Chapter 162:

Cain had been traversing Diglett's Cave for a full three hours, passing an underground market and countless unexplored branching tunnels, before he and Slowpoke ventured into an unknown tunnel for the first time.

Cain held a torch specifically designed for cave exploration. This metal torch would burn continuously as long as it had fuel, remaining lit even in a breeze. It was an excellent tool for use in the wild.

After walking through the dark tunnel for fifteen minutes, Cain released his Pokémon to enjoy their lunch together. Skorupi, who had never been in a Poké Ball for so long, clung to Cain and refused to let go. If it weren't for the tempting food, it wouldn't have been so easy to coax Skorupi off of him.

The lunch passed joyfully. Cain didn't return his Pokémon to their Poké Balls but continued further into the tunnel. Before entering the branching path, he had Slowpoke leave a Psychic mark, allowing them to find their way back to the original location even without Teleport.

He wasn't sure if it was his luck or something else, but the first branching path he chose seemed to go on indefinitely, so he simply continued down it.

As they ventured deeper into the tunnel, the bustling crowd receded, and wild Pokemon began to appear more frequently. The area was teeming with Zubats and Rattatas.

Because it was naturally dark here, the arrival of light brought by Cain and his team startled the wild Pokemon, prompting them to attack. Cain's system revealed that their levels ranged from 8 to 15, making them ideal opponents for his Gastly and Skorupi.

Despite being only level 5, Skorupi's innate talent far outclassed that of the wild Pokémon, enabling it to hold its own in battles, particularly with Gastly providing support.

As it was Skorupi's first time battling, its reactions were occasionally sluggish, hesitating before executing Cain's commands and using its moves incorrectly.

At times, Skorupi's slow response allowed the wild Pokemon to land a hit. Fortunately, Cain had stocked up on potions and Miltank's Milk, so Skorupi could gradually wear down its opponents. If needed, Gastly could step in, ensuring victory.

However, the first time Skorupi was hit, it almost burst into tears. It had been coddled by Cain and the other Pokemon since birth and had never experienced pain before. When Skorupi turned to seek comfort from Cain, it found only a stern expression, devoid of any intention to console.

With encouragement from Slowpoke and Miltank, Skorupi stifled its feelings of injustice and channeled its anger towards its opponents. It triumphed over its first adversary—a level 9 Rattata with a red aptitude, a relatively weak foe—but Skorupi rejoiced in its victory.

Once the battle ended, Cain immediately healed Skorupi and praised its hard-won success. Skorupi nearly broke down in tears, its earlier grievances wiped away.

From then on, Skorupi understood that during battles, Cain, as its trainer, wouldn't show mercy or sympathy. Only by fighting hard could it gain Cain's approval and enjoy the soothing massages from his warm hands (while being healed).

Skorupi were an inherently combative Pokemon, prone to attacking trainers and Pokemon in the wild. Its battlelust was strong. Knowing it would earn Cain's praise and fight like the other Pokemon on the team, Skorupi craved victories.

It became particularly enamored with battling after leveling up from defeating an opponent. Skorupi's desire to grow stronger surpassed that of every other Pokemon on Cain's team.

Even the ever-aggressive Murkrow paled in comparison to Skorupi's ferocity.

"Skorupi, close in and use Bite," Cain commanded, as he oversaw Skorupi's battle from the sidelines.

In just an hour, Skorupi, who didn't have to worry about injuries or fatigue, plunged into a frenzy of combat. It fiercely bit down on the level 13, orange-aptitude Rattata in front of it, using its sharp, dark energy-infused teeth. It refused to let go until its prey had lost all ability to fight back.

After defeating Rattata, a scan of the AI system revealed that Skorupi's level had risen once again, reaching level 9 and mastering its first Bug-type move, Pin Missile.

It must be said that Skorupi's battle talent was terrifyingly impressive, especially considering its blue aptitude. In just an hour, it could execute moves on Cain's command, responding only a little slower than Sneasel.

Imagine if Skorupi were given a full day of battle; it would likely surpass Sneasel, who would once again become the Pokémon on the team with the worst sense of timing in combat.

Sneasel watched this scene unfold, its eyes revealing a hint of urgency despite its cold demeanor.

The wild Pokémon encountered along the way were simply too weak, offering no opportunity for Sneasel to practice its moves.

Invariably, they were quickly defeated by Skorupi's attacks, with only a few making it to Gastly.

Left with no choice, Sneasel had to suppress its restless heart and wait for the appearance of more powerful wild Pokémon.

"Skorupi, that's enough for now. Take a break, and we'll let Gastly handle the rest," Cain said, recalling Skorupi to his side after it defeated another Rattata.

An increase of four levels in just an hour was already a substantial improvement. Skorupi's body, originally the size of a basketball, had grown to nearly twice that size. The progress was undeniably significant.

However, sometimes rapid growth could be a double-edged sword, as it could lead to losing fine control of one's body, particularly for Pokémon like Skorupi that were in the midst of their growth phase. With the increase in size causing some coordination issues.

During the earlier use of Bite, Skorupi had struggled to control the force of its jaw, nearly allowing Rattata to escape.