Chapter 174:

Cain didn't pay any more attention to the defeated man, who now resembled a homeless dog, utterly worthless.

Initially, the man had shown some spirit and since it was his first time having killed someone, his dazed state was understandable.

However, as the subsequent battle unfolded, Cain realized that the man was beginning to regret his actions. Cain had no interest in his remorse; rather, he saw potential in him to rise through Team Rocket's ranks, as he had maintained composure after his first kill.

However, based on his current performance and realizing that he wouldn't provide any useful information, Cain determined it was best to send this dejected man on his way. Consequently, he instructed Skorupi to finish him off.

No one questioned why Skorupi was chosen for the task; all the Pokémon understood.

Cain activated his system's scanning function to examine the surrounding environment. Within just a few seconds, the system appeared to have located something buried beneath a patch of dirt in the corner of the tunnel.

So after ending the man's life, Skorupi scurried to the corner as instructed, using its pincers to carefully uncover a small package wrapped in silver foil.

Skorupi eagerly picked up the package and attempted to hand it to Cain, but its short stature made it difficult for Cain to reach. Skorupi looked at the package in its pincers, then glanced at Cain's shoulder, tilting its head as it pondered whether its current size and weight would be too much for Cain.

Observing Skorupi's contemplative expression, Cain chuckled, crouched down, and patted its head before taking the package.

Skorupi, seemingly praised by Cain, happily spun in place, playing with its tail like an excited puppy.

Cain weighed the package in his hand; it wasn't heavy, but the contents felt unusually solid.

He carefully unwrapped the foil to reveal its contents.

"Is this... a Moon Stone?" Cain muttered upon seeing the objects inside.

There were three Moon Stones in total, their faint luminescence casting a gentle glow that softened the dim light within the cave.

A flicker of interest sparked within Cain as he scanned the data of the three Moon Stones in his possession.

Name: Moon Stone

Grade: Beginner/Primary

Description: A magical stone that can evolve certain species of Pokémon. Shining bright like the moon at night.

Effect: Enables Pokémon evolution, but does not enhance their innate talent.

All three Moon Stones were of beginner grade, capable of evolving some Pokémon with unique requirements, such as a Nidorino into a Nidoking.

However, beginner-grade evolution stones could not improve a Pokémon's innate talent after evolution. Cain had an intermediate-grade Dusk Stone he had obtained on Trial Island, which could slightly improve the talent of the Pokémon it was used on.

Murkrow could evolve into Honchkrow using that Dusk Stone, but it hadn't yet reached its peak physical limit, and Cain felt that even an intermediate Dusk Stone wouldn't meet the minimum expectations he had for Murkrow.

Murkrow's current aptitude was green, which was considered somewhat low among Cain's Pokémon. However, unlike in his previous life, Cain was not willing to give up on his Pokémon so easily. His ultimate goal was to find a high-grade Dusk Stone, which might help Murkrow break through to a blue aptitude.

Of course, a high-grade evolution stone was not the limit. Above that were top-grade stones, which were incredibly rare. In his previous life, Cain had only heard of them and never seen one.

It was said that a top-grade evolution stone could fetch a price of at least ten million, but they were virtually priceless.

Storing the three Moon Stones in his ring, Cain knew that beginner-grade Moon Stones usually sold for between three hundred thousand and five hundred thousand Pokédollars. If there was high market demand, the price might climb even higher.

No wonder the middle-aged man had been so ruthless, attacking his own friend for the three Moon Stones. Even though they were beginner-grade, their combined value exceeded a million.

For an ordinary person, a million Pokédollars was already a fortune. If you didn't have high expectations, that amount could purchase two green-aptitude Pokémon.

With a plan in mind, one could buy a green-aptitude Pokémon that was easy to train, like a Beedrill, and then strive for further progress. This million Pokédollars could be a ladder to the pinnacle for a civilian trainer, definitely something worth fighting for!

Had the million been split between three or more people, none of them would have experienced a significant change in their lives.

That was probably what the middle-aged man had considered.

Cain glanced at the dead man once more, recalling his final words of regret. If it weren't for the faint possibility of progress that the million Pokédollars offered, he might not have been so decisive.

In the end, Cain was the one who benefited, which was likely the source of the man's regret.

As for where they had found the three beginner-grade Moon Stones and why they had chosen to hide them here instead of fleeing with them, Cain neither knew nor cared.

He released his dark-yellow aptitude Grimer, instructing it to make use of the remains of the three defeated Pokémon.

As for the human corpse, Cain couldn't bear to watch Grimer devour it right in front of him. So he had Slowpoke use Confusion to bury it.

The Grimer from yesterday, which had gorged itself, reappeared with a horrible stench, making it difficult for Cain and his Pokemon to bear. The confined space only intensified the smell.

The Grimer seemed to understand that it had been caught and didn't show any signs of resistance. After all, having food and shelter was much better than living in the dark and dreary tunnels.

Slowly, it absorbed the three Pokemon into its sludge-like body, then lay quietly, waiting for Cain to put it back in its Pokeball and digest the accumulated energy inside it.

The three absorbed Pokemon were significantly stronger and more talented than the Zubat and Golbat it had consumed earlier. Even though there were only three of them, the energy they contained was immense.

Cain promptly put away the obedient Grimer and hurriedly left the side tunnel without looking back.

It was way too stinky!