Chapter 152:

"Kadabra, use Kinesis."

Kinesis was an exclusive move for Kadabra and Alakazam, allowing them to bend their spoons, distracting opponents and lowering their accuracy.

The strategy was sound: if the opponent wanted to increase their speed and attack power, lowering their accuracy would render their attacks useless, negating the benefits of their moves.

This tactic would work well against most Pokémon, but as Cain heard the command, a mocking smile spread across his face, and a playful glint appeared in his dark eyes.

Through the exchange of moves, Cain realized that his opponent didn't fully understand Sneasel's abilities.

Sneasel had three possible abilities, one of which was Keen Eye. Pokémon with this ability couldn't have their accuracy lowered by any means, and evasion-boosting moves were ineffective against them.

However, since his opponent didn't seem to know this, Cain was more than happy to take advantage.

With a smile, Cain continued, "Sneasel, use Agility again, then Hone Claws."

Upon hearing Cain's command, the Kadabra's trainer hesitated, thinking Cain was trying to outperform him in boosting their Pokémon's stats. After all, the combined effects of Agility and Hone Claws were stronger than those of Kinesis.

However, he didn't think that his Kadabra's Kinesis would be less effective than Sneasel's moves. He had won many battles against Dark-type Pokémon using this technique.

Learning from his experience, he didn't verbally issue a command this time, but instead communicated through telepathy.

His eyes emitted a faint blue glow as he directly issued commands into Kadabra's mind. Kadabra was no stranger to battling in this manner with its Trainer, and upon receiving the instructions, it used Kinesis once more.

Sabrina, who had been watching the battle, suddenly widened her eyes. She glanced at Azure's confident demeanor and then at her seemingly indifferent partner, Umbra, muttering, "Are we watching an idiot fight?"

Umbra couldn't hold back a laugh, his face trembling as he tried to suppress his amusement. Finally, he burst out laughing, "Hahaha, you Psychic Trainers are always overconfident in your abilities!"

Having been mocked as a "Muggle" by Sabrina just moments ago, Umbra felt he had regained some pride. Sabrina, annoyed by his teasing, rolled her eyes.

The battle continued, with the onlookers growing bored. What was so interesting about a fight like this? But there were limits to how much a stat could be raised or lowered.

Sneasel, who had been continuously using Agility and Hone Claws, hadn't reached its cap yet, but Kadabra had already hit the limit for lowering its opponent's stats using Kinesis.

By this time, Azure had noticed something was off; Cain's expression remained calm, as if not worried about the reduced accuracy. Instead, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Deciding not to play Cain's game any longer, Azure's eyes flashed blue once more, commanding Kadabra to attack.

Kadabra held the spoon to its chest, but instead of bending it, a Psychic wave tinged with pink light radiated from the utensil. As a Psychic-type himself, Cain could sense the powerful energy surging through Kadabra's spoon and knew Azure wasn't going to continue the stalemate any longer.

"Dodge, Sneasel!"

With its amplified speed from Agility, Sneasel effortlessly evaded the Psybeam fired from Kadabra's spoon, which had a chance of confusing its target. Then Sneasel charged towards the Kadabra, swiftly closing the distance between them.

Nevertheless, Kadabra remained composed and under Azure's telepathic command, it continuously waved its spoon shooting out Psybeams, whilst simultaneously using its potent psychic power to track Sneasel's movements.

"Sneasel, use Ice Shard while moving!"

If Kadabra wanted to attack, they would too. It was now up to the Psychic-type to decide between dodging or continuing its assault. Sneasel created chunks of ice in its paws, hurling them at Kadabra while running.

As Cain had anticipated, Kadabra chose not to face Sneasel's attack. After all, Kadabra was known for its high Special Attack and low physical defence; it wouldn't withstand many hits.


Unlike Slowpoke's long-range Teleport, Kadabra's short-range version was nearly instantaneous. When Kadabra was still an Abra, it only knew one move: Teleport.

So, when it came to the move Teleport, it was safe to say that it had been mastered to the point of being used in actual battles.

"Sneasel, Quick Attack!"

But as fast as Kadabra's Teleport was, after receiving several speed boosts, Sneasel's Quick Attack was even faster.

The battlefield wasn't vast, and the distance was negligible for Sneasel's Quick Attack.

As soon as Kadabra used Teleport to dodge a barrage of icy shards, a flash of black light signaled Sneasel's arrival right in front of it.

However, Kadabra and its trainer, Azure, weren't worried about Sneasel's attack. They had used Kinesis several times, which should have significantly reduced Sneasel's accuracy.

Smirking confidently, Azure was met with a similar smile from Cain, who commanded, "Sneasel, Bite!"

Switching moves mid-battle was always Sneasel's weak point due to its lack of synergy with Cain, causing a delay in using new moves.

This time was no exception; only after hearing Cain's command did Sneasel prepare to use Bite.

But this time, it didn't matter. The opponents, already confident in their victory, didn't bother dodging, giving Sneasel the opportunity it needed. Its fangs, glowing with dark, sinister energy, clamped down on Kadabra, causing significant damage.

"Yow!!" Kadabra yelped in pain, instinctively using Teleport to put some distance between it and Sneasel.

Fighting Sneasel up close would be a death wish for Kadabra.

Azure stared in disbelief at Cain and Sneasel, then at his own Kadabra. Meanwhile, Sabrina, who had been secretly watching the match, slapped her forehead in frustration and muttered, "Let's go. This is pointless. Ugh." With a smile that wasn't quite a smile, she Teleported away from the scene.

For them, the outcome of this match was already apparent.

Cain would win!

This was the crushing power of knowledge!