now that you mention it, I am pretty hungry," one of them said, patting his stomach with a hearty laugh. They had been battling Team Rocket all day and hadn't eaten much.

The other man nodded as well, but compared to his companion, he remained more cautious. They were in the wilderness, after all, and it never hurt to be careful. Cain didn't mind their attitudes and started grilling the meat. His Pokémon, too, looked eager and impatient. Everything seemed normal.

The two men didn't summon their Pokémon, but they kept their Poké Balls within easy reach, ready to call upon their partners at a moment's notice in case of any trouble. They chose their seating strategically, ensuring that they would have enough time to react and summon their Pokémon for defense if any of Cain's Pokémon made suspicious moves.

Moreover, they weren't too worried about Cain's Pokémon. Although they appeared strong, they seemed no match for their own. The reason they didn't summon their Pokémon right away was that they weren't used to eating with them. Another factor was that their Pokémon had been battling all day and had already been fed when they were recalled to their Poké Balls. It was better to let them rest inside.

Not everyone was like Cain, who enjoyed dining with his Pokémon. Many people treated their Pokémon like pets, and keeping them fed was considered a high level of care. Some even saw Pokémon as disposable tools, to be discarded after use.


It didn't take long for the meat to cook. Cain's expert grilling skills and the variety of seasonings he used surprised the duo, and the rich aroma soon filled the air. "It should be ready to eat now," Cain said, cutting a small piece of meat from a larger chunk with a dagger and popping it into his mouth.

Watching Cain stuff the golden-brown grilled meat into his mouth, the man who had first claimed to be hungry couldn't help but swallow his saliva. However, since it was someone else's food, they didn't feel comfortable helping themselves without permission.

The other man had initially been wary, fearing that Cain might tamper with the meat. However, as Cain had grilled the meat under their watchful eyes, using ordinary ingredients and seasonings, he gradually let go of his concerns. The aroma of the grilled meat was just too enticing.

Under their eager gazes, Cain tasted every piece of grilled meat to check if any were undercooked. This only made the two men even hungrier.

It seemed as though Cain just realized his rudeness, and he gave an apologetic smile to the two trainers. "Ah, I'm sorry. I got too absorbed in grilling. I don't have many hobbies, but I love cooking. Why don't you try my barbecue? The taste should be pretty good."

Both trainers waved their hands to indicate it was no big deal. But looking at the huge chunks of meat on the grill, they couldn't help but wonder why Cain had chosen such large pieces, which made it difficult for them to dig in. They hadn't prepared any utensils in their haste.

Sensing their awkwardness, Cain slapped his forehead and pulled two sets of tools from his ring, handing them over. Then, he sliced the juiciest and most golden part of the meat from the fattest piece with a dagger, skewered it, and handed it to the famished trainer who had been complaining about his hunger earlier.

"Thank you, thank you."

Amidst his profuse gratitude, Cain placed the meat into the trainer's bowl. Unable to wait any longer, the trainer began eating with a fork.

Cain then found another succulent piece of meat, cut a large chunk, and offered it to the other trainer, whose eyes eagerly followed the dagger. For some reason, the meat seemed to stick to the dagger, refusing to let go. Growing impatient, the trainer picked up his fork and bowl to help Cain peel the meat off the blade.

Little did he know, a sinister smile gradually spread across Cain's face, revealing a hint of ruthlessness. As the corner of his mouth curled up, a chilling murderous intent emerged in his previously calm, black eyes.

Finally, the meat was torn from the dagger, but Cain's hand showed no sign of pausing. A flash of white light reflected in his eyes as the sharp blade sliced through an artery, sending a clear sensation through the dagger.

The trainer's eyes widened in shock, realizing that his guard had been down at the worst possible moment.

"One down!", Cain thought to himself.

The other trainer, who was mid-bite, was also taken aback. He never expected the seemingly naive young man before them to suddenly attack his companion. It was now obvious to even the dullest observer that this youth was the target of their search.

But his surprise lasted only a moment, and without even bothering to spit out the meat, he violently pulled the fork from his mouth and lunged at Cain.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The trainer hadn't even summoned his Pokémon, so his best choice was to deal with the youth using his fork and then confront the Pokémon afterward. As a mid-level Association trainer, he had plenty of wilderness survival experience and had killed before, so there was no hesitation.

The cold, gleaming fork was aimed straight at Cain's neck. Their cramped surroundings meant it would reach its target in no time.

But it was as if Cain had anticipated the other trainer's move. He showed no intention of backing away, knowing that doing so would only result in impaling himself on the approaching fork.

Using the momentum of the swing, he shifted his body just a few centimeters forward, narrowly avoiding the fork's aim at his throat. Instead, it found purchase in his shoulder. Before Cain's brain could even process the pain, the dagger gripped tightly in his hand continued its swing.

Seeing that his fork had missed its mark, the trainer's face changed color as he tried to pull it out. But by that time, the dagger had already reached the man's back. "Sqwelp!" The fifteen-centimeter blade plunged hilt-deep into his spine, severing it in an instant. "Thud! Thud!" Both of the trainer's lifeless bodies collapsed one after the other.

The altercation took place within a mere second or two, too fast for Murkrow and the others to react. Although they knew the two men were trouble and were prepared to take them out within five seconds upon receiving the order. The intruders were cautious and seated far from the Pokemon, whilst also being ready to summon their own Pokémon and defend themselves if necessary. So it fell upon Cain to handle the situation.

And fortunately, he succeeded.