Chapter 177:

Returning to Vermilion City, Cain's feelings were entirely different from before.

Previously, he was led by Umbra to leave the Trial Island early, carrying a significant mission on his shoulders. At that time, he hadn't yet recovered from the island's violent influences, and he felt a faint sense of coldness towards everyone he encountered.

But now, as he arrived once again, the pressure in Cain's heart had lessened.

With a certain level of strength, one's perspective changes. And although Cain's current strength was still not particularly impressive compared to that of a powerful figure like Umbra, it was no longer the same as that of an ordinary person.

Now, Cain had five main battle Pokemon, one support Pokemon, and one transport Pokemon, making him much stronger than when he had left the Trial Island.

Not only had there been an increase in the number of Pokemon, but their power had grown as well.

Take Murkrow and Slowpoke for example. They had become much stronger since leaving the island.

Although their levels had not increased significantly, their proficiency in utilizing their moves had improved beyond comparison to their previous state. Their battle awareness and fighting techniques had also seen substantial enhancement.

The most dramatic transformation was seen in Gastly, who had not only become considerably stronger, but had also gradually developed his poison attribute.

Cain hailed a cab and headed straight to the largest port in Vermilion City: Vermilion Harbor.

Since he had chosen to travel by sea to the Hoenn region, Cain wanted to board a luxurious cruise liner, such as the S.S. Aqua or the S.S. Anne. These ships were like small cities, with wealthy patrons often chartering them for leisure trips and hosting competitions onboard.

If such a grand liner were to set sail in the coming days, Cain wouldn't mind spending a little extra.

Thanks to the taxi driver's expert driving, Cain arrived at Vermilion Harbor within an hour.

This was his first time at the harbor. When he had returned from Trial Island, he and Umbra had traveled on a cargo ship, so they could only dock at the cargo port.

Gazing at the rows of magnificent luxury cruise ships lined up along the harbor, Cain couldn't help but marvel. Money certainly had its advantages; such a massive ship could likely be exchanged for several pseudo-legendary Pokemon.

This world was truly abundant with affluent individuals.

To Cain's delight, he spotted a towering luxury liner at the harbor, proudly bearing the name S.S. Anne in large letters.

After inquiring at the ticket counter, Cain learned that the illustrious S.S. Anne cruise ship would set sail the day after tomorrow, destined for the coastal city of Sunyshore in the Sinnoh region. En route, the ship would pass through the Hoenn region and make a stop at Slateport City.

Unfortunately, due to the popularity of the S.S. Anne, all standard tickets had already sold out. If one wished to board the ship, only the luxurious suite tickets remained available.

Of course, if one were to disembark at Slateport City, the ticket price would be significantly cheaper.

Cain was taken aback upon discovering that a single ticket cost a whopping 100,000 Pokedollars—surely the luxurious suite didn't warrant such a steep price? One hundred thousand Pokedollars were roughly equivalent to an ordinary family's annual income.

Nonetheless, Cain was left with little choice considering that the next cruise ship bound for Slateport City would only arrive at port three days later and would likely depart a week after that. Furthermore, the subsequent cruise ship wouldn't offer the same level of luxury and grandeur as the S.S. Anne.

The ticket seller informed Cain that the luxurious suite boasted its own private room that was not only spacious and comfortable but also included an indoor training ground for trainers to use.

In the end, Cain swiped his card and spent 100,000 Pokedollars on a luxurious suite ticket.

Earning back 100,000 Pokedollars wouldn't pose much of a challenge for Cain, should he choose to do so.

Staying in a comfortable suite would be preferential for the several days they would spend at sea, as would having access to a professional training ground to ensure his Pokémon didn't become complacent.

After purchasing the ticket, Cain headed towards the Pokémon Center.

Vermilion City was a harbor city, with the entire metropolis permeated by the faint scent of the sea. The city was constructed around the shoreline, with its economic center situated along the coast. Even the Vermilion Gym was built beside the sea.

Thus, the Pokémon Center wasn't too far from the port. Cain, accompanied by his Slowpoke, walked for twenty minutes before arriving at the Pokémon Center.

Cain swiped his Association ID card to enter the building and headed straight for the free public video phone booth.

First, he called Whitney, who had been urging him every few days to produce more Pokeblocks. Her family's dairy farm was simply too large, and Cain's efforts to create the Pokeblocks singlehandedly were like trying to put out a fire with a cup of water.

Cain had considered selling the Pokeblock formula directly to her family, but given his current status and influence, he wouldn't receive a fair price. Acquiring a formula for Pokeblocks—especially one with unique properties—wasn't something money alone could buy.

Furthermore, Whitney's grandfather was a cunning and shrewd man. Cain's power and status paled in comparison to his. In such a lopsided situation, a fair trade was unlikely. It might have been different if it were Steven involved.

After placating Whitney, Cain sent her all the Pokeblocks he had managed to produce in his spare time.

Miltank now used high-grade Pokeblocks. The older inventory Cain had made for it was no longer necessary, so he sent it all along with the new batch to Whitney.

In total, the value was roughly 300,000 Pokedollars, a modest sum for Whitney's family. They often mixed these Pokeblocks with other Pokeblocks, slightly reducing their effectiveness. But it was better than having none at all.

Shortly after the transfer, Cain received a text message confirming the payment.

He had made up his mind: if he successfully forged a connection with Steven, he would ask him to broker the deal for the intermediate Pokeblock formula. Despite its simplicity, crafting the Pokeblocks took up a considerable amount of his time. More importantly, Cain was in dire need of money right now.

He needed to explore and exhaust every possibility to enhance the strength of his Pokemon before the final trial on Trial Island began.

After Whitney, Cain dialed Steven's number as displayed on his phone.

He waited for a moment, and just when Cain thought Steven wasn't around and was about to give up, the video call connected.

"Hey Cain, what brings you to call me? Did you make progress with the formula?" Steven appeared on the screen, took a towel from a servant, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and spoke.

Wealthy show-off!

Cain silently cursed at Steven's comfortable appearance in his mind.

However, not a trace of discontent showed on his face. He smiled and said, "The formula is almost ready. My teacher is working hard on it and some components are already confirmed, so you can start preparing for them."

Upon hearing Cain's words, Steven's eyes instantly lit up. "So soon? No wonder you're a genius, having been raised by such an expert breeder. Ordinary people would need at least half a year of research upon hearing my request, with no guarantee of success, and they'd charge an outrageous price."