Chapter 169:

After dinner, the Pokémon rested nearby.

"Beep! Data analysis complete. Database restructuring finished!"

Suddenly, the voice of the AI system rang in Cain's mind.

Cain was momentarily taken aback, then remembered that two days ago, he had asked the AI system to analyze the data obtained from the Lake of Rage Research Base. The timing was about right for the analysis to be complete.

"System, what's the effective data utilization rate?" Cain asked.

[Effective Data Utilization Rate: Out of the 15% of data copied from the Lake of Rage Research Base's database, not all of it was useful. Some of it was bound to be useless junk data, hence the term "effective data utilization rate."]

"Effective Data Utilization Rate: 78%."

Cain was somewhat surprised by this number. He hadn't expected there to be so much useful data. It seemed that the Lake of Rage Research Base really did hold a vast amount of valuable information, but it was a shame that it was now inaccessible.

"Did any of the previous tasks correspond to this data?"

Cain was especially concerned about his talent as a Psychic trainer, the hatching of the Larvitar egg, and the specific effects of the half bottle of Elixir of Evolution.

"Task analysis initiated, restarting tasks, estimated time: 1 day."

The AI system needed to reanalyze the newly acquired data according to the tasks, a process that made Cain feel it was lacking in intelligence.

Fortunately, this time, it only had to analyze the newly obtained data, which was relatively quick. In just one more day, Cain would know the results.

"System, establish another task: simulate the production of a high-quality Pokéblock for Metang, with the requirement that it does not slow down Metang's growth and minimizes weight gain."

Cain still remembered the configuration for Metang's exclusive high-quality Pokéblock. After all, if he could successfully produce it, it would be a steady source of income and he could possibly even curry favor with the Devon Corporation.

"Beep! Task established!" The AI system's mechanical voice sounded, confirming that the task had been created, but no estimated completion time was provided. The AI system was uncertain if such a Pokéblock configuration was possible due to the high requirements.

Temporarily putting these matters aside, Cain took out a set of specialized Pokéblock production tools from his ring.

It had been a while since he last used them and his primary goal this time was to create exclusive Pokéblocks for Miltank and Sneasel.

Ever since leaving the black market, Cain hadn't found the time to do this. With some free time now, he decided to create the exclusive high-quality Pokéblocks for the two Pokémon.

After all, Pokéblocks, which subtly improved Pokémon growth, were most effective when used as early as possible.

Cain began by crafting Miltank's high-quality Pokéblock. He first ground and crushed some basic materials, then placed them in different containers.

These materials were essential for producing high-quality Pokéblocks. Their main function was to enhance a Pokémon's physical fitness, subtly improving their talent while, to some extent, speeding up the recovery of their stamina.

This was the basic effect of high-quality Pokéblocks, which even mid-quality Pokéblocks had, albeit to a lesser extent.

Next came the key ingredients for Miltank's exclusive formula: medicinal herbs that only unleashed their full potency when combined, taste-altering and slightly efficacy-enhancing berries, and most importantly, a powdered mixture of branches, leaves, and roots rich in grass energy.

Under the guidance of the system, ingredients were painstakingly measured down to the milligram and poured into the largest container in a precise sequence. The stirring speed and time had to be tightly controlled, as these factors would influence the final effect of the Pokéblocks.

This was the major challenge in crafting advanced Pokéblocks. Many trainers who could make intermediate Pokéblocks would stumble at this step when attempting to create advanced ones, often getting stuck for a long time.

Once all the ingredients were mixed in the correct proportions, the blender combined them, stirring continuously at a consistent speed for a set period.

Next, the container was placed on the separator, and the switch was flipped on—a critical part of the process. Over-separation could cause the Pokéblock's components to become unbalanced, reducing its effectiveness. Insufficient separation, on the other hand, would result in wasted materials.

To create a high-quality advanced Pokéblock, the creator needed to keep a watchful eye on the slurry-like substance in the container, relying on their experience to control the separation time.

However, Cain didn't need to worry about these details, as the AI system calculated everything precisely, ensuring that each Pokéblock produced was identical in appearance and effect.

After separating the impurities and letting the mixture sit for a moment, it was poured into pre-prepared molds, which were then stacked and set aside to solidify.

The process was repeated for the remaining materials, creating more Pokéblocks. Unlike the rudimentary and inefficient tools on Trial Island, the current equipment allowed for a much faster production speed. In just over an hour, all the Pokéblocks for Miltank were completed.

The liquid in the first mold had solidified entirely, forming a crystal-clear green Pokeblock.

Eager to try it, Miltank popped one into her mouth and immediately displayed an expression of pure bliss.

The advanced Pokéblock Cain crafted for her this time was different from the intermediate ones she had eaten before. After getting to know Miltank's preferences, Cain had made these advanced Pokéblocks in her favorite flavor, which was evident from her relishing expression.

Cain smiled and stored the rest of the solidified Pokéblocks in a dedicated container. Under Miltank's longing gaze, he put the container back into his ring.

Once Miltank's Pokéblocks were done, it was Sneasel's turn.

After witnessing Miltank's delighted reaction upon consuming her Pokéblock, Sneasel grew increasingly impatient. Sitting nearby, he eagerly awaited the completion of his own Pokéblocks.

Different materials required different processes, so the creation of Sneasel's Pokéblocks was another unique method altogether.