Chapter 144:

"Is... is this price really justified?" Cain's offer left the seller's previously grandiose claims falling apart like a house of cards. "This is a mid-level Pokémon, and it's the final evolved form."

Cain clearly wasn't just throwing out a random number; he had hit the nail on the head. He glanced at the seller and said dismissively, "Mid-level? It's barely reached that point. If this were a Pidgeot, I'd be willing to pay you 400,000, but unfortunately, it's just a Fearow. This price is fair."

Though both Pidgeot and Fearow were final evolved forms, their prices differed significantly. Pidgeot's base stats were higher than Fearow's, and its appearance was far more impressive. While a Pokémon's looks didn't really impact its battle capabilities, appearances still mattered.

Consider this: both were flying Pokémon, but who would attract more attention, someone riding a majestic Pidgeot or someone perched on the peculiar-looking Fearow? Plus, Pidgeot evolved from Pidgeotto at level 36, while Fearow evolved from Spearow at level 20. It was natural that a three-stage evolution would be more valuable than a two-stage one.

Cain's mention of Fearow's barely mid-level qualifications left the seller with little room to negotiate. In the end, wincing in pain, the seller accepted Cain's payment of 100,000 Pokédollars, and Cain added the Fearow to his collection.

The seller had tried to persuade Cain to pay more, even if it was just a few thousand extra, but Cain remained firm at 100,000 – take it or leave it. This Fearow had been on sale for quite some time, and though many people had inquired about it, they'd all backed out after learning it was a Fearow. Its appearance simply wasn't appealing, and the asking price was too high.

Cain fastened the Poké Ball containing Fearow to his belt with a smile and left the black market satisfied. Others might care about a Pokémon's looks, but Cain wasn't so superficial. As long as it was useful, he didn't care if it was attractive or not – although his current Pokémon were all rather good-looking.

This Fearow was just a temporary addition. If he found a better Pokémon later, he could easily swap it out without feeling a pang of guilt. Moreover, this Fearow was already tamed, so with a bit of training, it would be ready for use. No more exhausting runs for Cain when traveling.

After leaving the black market, Cain didn't linger in Goldenrod City. He headed straight for the city's Magnet Train station. He had met Whitney while traveling on the Magnet Train, and although the experience might not have been the best for Cain, the outcome was still positive.

He had gained his first long-term client, who would periodically transfer money into his account, and he didn't have to worry about any secrets being leaked. Cain arrived at the station just in time to catch the last Magnet Train of the day, departing in ten minutes.

He sprinted to buy a luxury-class ticket and boarded the train just as the doors were closing.

The luxurious train compartment, just like the one from Cain's previous experience, had two seats specially set apart in a private cabin, offering excellent service and privacy.

As Cain entered the cabin, he noticed there was already someone seated inside.

Upon seeing Cain, the occupant offered a gentle smile as a greeting.

Cain looked at the young man sitting gracefully in his seat, a puzzled expression on his face.

The young man wore an elegant smile, dressed in an aristocratic attire complete with a small tuxedo. A red silk cravat adorned his neckline, a favorite among the nobility. Combined with his short silver hair, he greatly resembled someone from Cain's memory.


Steven Stone?

The future champion of the Hoenn region? A steel-type Pokémon expert, the son of the president of Devon Corporation, and Devon's young master, Steven?

Cain could hardly believe his eyes.

But no matter how much he doubted, he couldn't deny that the young man sitting across from him was indeed Steven, though not yet a champion.

Cain, however stunned, managed to keep his composure.

He returned a slight smile as a polite gesture and took his seat.

After Cain sat down, the train jolted slightly before settling into a smooth ride.

"Is that a Skorupi?" Steven was the first to break the silence between them.

With a confident grin, he looked at the blue and purple creature perched on Cain's shoulder.

Although his tone was questioning, the certainty in his voice was unmistakable.

"Yes, it is." Cain chuckled, gently stroking Skorupi on his shoulder and nodding in agreement.

Unexpectedly, the usually sleepy Skorupi woke up after Cain's touch.

It let out a soft cry and nuzzled Cain's cheek before crawling down his arm, aiming to reach the armrest. Still groggy from sleep, it missed the edge and nearly fell, but fortunately, its tail hooked onto Cain's clothes, saving it from plummeting.

With the help of its tail, Skorupi slowly climbed up from its dangling position and successfully leaped onto the armrest. It gazed curiously at Steven across the cabin.

"Haha, what a cute little fellow!" Steven laughed, entertained by Skorupi's antics as he patted the seat.

Cain smiled, caressing Skorupi's back. Thanks to the nourishing Miltank milk, Skorupi's shell had become incredibly smooth, feeling like polished jade under Cain's touch.

"I've traveled to the Sinnoh region before, and Skorupi are quite common there. But it's a rare sight in the Johto region. Are you from Sinnoh?" Steven became more familiar after their brief interaction.

As the heir to the Devon Corporation, Steven was well-versed in social niceties.

Of course, given his current status, his conversation was free of ulterior motives. Besides, Cain had nothing that could pique his interest.

What could the Devon Corporation's young master possibly lack?

Skorupi, although not a weak Pokemon, only piqued Steven's interest because it was his first time encountering one in its infancy.

"No, I'm from the Kanto region. I found this little guy by chance," Cain said with a smile, shaking his head.

"Wow, it's lucky to have met a Trainer like you. Skorupi doesn't look this good when it's just hatched. You must have put a lot of effort into raising it," Steven said, rubbing his chin.

He had never seen a baby Skorupi before, but he had never lagged in his knowledge of Pokémon, even those from the Sinnoh region.

In his understanding, young Skorupi had a very ugly and dull shell. Clearly, Cain had carefully nurtured this one.