Jing Yuan Is Caught

This Weibo post was also reposted by the Liang Corporation and even became a trending topic.

#Precious Wen Chen#

Such a trending topic made Wen Chen famous. Wen Chen had always been praised and chased after. He had never been so embarrassed.

Back then, he was also the center of attention in school because of the love poems Jing Yao wrote for him. At that time, he was secretly delighted and thought that Jing Yao really liked him. On the other hand, he felt embarrassed. He also thought that as long as he was related to Jing Yao, he would be mocked by the people around him, so he became even more distant from Jing Yao after that.

He didn't know that Zhang Li was even more dissatisfied with Jing Yao because of his estrangement. She even felt that Jing Yao's existence was meaningless. She was investing at that time. Coincidentally, Zhou Lin came to her and told her that she would definitely make a profit in the entertainment industry.