Chapter 165:

Thanks to Murkrow's selfless dedication, even if it wasn't the most powerful Pokémon on the team, it was the only one that all the others recognized and respected as their "big brother."

Murkrow took the lead in comforting Gastly, encouraging it to focus on absorbing energy. Slowpoke and Sneasel wouldn't be left behind, of course. After offering words of reassurance, they turned to face the incoming swarm of Zubats, grinning with a hint of cruelty.

Amid the group of Zubats were a few Golbats. They hid among the Zubats, occasionally roaring commands, clearly directing the massive horde to attack.

Cain scoffed. "A bunch of garbage. You think having numbers gives you an advantage? We need more experience anyway."

Both Zubats and Golbats were Poison and Flying-type Pokémon. Slowpoke's Psychic powers countered the Poison-type, while Sneasel's Ice powers countered Flying-types. These two would serve as the primary attackers, with Murkrow providing support and dealing with any escapees.

"Slowpoke, unleash Confusion without restraint! Sneasel, let loose an Icy Wind to cool them down. Murkrow, use Gust to aid Sneasel's Icy Wind!"

Facing a swarm of at least a hundred Zubats in the cramped tunnel, no matter how their moves were executed, they would surely hit their targets. The Golbats hid among the Zubats, waiting for their brethren to take the first round of attacks before they would strike.

Having used Calm Mind for a period of time, Slowpoke's psychic powers were surging, threatening to overflow. Cain could never understand how Slowpoke possessed such seemingly limitless psychic energy, but perhaps that was one of the unique aspects Sabrina had mentioned.

Once Slowpoke managed to control the foremost Zubats with Confusion, Sneasel charged to the front, releasing an icy breath laden with snow. The chilling aura enveloped all Zubats and Golbats in its reach.

Thanks to the narrow tunnel, Sneasel's Icy Wind didn't go to waste, displaying its full effectiveness. Murkrow then took to the air, using Gust to create two small whirlwinds that carried Sneasel's Icy Wind further along, right into the path of the Zubats.

"Murkrow, use Gust again! Sneasel, keep up the Icy Wind and follow with Ice Shard! Let them feel the wrath of a blizzard! Slowpoke, forget the Zubats and focus on the Golbats with Psyshock!"

Two small snow-laden whirlwinds already occupied the tunnel, but Cain wasn't ready to stop there. Instead, he urged Murkrow and Sneasel to increase their power, aiming to finish off the Zubats in one go.

The Golbats, although stiffened by the cold, were still capable of moving. Unlike the frail bodies of the Zubats, their larger bodies contained much more blood, so they could function normally. However, they struggled to cope with Slowpoke's relentless Psyshocks, leading to them being unable to break free from the snow whirlwinds created by Murkrow and Sneasel.

Seconds later, four more tornadoes filled with snow and ice shards appeared in the tunnel, joining the previous two to surround all the Zubats and Golbats. A cruel smile tugged at Cain's lips as he continued, "Murkrow, add a little something extra to the mix. Unleash Hidden Power!"

Murkrow's electric Hidden Power was particularly effective against the flying Zubats, dealing double the damage. So, as Slowpoke and Sneasel continued their relentless attacks, Murkrow quickly condensed a yellow energy orb.

Aiming the orb crackling with electricity, he threw it right into the center of the blizzard.


A violent explosion echoed through the tunnel, causing a slight tremor.

After the explosion, the blizzard dissipated, leaving only a few astonished Golbats and a handful of Zubats struggling to stay airborne. The battered Zubats swayed from side to side, obviously unable to hold on much longer.

It was only then that they realized their great numbers didn't guarantee their victory. With just a few moves, their forces had been reduced to a mere handful.

The Golbats, having survived and evolved in the wild, weren't mindless creatures. Sensing danger, they attempted to flee.

"Trying to escape now? It's not that easy. Sneasel, use Ice Punch after a Quick Attack. Slowpoke, keep using Psyshocks! Murkrow, deal with the remaining Zubats," Cain coldly commanded as he watched the Golbats attempt to escape.


With a chilling cry, Sneasel transformed into a black streak of light and appeared in front of a Golbat in an instant.

A fist imbued with powerful ice energy struck the Golbat, taking it down with a single blow.

Although the previous Icy Wind and Ice Shard attacks hadn't defeated them, they had left the Golbats' wings encrusted with ice, making each flap a stiff and laborious effort.

There were four Golbats in total. Slowpoke's Psyshocks ensnared two of them, and they were steadily losing ground under its relentless assault. It wouldn't be long before they succumbed.

Neither escape nor attack was an option for the slowed Golbats.

If they tried to attack, they'd be taken out by Slowpoke before even getting close. If they attempted to flee, they would expose their backs to both Slowpoke and Sneasel. The Golbat taken out by Sneasel's single strike served as a cautionary tale.

Sneasel, after dealing with one, wasted no time in closing in on another Golbat. Ice Punch with one hand and Metal Claw with the other, it delivered a lethal combo that defeated its opponent.

This Golbat was considerably stronger than the previous one, only falling to the ground after enduring two rounds of attacks.

But the outcome was the same - none could withstand Sneasel's relentless assault.

As Sneasel finished off the two Golbats, Murkrow also eliminated the remaining Zubats with ease.

Soon after, the two Golbats Slowpoke was dealing with plummeted to the ground, blood dripping from the corners of their eyes. Evidently, Slowpoke's Psyshock had killed them from within.

And thus, all the Zubats and Golbats lured by the scent lay dead on the ground, unable to escape their fate.